import * as fs from "fs"; const DEFAULT_LINES = 100 const INITIAL_LING_LENGTH = 128 export interface TailCallback { (error: any, lines?: string[]): void; } export default function tail(fileName: string, lineCount: number, cb: TailCallback) { if(!lineCount) lineCount = DEFAULT_LINES,'r',function(err,fd){ if(err) return cb({txt: "error open", err: err}); fs.fstat(fd,function(err,stat) { if(err) return cb({txt: "error fstat", err: err}); let pos = stat.size let togo = lineCount * INITIAL_LING_LENGTH let textBuff = "" let lines = [] let index = 0 let getNextText = () => { if(pos > togo) pos = pos - togo; else { togo = pos; pos = 0; },new Buffer(togo),0,togo,pos,function(err,bytesRead,buf) { if(err) return cb({txt: "error read", err: err}); textBuff = buf + textBuff index += buf.length while (lines.length < lineCount) { let lf = textBuff.lastIndexOf("\n", index); if (lf == -1) break; let line = textBuff.substr(lf, index - lf + 1) lines.push(line) index = lf - 1 if (lf == 0) // Note if \n is the first char in the string we need to break here index will become negative -1 this will be fixed in index += buf.length break; } if (lines.length >= lineCount || pos == 0) { if (pos == 0 && lines.length < lineCount) { // in this case we are missing the very first top line as it is missing a \n infront let line = textBuff.substr(0, index) lines.push(line) } return cb(null, lines.reverse()) } else getNextText() }) } getNextText() }) }) }