import cliProgress, { SingleBar } from "cli-progress" import chalk from "chalk" import { waitFor } from "@factor/api/utils" import { emitEvent, onEvent } from "@factor/api/events" /** * Create a way to alter CLI output when progress bars are building */ let __building = false export const isBuilding = (): boolean => { return __building } export const setBuilding = (state: boolean): void => { __building = state } /** * Loading bar for the CLI */ export default class LoadingBar { bar: SingleBar percent = 0 msg = "" build = "environment" addOneTimeout: NodeJS.Timeout | undefined = undefined constructor({ color = "", build = "" } = {}) { const colorize = color ? chalk.keyword(color) : (_: string): string => _ = new cliProgress.SingleBar( { hideCursor: true, clearOnComplete: true, format: `${colorize(`{bar}`)} {percentage}% {msg}`, }, cliProgress.Presets.shades_classic ) if (build) = build this.start() // If error elsewhere, don't iterate onEvent("buildError", () => { this.clearTimeout() }) } start({ start = 0, finish = 100 }: { start?: number; finish?: number } = {}): void {, start, { msg: this.msg }) setBuilding(true) emitEvent("buildProgress",, { progress: 0, message: "setting environment", }) } async update({ percent, msg = "" }: { percent: number; msg: string }): Promise { this.msg = msg percent = Math.round(percent) while (this.percent < percent && this.percent < 100) { this.addOne() await waitFor(20) } if (this.percent < 99) { this.setTimeout() } return } addOne(): void { this.percent = this.percent + 1, { msg: this.msg }) emitEvent("buildProgress",, { progress: this.percent, message: this.msg, }) if (this.percent >= 100) { this.clearTimeout() } } stop(): void { this.clearTimeout() setBuilding(false) emitEvent("buildProgress",, { progress: 100, message: "done", }) } clearTimeout(): void { if (this.addOneTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.addOneTimeout) } } setTimeout(): void { this.clearTimeout() this.addOneTimeout = setTimeout(() => { if (this.percent <= 99) { this.addOne() this.setTimeout() } }, 2000) } }