'use strict'; var undici = require('undici'); var node_process = require('node:process'); /*! * Copyright (c) 2022 Digital Bazaar, Inc. All rights reserved. */ // as long as an agent has a reference to it, its associated dispatcher will // be kept in this cache for reuse const AGENT_CACHE = new WeakMap(); // can only convert agent to dispatcher option on node 18.2+ const [major, minor] = node_process.versions.node.split('.'); const canConvert = parseInt(major, 10) >= 18 && parseInt(minor, 10) >= 2; // converts `agent`/`httpsAgent` option to a dispatcher option function convertAgent(options) { if(!canConvert) { return options; } // do not override custom fetch function from another lib if(options?.fetch && !options.fetch._httpClientCustomFetch) { return options; } // only override if an agent option is present const agent = options?.agent || options?.httpsAgent; if(!agent) { return options; } // use custom fetch if agent has already been converted let fetch = AGENT_CACHE.get(agent); if(!fetch) { const dispatcher = new undici.Agent({connect: agent.options}); fetch = createFetch(dispatcher); fetch._httpClientCustomFetch = true; AGENT_CACHE.set(agent, fetch); } return {...options, fetch}; } // create fetch override uses custom `dispatcher`; since `ky` does not pass // the dispatcher option through to `fetch`, we must use this override function createFetch(dispatcher) { return function fetch(...args) { dispatcher = (args[1] && args[1].dispatcher) || dispatcher; args[1] = {...args[1], dispatcher}; // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef return globalThis.fetch(...args); }; } /*! * Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Digital Bazaar, Inc. All rights reserved. */ const kyOriginalPromise = import('ky-universal') .then(({default: ky}) => ky); const DEFAULT_HEADERS = { Accept: 'application/ld+json, application/json' }; // methods to proxy from ky const PROXY_METHODS = new Set([ 'get', 'post', 'put', 'push', 'patch', 'head', 'delete' ]); /** * Returns a custom httpClient instance. Used to specify default headers and * other default overrides. * * @param {object} [options={}] - Options hashmap. * @param {object} [options.parent] - The ky promise to inherit from. * @param {object} [options.headers={}] - Default header overrides. * @param {object} [options.params] - Other default overrides. * * @returns {Function} Custom httpClient instance. */ function createInstance({ parent = kyOriginalPromise, headers = {}, ...params } = {}) { // convert legacy agent options params = convertAgent(params); // create new ky instance that will asynchronously resolve const kyPromise = parent.then(kyBase => { let ky; if(parent === kyOriginalPromise) { // ensure default headers, allow overrides ky = kyBase.create({ headers: {...DEFAULT_HEADERS, ...headers}, ...params }); } else { // extend parent ky = kyBase.extend({headers, ...params}); } return ky; }); return _createHttpClient(kyPromise); } function _createHttpClient(kyPromise) { async function httpClient(...args) { const ky = await kyPromise; const method = ((args[1] && args[1].method) || 'get').toLowerCase(); if(PROXY_METHODS.has(method)) { return httpClient[method].apply(ky[method], args); } // convert legacy agent options args[1] = convertAgent(args[1]); return ky.apply(ky, args); } for(const method of PROXY_METHODS) { httpClient[method] = async function(...args) { const ky = await kyPromise; return _handleResponse(ky[method], ky, args); }; } httpClient.create = function({headers = {}, ...params}) { return createInstance({headers, ...params}); }; httpClient.extend = function({headers = {}, ...params}) { return createInstance({parent: kyPromise, headers, ...params}); }; // default async `stop` signal getter Object.defineProperty(httpClient, 'stop', { async get() { const ky = await kyPromise; return ky.stop; } }); return httpClient; } async function _handleResponse(target, thisArg, args) { // convert legacy agent options args[1] = convertAgent(args[1]); let response; const [url] = args; try { response = await target.apply(thisArg, args); } catch(error) { return _handleError({error, url}); } const {parseBody = true} = args[1] || {}; // always set 'data', default to undefined let data; if(parseBody) { // a 204 will not include a content-type header const contentType = response.headers.get('content-type'); if(contentType && contentType.includes('json')) { data = await response.json(); } } Object.defineProperty(response, 'data', {value: data}); return response; } /** * @param {object} options - Options hashmap. * @param {Error} options.error - Error thrown during http operation. * @param {string} options.url - Target URL of the request. * * @returns {Promise} Rejects with a thrown error. */ async function _handleError({error, url}) { error.requestUrl = url; // handle network errors and system errors that do not have a response if(!error.response) { if(error.message === 'Failed to fetch') { error.message = `Failed to fetch "${url}". Possible CORS error.`; } // ky's TimeoutError class if(error.name === 'TimeoutError') { error.message = `Request to "${url}" timed out.`; } throw error; } // always move status up to the root of error error.status = error.response.status; const contentType = error.response.headers.get('content-type'); if(contentType && contentType.includes('json')) { const errorBody = await error.response.json(); // the HTTPError received from ky has a generic message based on status // use that if the JSON body does not include a message error.message = errorBody.message || error.message; error.data = errorBody; } throw error; } /*! * Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Digital Bazaar, Inc. All rights reserved. */ const httpClient = createInstance(); exports.DEFAULT_HEADERS = DEFAULT_HEADERS; exports.httpClient = httpClient; exports.kyPromise = kyOriginalPromise;