import { MaterialButtonProps } from "@unlimited-react-components/material-button"; import { Localization } from "../../localization/localization"; import { CustomValidateFileResponse } from "../dropzone/components/utils/validation.utils"; export interface InputButtonProps extends MaterialButtonProps { /** * the id of the component */ id?: string; /** * whether to accept multiple files or not */ multiple?: boolean; /** * The list of mimetypes and extensions of files * to accept. This is a comma separated list of * mime types or file extensions. * Eg.: image/\*,application/pdf,.psd */ accept?: string; /** * If given, this label will be shwed inside the button */ label?: string; /** * what to do after selecting the files. Returns the File[] to the parent component */ onChange?: Function; /** * custom validator * must be a function that recieves as first parameter a File Object * and must return a boolean value */ validator?: (f: File) => CustomValidateFileResponse; /** * Max number of files to be accepted. */ /** * max file size allowed in bytes */ maxFileSize?: number; /** * language to be used * for now * only English, French , Portuguese and Spanish are supported */ localization?: Localization; } /** * The default props when not given */ export declare const InputButtonDefaultProps: InputButtonProps;