import Grid, { GRID_PROPERTY_TYPES, withMethods } from "@egjs/grid"; import { diff } from "@egjs/list-differ"; import { GROUP_TYPE, IGNORE_PROPERITES_MAP, INFINITEGRID_METHODS, ITEM_INFO_PROPERTIES, ITEM_TYPE } from "./consts"; import { GroupManagerStatus, InfiniteGridGroupStatus } from "./GroupManager"; import InfiniteGrid from "./InfiniteGrid"; import { InfiniteGridItem, InfiniteGridItemStatus } from "./InfiniteGridItem"; import { CategorizedGroup, InfiniteGridGroup, InfiniteGridInsertedItems, InfiniteGridItemInfo, RenderingOptions, } from "./types"; export function isWindow(el: Window | Element): el is Window { return el === window; } export function isNumber(val: any): val is number { return typeof val === "number"; } export function isString(val: any): val is string { return typeof val === "string"; } export function isObject(val: any): val is object { return typeof val === "object"; } export function flat(arr: T[][]): T[] { return arr.reduce((prev, cur) => { return [...prev, ...cur]; }, []); } export function splitOptions(options: Record) { const { gridOptions, ...otherOptions } = options; return { ...splitGridOptions(gridOptions), ...otherOptions, }; } export function splitGridOptions(options: Record) { const nextOptions: Record = {}; const gridOptions: Record = {}; const defaultOptions = Grid.defaultOptions; for (const name in options) { const value = options[name]; if (!(name in IGNORE_PROPERITES_MAP)) { gridOptions[name] = value; } if (name in defaultOptions) { nextOptions[name] = value; } } return { ...nextOptions, gridOptions, }; } export function categorize(items: Item[]) { const groups: Array> = []; const groupKeys: Record> = {}; const registeredGroupKeys: Record = {}; items.filter((item) => item.groupKey != null).forEach(({ groupKey }) => { registeredGroupKeys[groupKey!] = true; }); let generatedGroupKey: number | string; let isContinuousGroupKey = false; items.forEach((item) => { if (item.groupKey != null) { isContinuousGroupKey = false; } else { if (!isContinuousGroupKey) { generatedGroupKey = makeKey(registeredGroupKeys); isContinuousGroupKey = true; registeredGroupKeys[generatedGroupKey] = true; } item.groupKey = generatedGroupKey; } const groupKey = item.groupKey; let group = groupKeys[groupKey]; if (!group) { group = { groupKey, items: [], }; groupKeys[groupKey] = group; groups.push(group); } group.items.push(item); }); return groups; } export function getNextCursors( prevKeys: Array, nextKeys: Array, prevStartCursor: number, prevEndCursor: number, ) { const result = diff(prevKeys, nextKeys, (key) => key); let nextStartCursor = -1; let nextEndCursor = -1; // sync cursors result.maintained.forEach(([prevIndex, nextIndex]) => { if (prevStartCursor <= prevIndex && prevIndex <= prevEndCursor) { if (nextStartCursor === -1) { nextStartCursor = nextIndex; nextEndCursor = nextIndex; } else { nextStartCursor = Math.min(nextStartCursor, nextIndex); nextEndCursor = Math.max(nextEndCursor, nextIndex); } } }); return { startCursor: nextStartCursor, endCursor: nextEndCursor, }; } export function splitVirtualGroups( groups: Group[], direction: "start" | "end", nextGroups: CategorizedGroup[], ) { let virtualGroups: Group[] = []; if (direction === "start") { const index = findIndex(groups, (group) => group.type === GROUP_TYPE.NORMAL); if (index === -1) { return []; } virtualGroups = groups.slice(0, index); } else { const index = findLastIndex(groups, (group) => group.type === GROUP_TYPE.NORMAL); if (index === -1) { return []; } virtualGroups = groups.slice(index + 1); } const nextVirtualGroups = diff<{ groupKey: string | number }>( virtualGroups, nextGroups, ({ groupKey }) => groupKey, ) => { return virtualGroups[index]; }).reverse(); return nextVirtualGroups; } export function getFirstRenderingItems( nextItems: InfiniteGridItemStatus[], horizontal: boolean, ) { const groups = categorize(nextItems); if (!groups[0]) { return []; } return groups[0] => { return new InfiniteGridItem(horizontal, { ...item, }); }); } export function getRenderingItemsByStatus( groupManagerStatus: GroupManagerStatus, nextItems: InfiniteGridItemStatus[], usePlaceholder: boolean, horizontal: boolean, ) { const prevGroups = groupManagerStatus.groups; const groups = categorize(nextItems); const startVirtualGroups = splitVirtualGroups(prevGroups, "start", groups); const endVirtualGroups = splitVirtualGroups(prevGroups, "end", groups); const nextGroups = [ ...startVirtualGroups, ...groups, ...endVirtualGroups, ] as Array>; const { startCursor, endCursor, } = getNextCursors( => group.groupKey), => group.groupKey), groupManagerStatus.cursors[0], groupManagerStatus.cursors[1], ); let nextVisibleItems = flat(nextGroups.slice(startCursor, endCursor + 1).map((group) => { return => { return new InfiniteGridItem(horizontal, { ...item }); }); })); if (!usePlaceholder) { nextVisibleItems = nextVisibleItems.filter((item) => { return item.type !== ITEM_TYPE.VIRTUAL; }); } return nextVisibleItems; } export function mountRenderingItems(items: InfiniteGridItemInfo[], options: RenderingOptions) { const { grid, usePlaceholder, useLoading, useFirstRender, status, } = options; if (!grid) { return; } if (usePlaceholder) { grid.setPlaceholder({}); } if (useLoading) { grid.setLoading({}); } if (status) { grid.setStatus(status, true); } grid.syncItems(items); if (useFirstRender && !status && grid.getGroups().length) { grid.setCursors(0, 0, true); } } export function getRenderingItems(items: InfiniteGridItemInfo[], options: RenderingOptions) { const { status, usePlaceholder, useLoading, horizontal, useFirstRender, grid, } = options; let visibleItems: InfiniteGridItem[] = []; if (grid) { grid.setPlaceholder(usePlaceholder ? {} : null); grid.setLoading(useLoading ? {} : null); grid.syncItems(items); visibleItems = grid.getRenderingItems(); } else if (status) { visibleItems = getRenderingItemsByStatus(status.groupManager, items, !!usePlaceholder, !!horizontal); } else if (useFirstRender) { visibleItems = getFirstRenderingItems(items, !!horizontal); } return visibleItems; } /* Class Decorator */ export function InfiniteGridGetterSetter(component: { prototype: InfiniteGrid, propertyTypes: typeof GRID_PROPERTY_TYPES, }) { const { prototype, propertyTypes, } = component; for (const name in propertyTypes) { const attributes: Record = { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get(this: InfiniteGrid) { const options = this.groupManager.options; if (name in options) { return options[name]; } else { return options.gridOptions[name]; } }, set(this: InfiniteGrid, value: any) { const prevValue = this.groupManager[name]; if (prevValue === value) { return; } this.groupManager.gridOptions = { [name]: value, }; }, }; Object.defineProperty(prototype, name, attributes); } } export function makeKey(registeredKeys: Record) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition while (true) { const key = new Date().getTime() + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000); if (!(key in registeredKeys)) { return key; } } } export function convertHTMLtoElement(html: string) { const dummy = document.createElement("div"); dummy.innerHTML = html; return toArray(dummy.children); } export function convertInsertedItems( items: InfiniteGridInsertedItems, groupKey?: string | number, ): InfiniteGridItemInfo[] { let insertedItems: Array; if (isString(items)) { insertedItems = convertHTMLtoElement(items); } else { insertedItems = items; } return => { let element!: HTMLElement; let html = ""; let key!: string | number; if (isString(item)) { html = item; } else if ("parentNode" in item) { element = item; html = item.outerHTML; } else { return { groupKey, ...item }; } return { key, groupKey, html, element, }; }); } export function toArray(nodes: HTMLCollection): HTMLElement[]; export function toArray(nodes: { length: number, [key: number]: T }): T[]; export function toArray(nodes: { length: number, [key: number]: T }): T[] { const array: T[] = []; if (nodes) { const length = nodes.length; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { array.push(nodes[i]); } } return array; } export function findIndex(arr: T[], callback: (value: T, index: number) => boolean) { const length = arr.length; for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { if (callback(arr[i], i)) { return i; } } return -1; } export function findLastIndex(arr: T[], callback: (value: T, index: number) => boolean) { const length = arr.length; for (let i = length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (callback(arr[i], i)) { return i; } } return -1; } export function getItemInfo(info: InfiniteGridItemInfo) { const nextInfo: InfiniteGridItemInfo = {}; for (const name in info) { if (name in ITEM_INFO_PROPERTIES) { nextInfo[name] = info[name]; } } return nextInfo; } export function setPlaceholder(item: InfiniteGridItem, info: InfiniteGridItemStatus) { for (const name in info) { const value = info[name]; if (isObject(value)) { item[name] = { ...item[name], ...value, }; } else { item[name] = info[name]; } } } export function isFlatOutline(start: number[], end: number[]) { return start.length === end.length && start.every((pos, i) => end[i] === pos); } export function range(length: number): number[] { const arr: number[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { arr.push(i); } return arr; } export function flatGroups(groups: InfiniteGridGroup[]) { return flat({ grid }) => grid.getItems() as InfiniteGridItem[])); } export function filterVirtuals( items: T[], includePlaceholders?: boolean ): T[] { if (includePlaceholders) { return items; } else { return items.filter((item) => item.type !== ITEM_TYPE.VIRTUAL); } } /** * Decorator that makes the method of InfiniteGrid available in the framework. * @ko 프레임워크에서 InfiniteGrid의 메소드를 사용할 수 있게 하는 데코레이터. * @private * @example * ```js * import { withInfiniteGridMethods } from "@egjs/infinitegrid"; * * class Grid extends React.Component> { * @withInfiniteGridMethods * private grid: NativeGrid; * } * ``` */ export const withInfiniteGridMethods = withMethods(INFINITEGRID_METHODS);