"use strict"; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); // dist/index.js var dist_exports = {}; __export(dist_exports, { ScenegraphLayer: () => scenegraph_layer_default, SimpleMeshLayer: () => simple_mesh_layer_default }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(dist_exports); // dist/simple-mesh-layer/simple-mesh-layer.js var import_core2 = require("@deck.gl/core"); var import_core3 = require("@luma.gl/core"); var import_engine = require("@luma.gl/engine"); var import_shadertools = require("@luma.gl/shadertools"); // dist/utils/matrix.js var import_core = require("@deck.gl/core"); var RADIAN_PER_DEGREE = Math.PI / 180; var modelMatrix = new Float32Array(16); var valueArray = new Float32Array(12); function calculateTransformMatrix(targetMatrix, orientation, scale) { const pitch = orientation[0] * RADIAN_PER_DEGREE; const yaw = orientation[1] * RADIAN_PER_DEGREE; const roll = orientation[2] * RADIAN_PER_DEGREE; const sr = Math.sin(roll); const sp = Math.sin(pitch); const sw = Math.sin(yaw); const cr = Math.cos(roll); const cp = Math.cos(pitch); const cw = Math.cos(yaw); const scx = scale[0]; const scy = scale[1]; const scz = scale[2]; targetMatrix[0] = scx * cw * cp; targetMatrix[1] = scx * sw * cp; targetMatrix[2] = scx * -sp; targetMatrix[3] = scy * (-sw * cr + cw * sp * sr); targetMatrix[4] = scy * (cw * cr + sw * sp * sr); targetMatrix[5] = scy * cp * sr; targetMatrix[6] = scz * (sw * sr + cw * sp * cr); targetMatrix[7] = scz * (-cw * sr + sw * sp * cr); targetMatrix[8] = scz * cp * cr; } function getExtendedMat3FromMat4(mat4) { mat4[0] = mat4[0]; mat4[1] = mat4[1]; mat4[2] = mat4[2]; mat4[3] = mat4[4]; mat4[4] = mat4[5]; mat4[5] = mat4[6]; mat4[6] = mat4[8]; mat4[7] = mat4[9]; mat4[8] = mat4[10]; mat4[9] = mat4[12]; mat4[10] = mat4[13]; mat4[11] = mat4[14]; return mat4.subarray(0, 12); } var MATRIX_ATTRIBUTES = { size: 12, accessor: ["getOrientation", "getScale", "getTranslation", "getTransformMatrix"], shaderAttributes: { instanceModelMatrixCol0: { size: 3, elementOffset: 0 }, instanceModelMatrixCol1: { size: 3, elementOffset: 3 }, instanceModelMatrixCol2: { size: 3, elementOffset: 6 }, instanceTranslation: { size: 3, elementOffset: 9 } }, update(attribute, { startRow, endRow }) { const { data, getOrientation, getScale, getTranslation, getTransformMatrix } = this.props; const arrayMatrix = Array.isArray(getTransformMatrix); const constantMatrix = arrayMatrix && getTransformMatrix.length === 16; const constantScale = Array.isArray(getScale); const constantOrientation = Array.isArray(getOrientation); const constantTranslation = Array.isArray(getTranslation); const hasMatrix = constantMatrix || !arrayMatrix && Boolean(getTransformMatrix(data[0])); if (hasMatrix) { attribute.constant = constantMatrix; } else { attribute.constant = constantOrientation && constantScale && constantTranslation; } const instanceModelMatrixData = attribute.value; if (attribute.constant) { let matrix; if (hasMatrix) { modelMatrix.set(getTransformMatrix); matrix = getExtendedMat3FromMat4(modelMatrix); } else { matrix = valueArray; const orientation = getOrientation; const scale = getScale; calculateTransformMatrix(matrix, orientation, scale); matrix.set(getTranslation, 9); } attribute.value = new Float32Array(matrix); } else { let i = startRow * attribute.size; const { iterable, objectInfo } = (0, import_core.createIterable)(data, startRow, endRow); for (const object of iterable) { objectInfo.index++; let matrix; if (hasMatrix) { modelMatrix.set(constantMatrix ? getTransformMatrix : getTransformMatrix(object, objectInfo)); matrix = getExtendedMat3FromMat4(modelMatrix); } else { matrix = valueArray; const orientation = constantOrientation ? getOrientation : getOrientation(object, objectInfo); const scale = constantScale ? getScale : getScale(object, objectInfo); calculateTransformMatrix(matrix, orientation, scale); matrix.set(constantTranslation ? getTranslation : getTranslation(object, objectInfo), 9); } instanceModelMatrixData[i++] = matrix[0]; instanceModelMatrixData[i++] = matrix[1]; instanceModelMatrixData[i++] = matrix[2]; instanceModelMatrixData[i++] = matrix[3]; instanceModelMatrixData[i++] = matrix[4]; instanceModelMatrixData[i++] = matrix[5]; instanceModelMatrixData[i++] = matrix[6]; instanceModelMatrixData[i++] = matrix[7]; instanceModelMatrixData[i++] = matrix[8]; instanceModelMatrixData[i++] = matrix[9]; instanceModelMatrixData[i++] = matrix[10]; instanceModelMatrixData[i++] = matrix[11]; } } } }; function shouldComposeModelMatrix(viewport, coordinateSystem) { return coordinateSystem === import_core.COORDINATE_SYSTEM.CARTESIAN || coordinateSystem === import_core.COORDINATE_SYSTEM.METER_OFFSETS || coordinateSystem === import_core.COORDINATE_SYSTEM.DEFAULT && !viewport.isGeospatial; } // dist/simple-mesh-layer/simple-mesh-layer-uniforms.js var uniformBlock = `uniform simpleMeshUniforms { float sizeScale; bool composeModelMatrix; bool hasTexture; bool flatShading; } simpleMesh; `; var simpleMeshUniforms = { name: "simpleMesh", vs: uniformBlock, fs: uniformBlock, uniformTypes: { sizeScale: "f32", composeModelMatrix: "f32", hasTexture: "f32", flatShading: "f32" } }; // dist/simple-mesh-layer/simple-mesh-layer-vertex.glsl.js var simple_mesh_layer_vertex_glsl_default = `#version 300 es #define SHADER_NAME simple-mesh-layer-vs in vec3 positions; in vec3 normals; in vec3 colors; in vec2 texCoords; in vec3 instancePositions; in vec3 instancePositions64Low; in vec4 instanceColors; in vec3 instancePickingColors; in vec3 instanceModelMatrixCol0; in vec3 instanceModelMatrixCol1; in vec3 instanceModelMatrixCol2; in vec3 instanceTranslation; out vec2 vTexCoord; out vec3 cameraPosition; out vec3 normals_commonspace; out vec4 position_commonspace; out vec4 vColor; void main(void) { geometry.worldPosition = instancePositions; geometry.uv = texCoords; geometry.pickingColor = instancePickingColors; vTexCoord = texCoords; cameraPosition = project.cameraPosition; vColor = vec4(colors * instanceColors.rgb, instanceColors.a); mat3 instanceModelMatrix = mat3(instanceModelMatrixCol0, instanceModelMatrixCol1, instanceModelMatrixCol2); vec3 pos = (instanceModelMatrix * positions) * simpleMesh.sizeScale + instanceTranslation; if (simpleMesh.composeModelMatrix) { DECKGL_FILTER_SIZE(pos, geometry); normals_commonspace = project_normal(instanceModelMatrix * normals); geometry.worldPosition += pos; gl_Position = project_position_to_clipspace(pos + instancePositions, instancePositions64Low, vec3(0.0), position_commonspace); geometry.position = position_commonspace; } else { pos = project_size(pos); DECKGL_FILTER_SIZE(pos, geometry); gl_Position = project_position_to_clipspace(instancePositions, instancePositions64Low, pos, position_commonspace); geometry.position = position_commonspace; normals_commonspace = project_normal(instanceModelMatrix * normals); } geometry.normal = normals_commonspace; DECKGL_FILTER_GL_POSITION(gl_Position, geometry); DECKGL_FILTER_COLOR(vColor, geometry); } `; // dist/simple-mesh-layer/simple-mesh-layer-fragment.glsl.js var simple_mesh_layer_fragment_glsl_default = `#version 300 es #define SHADER_NAME simple-mesh-layer-fs precision highp float; uniform sampler2D sampler; in vec2 vTexCoord; in vec3 cameraPosition; in vec3 normals_commonspace; in vec4 position_commonspace; in vec4 vColor; out vec4 fragColor; void main(void) { geometry.uv = vTexCoord; vec3 normal; if (simpleMesh.flatShading) { normal = normalize(cross(dFdx(position_commonspace.xyz), dFdy(position_commonspace.xyz))); } else { normal = normals_commonspace; } vec4 color = simpleMesh.hasTexture ? texture(sampler, vTexCoord) : vColor; DECKGL_FILTER_COLOR(color, geometry); vec3 lightColor = lighting_getLightColor(color.rgb, cameraPosition, position_commonspace.xyz, normal); fragColor = vec4(lightColor, color.a * layer.opacity); } `; // dist/simple-mesh-layer/simple-mesh-layer.js var import_schema = require("@loaders.gl/schema"); function normalizeGeometryAttributes(attributes) { const positionAttribute = attributes.positions || attributes.POSITION; import_core2.log.assert(positionAttribute, 'no "postions" or "POSITION" attribute in mesh'); const vertexCount = positionAttribute.value.length / positionAttribute.size; let colorAttribute = attributes.COLOR_0 || attributes.colors; if (!colorAttribute) { colorAttribute = { size: 3, value: new Float32Array(vertexCount * 3).fill(1) }; } let normalAttribute = attributes.NORMAL || attributes.normals; if (!normalAttribute) { normalAttribute = { size: 3, value: new Float32Array(vertexCount * 3).fill(0) }; } let texCoordAttribute = attributes.TEXCOORD_0 || attributes.texCoords; if (!texCoordAttribute) { texCoordAttribute = { size: 2, value: new Float32Array(vertexCount * 2).fill(0) }; } return { positions: positionAttribute, colors: colorAttribute, normals: normalAttribute, texCoords: texCoordAttribute }; } function getGeometry(data) { if (data instanceof import_engine.Geometry) { data.attributes = normalizeGeometryAttributes(data.attributes); return data; } else if (data.attributes) { return new import_engine.Geometry({ ...data, topology: "triangle-list", attributes: normalizeGeometryAttributes(data.attributes) }); } else { return new import_engine.Geometry({ topology: "triangle-list", attributes: normalizeGeometryAttributes(data) }); } } var DEFAULT_COLOR = [0, 0, 0, 255]; var defaultProps = { mesh: { type: "object", value: null, async: true }, texture: { type: "image", value: null, async: true }, sizeScale: { type: "number", value: 1, min: 0 }, // _instanced is a hack to use world position instead of meter offsets in mesh // TODO - formalize API _instanced: true, // NOTE(Tarek): Quick and dirty wireframe. Just draws // the same mesh with LINE_STRIPS. Won't follow edges // of the original mesh. wireframe: false, // Optional material for 'lighting' shader module material: true, getPosition: { type: "accessor", value: (x) => x.position }, getColor: { type: "accessor", value: DEFAULT_COLOR }, // yaw, pitch and roll are in degrees // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler_angles // [pitch, yaw, roll] getOrientation: { type: "accessor", value: [0, 0, 0] }, getScale: { type: "accessor", value: [1, 1, 1] }, getTranslation: { type: "accessor", value: [0, 0, 0] }, // 4x4 matrix getTransformMatrix: { type: "accessor", value: [] }, textureParameters: { type: "object", ignore: true, value: null } }; var SimpleMeshLayer = class extends import_core2.Layer { getShaders() { return super.getShaders({ vs: simple_mesh_layer_vertex_glsl_default, fs: simple_mesh_layer_fragment_glsl_default, modules: [import_core2.project32, import_shadertools.phongMaterial, import_core2.picking, simpleMeshUniforms] }); } getBounds() { var _a; if (this.props._instanced) { return super.getBounds(); } let result = this.state.positionBounds; if (result) { return result; } const { mesh } = this.props; if (!mesh) { return null; } result = (_a = mesh.header) == null ? void 0 : _a.boundingBox; if (!result) { const { attributes } = getGeometry(mesh); attributes.POSITION = attributes.POSITION || attributes.positions; result = (0, import_schema.getMeshBoundingBox)(attributes); } this.state.positionBounds = result; return result; } initializeState() { const attributeManager = this.getAttributeManager(); attributeManager.addInstanced({ instancePositions: { transition: true, type: "float64", fp64: this.use64bitPositions(), size: 3, accessor: "getPosition" }, instanceColors: { type: "unorm8", transition: true, size: this.props.colorFormat.length, accessor: "getColor", defaultValue: [0, 0, 0, 255] }, instanceModelMatrix: MATRIX_ATTRIBUTES }); this.setState({ // Avoid luma.gl's missing uniform warning // TODO - add feature to luma.gl to specify ignored uniforms? emptyTexture: this.context.device.createTexture({ data: new Uint8Array(4), width: 1, height: 1 }) }); } updateState(params) { var _a; super.updateState(params); const { props, oldProps, changeFlags } = params; if (props.mesh !== oldProps.mesh || changeFlags.extensionsChanged) { this.state.positionBounds = null; (_a = this.state.model) == null ? void 0 : _a.destroy(); if (props.mesh) { this.state.model = this.getModel(props.mesh); const attributes = props.mesh.attributes || props.mesh; this.setState({ hasNormals: Boolean(attributes.NORMAL || attributes.normals) }); } this.getAttributeManager().invalidateAll(); } if (props.texture !== oldProps.texture && props.texture instanceof import_core3.Texture) { this.setTexture(props.texture); } if (this.state.model) { this.state.model.setTopology(this.props.wireframe ? "line-strip" : "triangle-list"); } } finalizeState(context) { super.finalizeState(context); this.state.emptyTexture.delete(); } draw({ uniforms }) { const { model } = this.state; if (!model) { return; } const { viewport, renderPass } = this.context; const { sizeScale, coordinateSystem, _instanced } = this.props; const simpleMeshProps = { sizeScale, composeModelMatrix: !_instanced || shouldComposeModelMatrix(viewport, coordinateSystem), flatShading: !this.state.hasNormals }; model.shaderInputs.setProps({ simpleMesh: simpleMeshProps }); model.draw(renderPass); } get isLoaded() { var _a; return Boolean(((_a = this.state) == null ? void 0 : _a.model) && super.isLoaded); } getModel(mesh) { const model = new import_engine.Model(this.context.device, { ...this.getShaders(), id: this.props.id, bufferLayout: this.getAttributeManager().getBufferLayouts(), geometry: getGeometry(mesh), isInstanced: true }); const { texture } = this.props; const { emptyTexture } = this.state; const simpleMeshProps = { sampler: texture || emptyTexture, hasTexture: Boolean(texture) }; model.shaderInputs.setProps({ simpleMesh: simpleMeshProps }); return model; } setTexture(texture) { const { emptyTexture, model } = this.state; if (model) { const simpleMeshProps = { sampler: texture || emptyTexture, hasTexture: Boolean(texture) }; model.shaderInputs.setProps({ simpleMesh: simpleMeshProps }); } } }; SimpleMeshLayer.defaultProps = defaultProps; SimpleMeshLayer.layerName = "SimpleMeshLayer"; var simple_mesh_layer_default = SimpleMeshLayer; // dist/scenegraph-layer/scenegraph-layer.js var import_core4 = require("@deck.gl/core"); var import_shadertools2 = require("@luma.gl/shadertools"); var import_engine2 = require("@luma.gl/engine"); var import_gltf = require("@luma.gl/gltf"); var import_gltf2 = require("@loaders.gl/gltf"); // dist/scenegraph-layer/gltf-utils.js async function waitForGLTFAssets(gltfObjects) { const remaining = []; gltfObjects.scenes.forEach((scene) => { scene.traverse((modelNode) => { Object.values(modelNode.model.uniforms).forEach((uniform) => { if (uniform.loaded === false) { remaining.push(uniform); } }); }); }); return await waitWhileCondition(() => remaining.some((uniform) => !uniform.loaded)); } async function waitWhileCondition(condition) { while (condition()) { await new Promise((resolve) => requestAnimationFrame(resolve)); } } // dist/scenegraph-layer/scenegraph-layer-uniforms.js var uniformBlock2 = `uniform scenegraphUniforms { float sizeScale; float sizeMinPixels; float sizeMaxPixels; mat4 sceneModelMatrix; bool composeModelMatrix; } scenegraph; `; var scenegraphUniforms = { name: "scenegraph", vs: uniformBlock2, fs: uniformBlock2, uniformTypes: { sizeScale: "f32", sizeMinPixels: "f32", sizeMaxPixels: "f32", sceneModelMatrix: "mat4x4", composeModelMatrix: "f32" } }; // dist/scenegraph-layer/scenegraph-layer-vertex.glsl.js var scenegraph_layer_vertex_glsl_default = `#version 300 es #define SHADER_NAME scenegraph-layer-vertex-shader in vec3 instancePositions; in vec3 instancePositions64Low; in vec4 instanceColors; in vec3 instancePickingColors; in vec3 instanceModelMatrixCol0; in vec3 instanceModelMatrixCol1; in vec3 instanceModelMatrixCol2; in vec3 instanceTranslation; in vec3 positions; #ifdef HAS_UV in vec2 texCoords; #endif #ifdef LIGHTING_PBR #ifdef HAS_NORMALS in vec3 normals; #endif #endif out vec4 vColor; #ifndef LIGHTING_PBR #ifdef HAS_UV out vec2 vTEXCOORD_0; #endif #endif void main(void) { #if defined(HAS_UV) && !defined(LIGHTING_PBR) vTEXCOORD_0 = texCoords; geometry.uv = texCoords; #endif geometry.worldPosition = instancePositions; geometry.pickingColor = instancePickingColors; mat3 instanceModelMatrix = mat3(instanceModelMatrixCol0, instanceModelMatrixCol1, instanceModelMatrixCol2); vec3 normal = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); #ifdef LIGHTING_PBR #ifdef HAS_NORMALS normal = instanceModelMatrix * (scenegraph.sceneModelMatrix * vec4(normals, 0.0)).xyz; #endif #endif float originalSize = project_size_to_pixel(scenegraph.sizeScale); float clampedSize = clamp(originalSize, scenegraph.sizeMinPixels, scenegraph.sizeMaxPixels); vec3 pos = (instanceModelMatrix * (scenegraph.sceneModelMatrix * vec4(positions, 1.0)).xyz) * scenegraph.sizeScale * (clampedSize / originalSize) + instanceTranslation; if(scenegraph.composeModelMatrix) { DECKGL_FILTER_SIZE(pos, geometry); geometry.normal = project_normal(normal); geometry.worldPosition += pos; gl_Position = project_position_to_clipspace(pos + instancePositions, instancePositions64Low, vec3(0.0), geometry.position); } else { pos = project_size(pos); DECKGL_FILTER_SIZE(pos, geometry); gl_Position = project_position_to_clipspace(instancePositions, instancePositions64Low, pos, geometry.position); geometry.normal = project_normal(normal); } DECKGL_FILTER_GL_POSITION(gl_Position, geometry); #ifdef LIGHTING_PBR pbr_vPosition = geometry.position.xyz; #ifdef HAS_NORMALS pbr_vNormal = geometry.normal; #endif #ifdef HAS_UV pbr_vUV = texCoords; #else pbr_vUV = vec2(0., 0.); #endif geometry.uv = pbr_vUV; #endif vColor = instanceColors; DECKGL_FILTER_COLOR(vColor, geometry); } `; // dist/scenegraph-layer/scenegraph-layer-fragment.glsl.js var scenegraph_layer_fragment_glsl_default = `#version 300 es #define SHADER_NAME scenegraph-layer-fragment-shader in vec4 vColor; out vec4 fragColor; #ifndef LIGHTING_PBR #if defined(HAS_UV) && defined(HAS_BASECOLORMAP) in vec2 vTEXCOORD_0; uniform sampler2D pbr_baseColorSampler; #endif #endif void main(void) { #ifdef LIGHTING_PBR fragColor = vColor * pbr_filterColor(vec4(0)); geometry.uv = pbr_vUV; #else #if defined(HAS_UV) && defined(HAS_BASECOLORMAP) fragColor = vColor * texture(pbr_baseColorSampler, vTEXCOORD_0); geometry.uv = vTEXCOORD_0; #else fragColor = vColor; #endif #endif fragColor.a *= layer.opacity; DECKGL_FILTER_COLOR(fragColor, geometry); } `; // dist/scenegraph-layer/scenegraph-layer.js var DEFAULT_COLOR2 = [255, 255, 255, 255]; var defaultProps2 = { scenegraph: { type: "object", value: null, async: true }, getScene: (gltf) => { if (gltf && gltf.scenes) { return typeof gltf.scene === "object" ? gltf.scene : gltf.scenes[gltf.scene || 0]; } return gltf; }, getAnimator: (scenegraph) => scenegraph && scenegraph.animator, _animations: null, sizeScale: { type: "number", value: 1, min: 0 }, sizeMinPixels: { type: "number", min: 0, value: 0 }, sizeMaxPixels: { type: "number", min: 0, value: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER }, getPosition: { type: "accessor", value: (x) => x.position }, getColor: { type: "accessor", value: DEFAULT_COLOR2 }, // flat or pbr _lighting: "flat", // _lighting must be pbr for this to work _imageBasedLightingEnvironment: void 0, // yaw, pitch and roll are in degrees // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler_angles // [pitch, yaw, roll] getOrientation: { type: "accessor", value: [0, 0, 0] }, getScale: { type: "accessor", value: [1, 1, 1] }, getTranslation: { type: "accessor", value: [0, 0, 0] }, // 4x4 matrix getTransformMatrix: { type: "accessor", value: [] }, loaders: [import_gltf2.GLTFLoader] }; var ScenegraphLayer = class extends import_core4.Layer { getShaders() { const defines = {}; let pbr; if (this.props._lighting === "pbr") { pbr = import_shadertools2.pbrMaterial; defines.LIGHTING_PBR = 1; } else { pbr = { name: "pbrMaterial" }; } const modules = [import_core4.project32, import_core4.picking, scenegraphUniforms, pbr]; return super.getShaders({ defines, vs: scenegraph_layer_vertex_glsl_default, fs: scenegraph_layer_fragment_glsl_default, modules }); } initializeState() { const attributeManager = this.getAttributeManager(); attributeManager.addInstanced({ instancePositions: { size: 3, type: "float64", fp64: this.use64bitPositions(), accessor: "getPosition", transition: true }, instanceColors: { type: "unorm8", size: this.props.colorFormat.length, accessor: "getColor", defaultValue: DEFAULT_COLOR2, transition: true }, instanceModelMatrix: MATRIX_ATTRIBUTES }); } updateState(params) { super.updateState(params); const { props, oldProps } = params; if (props.scenegraph !== oldProps.scenegraph) { this._updateScenegraph(); } else if (props._animations !== oldProps._animations) { this._applyAnimationsProp(this.state.animator, props._animations); } } finalizeState(context) { var _a; super.finalizeState(context); (_a = this.state.scenegraph) == null ? void 0 : _a.destroy(); } get isLoaded() { var _a; return Boolean(((_a = this.state) == null ? void 0 : _a.scenegraph) && super.isLoaded); } _updateScenegraph() { var _a; const props = this.props; const { device } = this.context; let scenegraphData = null; if (props.scenegraph instanceof import_engine2.ScenegraphNode) { scenegraphData = { scenes: [props.scenegraph] }; } else if (props.scenegraph && typeof props.scenegraph === "object") { const gltf = props.scenegraph; const processedGLTF = gltf.json ? (0, import_gltf2.postProcessGLTF)(gltf) : gltf; const gltfObjects = (0, import_gltf.createScenegraphsFromGLTF)(device, processedGLTF, this._getModelOptions()); scenegraphData = { gltf: processedGLTF, ...gltfObjects }; waitForGLTFAssets(gltfObjects).then(() => { this.setNeedsRedraw(); }).catch((ex) => { this.raiseError(ex, "loading glTF"); }); } const options = { layer: this, device: this.context.device }; const scenegraph = props.getScene(scenegraphData, options); const animator = props.getAnimator(scenegraphData, options); if (scenegraph instanceof import_engine2.GroupNode) { (_a = this.state.scenegraph) == null ? void 0 : _a.destroy(); this._applyAnimationsProp(animator, props._animations); const models = []; scenegraph.traverse((node) => { if (node instanceof import_engine2.ModelNode) { models.push(node.model); } }); this.setState({ scenegraph, animator, models }); this.getAttributeManager().invalidateAll(); } else if (scenegraph !== null) { import_core4.log.warn("invalid scenegraph:", scenegraph)(); } } _applyAnimationsProp(animator, animationsProp) { if (!animator || !animationsProp) { return; } const animations = animator.getAnimations(); Object.keys(animationsProp).sort().forEach((key) => { const value = animationsProp[key]; if (key === "*") { animations.forEach((animation) => { Object.assign(animation, value); }); } else if (Number.isFinite(Number(key))) { const number = Number(key); if (number >= 0 && number < animations.length) { Object.assign(animations[number], value); } else { import_core4.log.warn(`animation ${key} not found`)(); } } else { const findResult = animations.find(({ name }) => name === key); if (findResult) { Object.assign(findResult, value); } else { import_core4.log.warn(`animation ${key} not found`)(); } } }); } _getModelOptions() { const { _imageBasedLightingEnvironment } = this.props; let env; if (_imageBasedLightingEnvironment) { if (typeof _imageBasedLightingEnvironment === "function") { env = _imageBasedLightingEnvironment({ gl: this.context.gl, layer: this }); } else { env = _imageBasedLightingEnvironment; } } return { imageBasedLightingEnvironment: env, modelOptions: { id: this.props.id, isInstanced: true, bufferLayout: this.getAttributeManager().getBufferLayouts(), ...this.getShaders() }, // tangents are not supported useTangents: false }; } draw({ context }) { if (!this.state.scenegraph) return; if (this.props._animations && this.state.animator) { this.state.animator.animate(context.timeline.getTime()); this.setNeedsRedraw(); } const { viewport, renderPass } = this.context; const { sizeScale, sizeMinPixels, sizeMaxPixels, coordinateSystem } = this.props; const numInstances = this.getNumInstances(); this.state.scenegraph.traverse((node, { worldMatrix }) => { if (node instanceof import_engine2.ModelNode) { const { model } = node; model.setInstanceCount(numInstances); const pbrProjectionProps = { // Needed for PBR (TODO: find better way to get it) camera: model.uniforms.cameraPosition }; const scenegraphProps = { sizeScale, sizeMinPixels, sizeMaxPixels, composeModelMatrix: shouldComposeModelMatrix(viewport, coordinateSystem), sceneModelMatrix: worldMatrix }; model.shaderInputs.setProps({ pbrProjection: pbrProjectionProps, scenegraph: scenegraphProps }); model.draw(renderPass); } }); } }; ScenegraphLayer.defaultProps = defaultProps2; ScenegraphLayer.layerName = "ScenegraphLayer"; var scenegraph_layer_default = ScenegraphLayer; //# sourceMappingURL=index.cjs.map