#!/usr/bin/env python # Modified from # https://github.com/f5devcentral/f5-aws-migrate/blob/master/f5-aws-migrate.py # Assumptions: Script will be run on a BIGI-IP itself import os import sys import re import shutil import tarfile from tempfile import mkstemp from optparse import OptionParser def get_hostname(config_file): hostname = "" global_settings_token_found = False hostname_token_line = 0 with open(config_file, 'r') as f: for line in f: if global_settings_token_found: match = re.search('\s+hostname (.+)', line) if match: hostname = match.group(1) return hostname else: match = re.search('sys global-settings', line) if match: global_settings_token_found = True def get_ip(config_file): # 1nic Autoscale IPv4 Specific # Looking for entry in bigip_base.conf: # net self /Common/ { # address # allow-service { # default # } # traffic-group /Common/traffic-group-local-only # vlan /Common/external # } ip = "" line_number = 0 net_self_token_line = 0 with open(config_file, 'r') as f: for line in f: match = re.search('net self', line) if match: net_self_token_line = line_number # Search for address in that token match = re.search(' address (.+)/(.+)', line) if match and (line_number - net_self_token_line == 1): ip = match.group(1) mask = match.group(2) line_number += 1 # could do a little more validation here to make sure not another self-ip configured by accident # octets match management ip, hostname, etc. return ip def get_local_ip(): # 1nic Autoscale IPv4 Specific # "privateIp entry in /shared/vadc/aws/iid-document # is probably most reliable # otherwise, getting it from dhcp # searching for field # "fixed-address;" ip = "" with open('/var/lib/dhclient/dhclient.leases', 'r') as f: for line in f: match = re.search('fixed-address (.+);', line) if match: ip = match.group(1) return ip def get_gateway(config_file): # 1nic Autoscale IPv4 Specific # searching for entry # net route /LOCAL_ONLY/default { # gw # network default # } gateway = "" with open(config_file, 'r') as f: for line in f: match = re.search(' gw (.+)', line) if match: gateway = match.group(1) return gateway def get_local_gateway(): # 1nic Autoscale IPv4 Specific # searching for field # "option routers;" gateway = "" with open('/var/lib/dhclient/dhclient.leases', 'r') as f: for line in f: match = re.search('option routers (.+);', line) if match: gateway = match.group(1) return gateway def replace(source_file_path, pattern, substring): fh, target_file_path = mkstemp() with open(target_file_path, 'w') as target_file: with open(source_file_path, 'r') as source_file: for line in source_file: if "-" in pattern: newline = re.sub("(%s)$" %(pattern),substring,line) newline = re.sub("(%s)\." %(pattern),substring+'.',newline) target_file.write(newline) else: newline = re.sub("(%s)$" %(pattern),substring,line) newline = re.sub("(%s)\/" %(pattern),substring+'/',newline) target_file.write(newline) os.remove(source_file_path) shutil.move(target_file_path, source_file_path) def removeFiles(dir, pattern): if os.path.exists(dir): for f in os.listdir(dir): if re.search(pattern, f): os.remove(os.path.join(dir, f)) def main(): parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("--debug-level", action="store", type="int", dest="debug_level", default=0, help="debug level print debug (0-9)") parser.add_option("--cloud-provider", action="store", type="string", dest="cloud_provider", default="" , help="Cloud being utilized, azure or aws, etc...") parser.add_option("--original-ucs", action="store", type="string", dest="original_ucs", help="Original UCS file name") parser.add_option("--updated-ucs", action="store", type="string", dest="updated_ucs", default="updated.ucs", help="Modified UCS file name") parser.add_option("--extract-directory", action="store", type="string", dest="extract_dir", default="ucs_extract_dir", help="name of directory to extract to") parser.add_option("--original-ucs-ip", action="store", type="string", dest="original_ucs_ip", help="ip in original ucs") parser.add_option("--original-ucs-gateway", action="store", type="string", dest="original_ucs_gateway", help="gateway in original ucs") parser.add_option("--dest-ip", action="store", type="string", dest="dest_ip", help="ip of destination instance") parser.add_option("--dest-gateway", action="store", type="string", dest="dest_gateway", help="gateway of destination instance") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # Set variables from options debug_level = options.debug_level cloud_provider = options.cloud_provider original_ucs = options.original_ucs updated_ucs = options.updated_ucs extract_ucs_dir = options.extract_dir original_ucs_ip = options.original_ucs_ip original_ucs_gateway = options.original_ucs_gateway dest_ip = options.dest_ip dest_gateway = options.dest_gateway if not original_ucs or not cloud_provider: print "Usage: " print (" ./%s --cloud-provider --original-ucs " % (sys.argv[0])) print (" ./%s --cloud-provider --original-ucs --updated-ucs " % (sys.argv[0])) print "ex. " print (" ./%s --cloud-provider aws --original-ucs original.ucs --updated-ucs updated.ucs" % (sys.argv[0])) sys.exit() # Open files tar_original = tarfile.open(original_ucs, "r:gz") tar_updated = tarfile.open(updated_ucs, "w:gz") try: tar_original.extractall(path=extract_ucs_dir) except IOError as e: sys.exit("I/O Error({0}): {1} - If the latest UCS file is corrupted and/or the current primary host is stuck at BECOMING_PRIMARY state, the corrupted UCS file needs to be deleted as well as primary host needs to be terminated to allow re-elect the new primary.'".format(e.errno, e.strerror)) bigip_base_file = "/config/bigip_base.conf" if cloud_provider == 'aws': gateway_file = "/config/partitions/LOCAL_ONLY/bigip.conf" else: gateway_file = "/config/bigip.conf" # Grab instance's hostname from UCS dest_hostname = get_hostname(bigip_base_file) original_hostname = get_hostname(extract_ucs_dir + bigip_base_file) # Grab instance's IP from UCS or local config file if not original_ucs_ip: original_ucs_ip = get_ip(extract_ucs_dir + bigip_base_file) if not original_ucs_gateway: original_ucs_gateway = get_gateway(extract_ucs_dir + gateway_file) if not dest_ip: if os.path.isfile(gateway_file): dest_ip = get_ip(bigip_base_file) else: dest_ip = get_local_ip() if not dest_gateway: if os.path.isfile(gateway_file): dest_gateway = get_gateway(gateway_file) else: dest_gateway = get_local_gateway() if debug_level > 0: print "original_hostname: " + original_hostname print "dest_hostname: " + dest_hostname print "original_ucs_ip: " + original_ucs_ip print "original_ucs_gateway: " + original_ucs_gateway print "dest_ip: " + dest_ip print "dest_gateway: " + dest_gateway # Fix string version of addresses with "-". ex. ip-10-0-11-151 original_ucs_ip_str = original_ucs_ip.replace(".", "-") dest_ip_str = dest_ip.replace(".", "-") if debug_level > 0: print "original_ucs_ip_str: " + original_ucs_ip_str print "dest_ip_str: " + dest_ip_str files_to_update = [ "/config/bigip_base.conf", "/config/bigip.conf", "/config/BigDB.dat", "/SPEC-Manifest" ] # Replace Gateway replace(extract_ucs_dir + gateway_file, original_ucs_gateway, dest_gateway) # Replace hostname, IP, String Versions in other files for f in files_to_update: filename = extract_ucs_dir + f if debug_level > 0: print "updating : " + filename replace(filename, original_ucs_ip, dest_ip) replace(filename, original_ucs_ip_str, dest_ip_str) if original_hostname and dest_hostname: replace(filename, original_hostname, dest_hostname) # Remove the cloud directory created by the template so we don't overwrite new code with old path_to_exclude = "/config/cloud/" + cloud_provider shutil.rmtree(extract_ucs_dir + path_to_exclude, ignore_errors=True) # Remove the cloud-libs private key info as you can't load a ucs w/ a passphrase shutil.rmtree(extract_ucs_dir + '/config/partitions/CloudLibsAutoscale', ignore_errors=True) shutil.rmtree(extract_ucs_dir + '/var/tmp/filestore_temp/files_d/CloudLibsAutoscale_d', ignore_errors=True) shutil.rmtree(extract_ucs_dir + '/config/partitions/CloudLibsLocal', ignore_errors=True) shutil.rmtree(extract_ucs_dir + '/var/tmp/filestore_temp/files_d/CloudLibsLocal_d', ignore_errors=True) # Remove the f5-cloud-libs local public keys as they won't match any private keys removeFiles(extract_ucs_dir + '/config/cloud/keys', 'cloudLocal*') # remove the dynad private key os.system("sed -i '/sys dynad key {/ { N ; /\\n[[:space:]]\+key[[:space:]]*\$M\$[^\\n]*/ { N; /\\n[[:space:]]*}/ { d } } }' " + extract_ucs_dir + "/config/bigip_base.conf") tar_updated.add(extract_ucs_dir, arcname='') tar_original.close() tar_updated.close() shutil.rmtree(extract_ucs_dir, ignore_errors=False, onerror=None) print "UCS Update Complete" print "Load UCS with command below:" print " tmsh load /sys ucs " + os.path.abspath(updated_ucs) + " no-license" # Leverage cfn-signal here # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/cfn-signal.html if __name__ == "__main__": main()