import prettyBytes from "pretty-bytes" import chalk from "chalk" import { getLatestVersion, getSuiteEdition } from "@factor/api/remote" import { factorVersion } from "@factor/api/about" import { systemUrl } from "@factor/api/url" import log from "@factor/api/logger" /** * Get node memory usage * */ export const getMemoryUsage = (): { heap: number; rss: number } => { const { heapUsed, rss } = process.memoryUsage() return { heap: heapUsed, rss } } /** * Get a formatted memory usage output for CLI */ export const getFormattedMemoryUsage = (): string => { const { heap, rss } = getMemoryUsage() return `Memory usage: ${chalk.bold(prettyBytes(heap))} (RSS: ${prettyBytes(rss)})` } /** * Returns which module registry was used to execute the CLI */ export const getCliExecutor = (): string => { const ePath = process.env.npm_execpath return ePath && ePath.includes("yarn") ? "yarn" : "npm" } export const blueChalk = (text: string): string => { return chalk.hex("#0471ff").bold(text) } export const redChalk = (text: string): string => { return chalk.hex("#FF0076").bold(text) } /** * Log useful server info */ export const serverInfo = async ({ NODE_ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV, command, }: { NODE_ENV?: string command?: string }): Promise => { const lines = [] const current = factorVersion() const latest = await getLatestVersion() const { edition } = await getSuiteEdition() const vLatest = latest != current ? `v${latest} upgrade available` : "latest" lines.push( chalk.bold(`Factor platform v${current} (${vLatest})`) + ` / ${chalk.bold(NODE_ENV)} mode` ) if (edition != "unknown") { const upsell = edition == "community" ? `- upgrade: ${redChalk("")}` : "- premium enabled" lines.push(`Using the ${redChalk(edition)} suite ${chalk.dim(upsell)}`) } if (command && ["dev", "serve", "start"].includes(command)) { lines.push(`Available at ${blueChalk(systemUrl("local"))}`) } log.log(`\n` + lines.join(`\n`) + `\n`) }