import { InputNextJSArgs, InputNextJSMetadata } from './types' import { FabBuildStep } from '@fab/core' import path from 'path' import { InvalidConfigError, _log } from '@fab/cli' import { preflightChecks } from './preflightChecks' import globby from 'globby' import fs from 'fs-extra' import generateRenderer from './generateRenderer' import webpack from 'webpack' const log = _log(`@fab/input-nextjs`) // @ts-ignore import md5dir from 'md5-dir/promise' const RENDERER = `generated-nextjs-renderers` const WEBPACKED = `webpacked-nextjs-renderers` export const build: FabBuildStep = async ( args, proto_fab, config_path, skip_cache = false ) => { // const { dir } = args if (proto_fab.files!.size > 0) { throw new InvalidConfigError( `@fab/input-nextjs must be the first 'input' plugin in the chain.` ) } const config_dir = path.dirname(path.resolve(config_path)) const { next_dir_name, next_dir, asset_prefix } = await preflightChecks(config_dir) // console.log({ next_dir_name, next_dir, asset_prefix }) log(`Reading files from πŸ’›${next_dir}πŸ’›`) const pages_dir = path.join(next_dir, 'serverless', 'pages') const static_dir = path.join(next_dir, 'static') const public_dir = path.resolve(next_dir, '../public') const pages_dir_hash = await md5dir(pages_dir) // console.log({ pages_dir, pages_dir_hash }) log(`Finding all static HTML pages...`) const html_files = await globby([`**/*.html`, `!_*`], { cwd: pages_dir }) await Promise.all( (filename) => { proto_fab.files!.set( '/' + filename, await fs.readFile(path.join(pages_dir, filename)) ) }) ) log.tick(`Found πŸ’›${html_files.length} static html pagesπŸ’›.`) const cache_dir = path.join(config_dir, '.fab', '.cache') const render_code_file = path.join( cache_dir, `${RENDERER}.${pages_dir_hash.slice(0, 7)}.js` ) const render_code_src = await getRenderCode( render_code_file, pages_dir, cache_dir, skip_cache ) // todo: hash & cache render_code // Webpack this file to inject all the required shims, before rolling it up, // since Webpack is way better at that job. Potentially this logic should be // moved out into a separate module or into the core compiler. const webpacked_output = path.join(cache_dir, `${WEBPACKED}.js`) const shims_dir = path.join(__dirname, 'shims') const entry_point = ` const renderers = require('${render_code_file}') const MockExpressResponse = require('${path.join( shims_dir, 'mock-express-response' )}') module.exports = { renderers, MockExpressResponse } ` const entry_file = path.join(cache_dir, 'entry-point.js') await fs.writeFile(entry_file, entry_point) await new Promise((resolve, reject) => webpack( { stats: 'verbose', mode: 'production', target: 'webworker', entry: entry_file, optimization: { minimize: false, }, output: { path: path.dirname(webpacked_output), filename: path.basename(webpacked_output), library: 'server', libraryTarget: 'commonjs2', }, resolve: { alias: { fs: require.resolve('memfs'), path: path.join(shims_dir, 'path-with-posix'), '@ampproject/toolbox-optimizer': path.join(shims_dir, 'empty-object'), }, }, node: { global: false, }, plugins: [ new webpack.DefinePlugin({ eval: 'eeeeeevaaaaaaaal', }), ], }, (err, stats) => { if (err || stats.hasErrors()) { console.log('Build failed.') console.log(err) console.log(stats && stats.toJson().errors.toString()) reject() } resolve() } ) ) const webpacked_src = await fs.readFile(webpacked_output, 'utf8') const haxxed_src = webpacked_src.replace( /function\s+wrapfunction\s*\(([\w_]+)([, \w_]*)\)\s*{/gm, 'function wrapfunction ($1$2) {\nreturn $1;' ) await fs.writeFile(path.join(cache_dir, `haxxed.js`), haxxed_src) proto_fab.hypotheticals[`${RENDERER}.js`] = haxxed_src log(`Finding all static assets`) const asset_files = await globby([`**/*`], { cwd: static_dir }) if (asset_files.length > 0) { for (const asset_file of asset_files) { proto_fab.files.set( `/_next/static/${asset_file}`, await fs.readFile(path.resolve(static_dir, asset_file)) ) } } log.tick(`Found ${asset_files.length} assets.`) log(`Finding all public files`) const public_files = await globby([`**/*`], { cwd: public_dir }) if (public_files.length > 0) { for (const public_file of public_files) { proto_fab.files.set( `/${public_file}`, await fs.readFile(path.resolve(public_dir, public_file)) ) log.tick(`πŸ–€${public_file}πŸ–€`, 2) } } } async function getRenderCode( renderer_cache: string, pages_dir: string, cache_dir: string, skip_cache: boolean ) { if (await fs.pathExists(renderer_cache)) { const relative_path = path.relative(process.cwd(), renderer_cache) if (skip_cache) { log.note(`Skipping cached renderer, regenerating πŸ’›${relative_path}πŸ’›`) } else { log(`Reusing NextJS renderer cache πŸ’›${relative_path}πŸ’›`) return await fs.readFile(renderer_cache, 'utf8') } } log(`Finding all dynamic NextJS entry points`) const js_renderers = await globby([`**/*.js`], { cwd: pages_dir }) const render_code = await generateRenderer(js_renderers, pages_dir) log(`Found πŸ’›${js_renderers.length} dynamic pagesπŸ’›.`) // Write out the cache while cleaning out any old caches await fs.ensureDir(cache_dir) const previous_caches = await globby([`${RENDERER}.*.js`], { cwd: cache_dir }) await Promise.all( => fs.remove(path.join(cache_dir, cache))) ) await fs.writeFile(renderer_cache, render_code) log.tick(`Wrote πŸ’›${renderer_cache}πŸ’›`) return render_code }