import { IFontManager, FontFormat } from '@deathbeds/jupyterlab-fonts'; import { JupyterLab, JupyterFrontEndPlugin } from '@jupyterlab/application'; const variants = ['Light', 'Regular', 'Medium', 'Bold']; const variantPromises: { [key: string]: () => Promise } = { Light: async () => { return (await import(`!!file-loader!firacode/distr/woff2/FiraCode-Light.woff2`)) .default; }, Regular: async () => { return (await import(`!!file-loader!firacode/distr/woff2/FiraCode-Regular.woff2`)) .default; }, Medium: async () => { return (await import(`!!file-loader!firacode/distr/woff2/FiraCode-Medium.woff2`)) .default; }, Bold: async () => { return (await import(`!!file-loader!firacode/distr/woff2/FiraCode-Bold.woff2`)) .default; }, }; function register(fonts: IFontManager) { variants.forEach((variant) => { fonts.registerFontFace({ name: `Fira Code ${variant}`, license: { spdx: 'OFL-1.1', name: 'SIL Open Font License 1.1', text: async () => { return (await import('!!raw-loader!firacode/LICENSE')).default; }, holders: [ `Copyright (c) 2014, Nikita Prokopov with Reserved Font Name Fira Code.`, `Copyright (c) 2014, Mozilla Foundation with Reserved Font Name Fira Sans.`, `Copyright (c) 2014, Mozilla Foundation with Reserved Font Name Fira Mono.`, 'Copyright (c) 2014, Telefonica S.A.', ], }, faces: async () => { const font = await variantPromises[variant](); const uri = await fonts.dataURISrc(font, FontFormat.woff2); return [{ fontFamily: `'Fira Code ${variant}'`, src: uri }]; }, }); }); } const plugin: JupyterFrontEndPlugin = { id: '@deathbeds/jupyterlab-font-fira-code', autoStart: true, requires: [IFontManager], activate: function (_app: JupyterLab, fonts: IFontManager) { fonts.ready .then(() => { register(fonts); }) .catch(console.warn); }, }; export default plugin;