export type FlatConfig = import("eslint").Linter.FlatConfig; export type FixupPluginDefinition = import("eslint").ESLint.Plugin; export type FixupRuleDefinition = import("eslint").Rule.RuleModule; export type FixupLegacyRuleDefinition = import("eslint").Rule.OldStyleRule; export type FixupConfig = import("eslint").Linter.FlatConfig; export type FixupConfigArray = Array; /** * @fileoverview Ignore file utilities for the compat package. * @author Nicholas C. Zakas */ /** @typedef {import("eslint").Linter.FlatConfig} FlatConfig */ /** * Converts an ESLint ignore pattern to a minimatch pattern. * @param {string} pattern The .eslintignore or .gitignore pattern to convert. * @returns {string} The converted pattern. */ export function convertIgnorePatternToMinimatch(pattern: string): string; /** * Takes the given configuration and creates a new configuration with all of the * rules wrapped to provide the missing methods on the `context` object. * @param {FixupConfigArray|FixupConfig} config The configuration to fix up. * @returns {FixupConfigArray} The fixed-up configuration. */ export function fixupConfigRules(config: FixupConfigArray | FixupConfig): FixupConfigArray; /** * Takes the given plugin and creates a new plugin with all of the rules wrapped * to provide the missing methods on the `context` object. * @param {FixupPluginDefinition} plugin The plugin to fix up. * @returns {FixupPluginDefinition} The fixed-up plugin. */ export function fixupPluginRules(plugin: FixupPluginDefinition): FixupPluginDefinition; /** * Takes the given rule and creates a new rule with the `create()` method wrapped * to provide the missing methods on the `context` object. * @param {FixupRuleDefinition|FixupLegacyRuleDefinition} ruleDefinition The rule to fix up. * @returns {FixupRuleDefinition} The fixed-up rule. */ export function fixupRule(ruleDefinition: FixupRuleDefinition | FixupLegacyRuleDefinition): FixupRuleDefinition; /** * Reads an ignore file and returns an object with the ignore patterns. * @param {string} ignoreFilePath The absolute path to the ignore file. * @returns {FlatConfig} An object with an `ignores` property that is an array of ignore patterns. * @throws {Error} If the ignore file path is not an absolute path. */ export function includeIgnoreFile(ignoreFilePath: string): FlatConfig;