/// import { ReactElement } from 'react'; import { Stream } from 'xstream'; import { Transition } from './transition'; export declare type MountResponse = MountRender | MountRedirect; export interface MountRender { state: 'render'; /** Status code to return if running on a server (defaults to 200) */ status?: number; /** Page title */ title: Stream; /** Stream of dom values */ body?: Stream>; } export interface MountRedirect { state: 'redirect'; /** Status code to return if running on a server (defaults to 301) */ status?: number; /** Location to redirect to */ location: Transition<{}>; } /** * Terminate the middleware sequence */ export declare function defaultResponse(): MountResponse; export declare function mapResponse(fn: (r: MountRender) => MountResponse): (r: MountResponse) => MountResponse;