import bcrypt from 'bcryptjs'; import get from 'lodash/get'; import omit from 'lodash/omit'; import Debug from 'debug'; import { NotAuthenticated } from '@feathersjs/errors'; import { Query, Params } from '@feathersjs/feathers'; import { AuthenticationRequest, AuthenticationBaseStrategy } from '@feathersjs/authentication'; const debug = Debug('@feathersjs/authentication-local/strategy'); export class LocalStrategy extends AuthenticationBaseStrategy { verifyConfiguration () { const config = this.configuration; [ 'usernameField', 'passwordField' ].forEach(prop => { if (typeof config[prop] !== 'string') { throw new Error(`'${}' authentication strategy requires a '${prop}' setting`); } }); } get configuration () { const authConfig = this.authentication.configuration; const config = super.configuration || {}; return { hashSize: 10, service: authConfig.service, entity: authConfig.entity, entityId: authConfig.entityId, errorMessage: 'Invalid login', entityPasswordField: config.passwordField, entityUsernameField: config.usernameField, ...config }; } async getEntityQuery (query: Query, _params: Params) { return { $limit: 1, ...query }; } async findEntity (username: string, params: Params) { const { entityUsernameField, errorMessage } = this.configuration; if (!username) { // don't query for users without any condition set. throw new NotAuthenticated(errorMessage); } const query = await this.getEntityQuery({ [entityUsernameField]: username }, params); const findParams = Object.assign({}, params, { query }); const entityService = this.entityService; debug('Finding entity with query', params.query); const result = await entityService.find(findParams); const list = Array.isArray(result) ? result :; if (!Array.isArray(list) || list.length === 0) { debug(`No entity found`); throw new NotAuthenticated(errorMessage); } const [ entity ] = list; return entity; } async getEntity (result: any, params: Params) { const entityService = this.entityService; const { entityId =, entity } = this.configuration; if (!entityId || result[entityId] === undefined) { throw new NotAuthenticated('Could not get local entity'); } if (!params.provider) { return result; } return entityService.get(result[entityId], { ...params, [entity]: result }); } async comparePassword (entity: any, password: string) { const { entityPasswordField, errorMessage } = this.configuration; // find password in entity, this allows for dot notation const hash = get(entity, entityPasswordField); if (!hash) { debug(`Record is missing the '${entityPasswordField}' password field`); throw new NotAuthenticated(errorMessage); } debug('Verifying password'); const result = await, hash); if (result) { return entity; } throw new NotAuthenticated(errorMessage); } async hashPassword (password: string, _params: Params) { return bcrypt.hash(password, this.configuration.hashSize); } async authenticate (data: AuthenticationRequest, params: Params) { const { passwordField, usernameField, entity } = this.configuration; const username = data[usernameField]; const password = data[passwordField]; const result = await this.findEntity(username, omit(params, 'provider')); await this.comparePassword(result, password); return { authentication: { strategy: }, [entity]: await this.getEntity(result, params) }; } }