"use strict"; //let logger = require('../../src/utils/Logger') import utils = require('./utils.js') let winston = utils.logger import conf = require('./conf') import * as urlModule from "url"; import * as zlib from "zlib"; const gzip = zlib.createGzip(); export interface GetBetweenOptions { startPos?: number; prestartTxt?: string; caseInsensitive?: boolean; } export interface TranslationFunction { (key: string): string; } export function getBetween(text: string, startTxt: string, endTxt: string, options: GetBetweenOptions = {}): string | false { options.startPos = typeof options.startPos === 'number' ? options.startPos : 0 let preStart = typeof options.prestartTxt === 'string' && options.prestartTxt !== '' let searchText = options.caseInsensitive === true ? text.toLocaleLowerCase() : text if (options.caseInsensitive === true) { if (preStart) options.prestartTxt = options.prestartTxt.toLocaleLowerCase() startTxt = startTxt.toLocaleLowerCase() endTxt = endTxt.toLocaleLowerCase() } if (preStart) { options.startPos = searchText.indexOf(options.prestartTxt, options.startPos) if (options.startPos === -1) return false options.startPos += options.prestartTxt.length } options.startPos = searchText.indexOf(startTxt, options.startPos) if (options.startPos === -1) return false options.startPos += startTxt.length let endPos = searchText.indexOf(endTxt, options.startPos) if (endPos === -1) return false return text.substr(options.startPos, endPos-options.startPos) } export function regexIndexOf(str: string, regex: RegExp, startpos?: number): number { let indexOf = str.substring(startpos || 0).search(regex); return (indexOf >= 0) ? (indexOf + (startpos || 0)) : indexOf; } export function formatNumber(number: string | number, commaDigits: number, decimalSep: string, thousandSep: string) { var commaDigits = isNaN(commaDigits = Math.abs(commaDigits)) ? 2 : commaDigits, decimalSep = decimalSep == undefined ? "." : decimalSep, thousandSep = thousandSep == undefined ? "," : thousandSep, strOutput = number < 0 ? "-" : "", intNr = parseInt(number = Math.abs(+number || 0).toFixed(commaDigits)) + "", thousands = intNr.length > 3 ? intNr.length % 3 : 0; return strOutput + (thousands ? intNr.substr(0, thousands) + thousandSep : "") + intNr.substr(thousands).replace(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/g, "$1" + thousandSep) + (commaDigits ? decimalSep + Math.abs(number - intNr).toFixed(commaDigits).slice(2) : ""); } export function formatCurrency(amount: string | number, tr: TranslationFunction) { return formatNumber(amount, 2, tr("decPoint"), tr("thousandsSep")); } export function formatBtc(amount: string | number, tr: TranslationFunction) { return formatNumber(amount, 8, tr("decPoint"), tr("thousandsSep")); } export function getDisplaySize(sizeBytes: number, tr: TranslationFunction) { if (sizeBytes < 1024) return formatCurrency(sizeBytes, tr) + ' ' + tr('bytes') else if (sizeBytes < 1024*1024) return formatCurrency(sizeBytes/1024, tr) + ' ' + tr('kb') else if (sizeBytes < 1024*1024*1024) return formatCurrency(sizeBytes/(1024*1024), tr) + ' ' + tr('mb') else if (sizeBytes < 1024*1024*1024*1024) return formatCurrency(sizeBytes/(1024*1024*1024), tr) + ' ' + tr('gb') else// if (sizeBytes < 1024*1024*1024*1024*1024) return formatCurrency(sizeBytes/(1024*1024*1024*1024), tr) + ' ' + tr('tb') } export function escapeRegex(str: string) { return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, '\\$&') } /** * Highlight a string-result of a keyword search to show it in the browser * @param str the already html-escaped string * @param keyword the keyword (not html-escaped) * @return string */ export function getHighlightedString(str: string, keyword: string) { let stringHighlighted = str.replaceAll("'", "'") // we have to HTML-escape the output before this function because of the tags below let keywords = keyword.split(/[ ]+/) for (let curKeyword of keywords) { let regString = '(^|' + conf.WORD_SEPARATORS_SEARCH + ')' + escapeRegex(curKeyword) + '($|' + conf.WORD_SEPARATORS_SEARCH + ')' let keywordExp = new RegExp(regString, 'i') let lastIndex = 0 let tempString = '' const maxReplaces = Math.floor(stringHighlighted.length / 3) // shouldn't happen, but be sure let count = 0 while (true) { let result = keywordExp.exec(stringHighlighted) if (result === null || ++count > maxReplaces) break let replacement = result[0] let firstChar = '' let lastChar = '' if (replacement[0] && replacement[0].match(conf.WORD_SEPARATORS_SEARCH) !== null) { firstChar = replacement.substring(0, 1) replacement = replacement.substring(1) } let lastPos = replacement.length-1 if (replacement[lastPos] && replacement[lastPos].match(conf.WORD_SEPARATORS_SEARCH) !== null) { lastChar = replacement.substring(lastPos) replacement = replacement.substring(0, lastPos) } if (replacement) // don't add b tag to empty strings replacement = firstChar + '' + replacement + '' + lastChar else replacement = firstChar + replacement + lastChar stringHighlighted = stringHighlighted.replace(keywordExp, replacement) lastIndex = result.index + replacement.length tempString = tempString + stringHighlighted.substring(0, lastIndex) stringHighlighted = stringHighlighted.substring(lastIndex) } stringHighlighted = tempString + stringHighlighted } return stringHighlighted.replaceAll("'", "'") } export function truncateWords(text: string, length: number) { length = Math.floor(length) if (text.length > length) { let textRegexp = new RegExp('^((\r\n|\n|.){1,' + length + '})(' + conf.WORD_SEPARATOR_REGEX + '(\r\n|\n|.)*|$)', '') text = text.replace(textRegexp, '$1...') } return text } /** * Get's the position of the last word separator going backwards from beginIndex. * Index can be used as the first or second argument of substr() to cut a text by word separators. * @param text {String} * @position beginIndex {int} * @return {int} The position of the last word separator, or 0 if no separator was found */ export function getLastWordPosBackwards(text: string, beginIndex: number) { if (beginIndex < 0) return 0 let searchTxt = text.substr(0, beginIndex) let separatorRegexp = new RegExp(conf.WORD_SEPARATOR_REGEX) let wordArr = searchTxt.split(separatorRegexp) wordArr = wordArr.splice(0, wordArr.length-1) // return all except the last element if (wordArr.length === 0) return 0 let resultTxt = wordArr.join(' ') // assume all spaces, separator chars are only 1 char each return resultTxt.length + 1 } export function getOrdinal(n: number) { // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ordinal_indicator#English let s=["th","st","nd","rd"], v=n%100; return n+(s[(v-20)%10]||s[v]||s[0]); } export function fixUrl(url: string, hostBase: urlModule.Url | string) { if (url.match("^https?://") !== null) return url; // use urlModule.resolve() for # and urls with ".." /* var baseUrl = ""; if (typeof hostBase === "object") { // nodejs url object baseUrl = hostBase.protocol + "//" + hostBase.hostname; if (hostBase.port != null) { if ((hostBase.protocol === "http:" && hostBase.port != 80) || (hostBase.protocol === "https:" && hostBase.port != 443)) baseUrl += ":" + hostBase.port; } } else baseUrl = hostBase if (url.substr(0, 2) == "//") { // url without protocol: //domain.com/foo var stop = baseUrl.indexOf("//"); return baseUrl.substr(0, stop) + url } if (url[0] === "/") url = url.substring(1); if (baseUrl[baseUrl.length-1] !== "/") baseUrl += "/"; // append dir ending if (url[0] === "#")// for anchors we have to prepend the whole url return typeof hostBase === "object" ? hostBase.href + url : hostBase + url; return baseUrl + url; */ let fromHref = typeof hostBase === "object" ? hostBase.href : hostBase; let urlStr = urlModule.resolve(fromHref, url); if (urlStr.indexOf("//") === 0) { // relative urls if (typeof hostBase === "object" && hostBase.protocol) urlStr = hostBase.protocol + urlStr; else urlStr = "http:" + urlStr; } return urlStr; } /** * Populate a html template * @param text {String}: The html template (or just normal text with variables) * @param tr {Function} the tranlsation function * @param variables {Object}: the key-value pairs with variables names and their content to be set in text * @param safeHtml {boolean, default false}: don't escape html characters if set to true * @returns {String} the translated html */ export function translate(text: string, tr: TranslationFunction, variables: any, safeHtml: boolean) { if (typeof text !== "string") { try { text = text.toString(); } catch (e) { winston.error("Text to translate is not a string"); return text; } } var start = 0, end = 0; while ((start = text.indexOf("{", start)) !== -1) { if (start > 0 && text.charAt(start-1) === "\\") { // escaped javascript code beginning start++; continue; } end = text.indexOf("}", start); if (end === -1) { winston.warn("Can not find end position while translating HTML"); break; } var placeHolder = text.substring(start+1, end); var translation = null; if (placeHolder.substring(0, 3) === "tr:") { var key = placeHolder.substring(3); //translation = this.tr(key.toUpperCase()); translation = tr(key); } else if (typeof variables === "object") { var textPiece = variables[placeHolder]; if (typeof textPiece !== "undefined") { if (typeof safeHtml === "boolean" && safeHtml) translation = textPiece; else translation = utils.escapeHtml(textPiece); } } if (translation !== null) { var reg = new RegExp("\\{" + placeHolder + "\\}", "g"); text = text.replace(reg, translation); } else if (placeHolder.match("[A-Za-z0-9_]+") !== null) { winston.warn("No translation found for place holder: " + placeHolder); var reg = new RegExp("\\{" + placeHolder + "\\}", "g"); text = text.replace(reg, "MISSING: " + utils.escapeHtml(placeHolder)); } else start += placeHolder.length; } text = text.replace(/\\\\\\{/, "{"); return text; } export function getMetaContentType(html: string, rawValue = false) { const quotes = ['"', "'"]; const tags = [' line.trim()); } export function replaceLineBreaks(str: string) { // replace all html line breaks that have other line breaks with them first str = str.replace(new RegExp("(\r\n|\n)
(\r\n|\n)", "ig"), "\n"); str = str.replace(new RegExp("
", "ig"), "\n"); return str; } /** * Makes sure line breaks in str are displayed correctly on windows and UNIX systems. Useful if you want to * send str as a plain text email. * @param {string} str * @returns {string} */ export function ensureMultiPlatformLineBreaks(str: string) { return str.replace(/\r/g, "").replace(/\n/g, "\r\n"); } /** * Adds
tags to all line breaks in the string. * @param {string} str * @param {boolean} escape Whether to escape existing HTML code to make them safe for printing. Default true. * @returns {string} */ export function addHtmlLineBreaks(str: string, escape = true) { if (escape) str = utils.escapeHtml(str); return str.replace(/(\r\n)/g, "$1
"); } export function isHtml(str: string) { if (!str) return false; let formatted = str.trim(); if (formatted[0] === "<" && formatted.substr(-1) === ">") return true; // TODO more checks return false; } /** * Returns a base64 gzipped string of the input * @param {Buffer | string} input * @returns {Promise} */ export function packGzip(input: Buffer | string) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { zlib.deflate(input, (err, buffer) => { if (err) return reject({txt: "Error packing with gzip", err: err}) resolve(buffer.toString('base64')) }); }) } /** * Returns an utf8 unzipped string of the input * @param {Buffer | string} input * @returns {Promise} */ export function unpackGzip(input: Buffer | string) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (typeof input === "string") input = Buffer.from(input, 'base64') zlib.unzip(input, (err, buffer) => { if (err) return reject({txt: "Error unpacking with gzip", err: err}) resolve(buffer.toString("utf8")) }); }) } /** * A fast way to check if we should try to parse a string as json * @param {string} str * @returns {boolean} */ export function isPossibleJson(str: string) { let strTemp = (str || "").trim(); if (strTemp.length === 0) return false; return strTemp[0] === "{" || strTemp[0] === "["; } export function substrCount(str: string, find: string) { let regex = escapeRegex(find) let count = (str.match(new RegExp(regex, 'g')) || []).length return count }