import http from 'http'; import { Server, ServerOptions } from ''; import { createDebug } from '@feathersjs/commons'; import { Application } from '@feathersjs/feathers'; import { socket } from '@feathersjs/transport-commons'; import { disconnect, params, authentication, FeathersSocket } from './middleware'; const debug = createDebug('@feathersjs/socketio'); declare module '@feathersjs/feathers/lib/declarations' { interface Application { // eslint-disable-line io: Server; listen (options: any): Promise; } } function configureSocketio (callback?: (io: Server) => void): (app: Application) => void; function configureSocketio (options: number | Partial, callback?: (io: Server) => void): (app: Application) => void; function configureSocketio (port: number, options?: Partial, callback?: (io: Server) => void): (app: Application) => void; function configureSocketio (port?: any, options?: any, config?: any) { if (typeof port !== 'number') { config = options; options = port; port = null; } if (typeof options !== 'object') { config = options; options = {}; } return (app: Application) => { // Function that gets the connection const getParams = (socket: FeathersSocket) => socket.feathers; // A mapping from connection to socket instance const socketMap = new WeakMap(); // Promise that resolves with the `io` instance // when `setup` has been called (with a server) const done = new Promise(resolve => { const { listen, setup } = app as any; Object.assign(app, { async listen (this: any, ...args: any[]) { if (typeof listen === 'function') { // If `listen` already exists // usually the case when the app has been expressified return, ...args); } const server = http.createServer(); await this.setup(server); return server.listen(...args); }, async setup (this: any, server: http.Server, any[]) { if (! { const io = = new Server(port || server, options); io.use(disconnect(app, getParams)); io.use(params(app, socketMap)); io.use(authentication(app, getParams)); // In Feathers it is easy to hit the standard Node warning limit // of event listeners (e.g. by registering 10 services). // So we set it to a higher number. 64 should be enough for everyone. io.sockets.setMaxListeners(64); } if (typeof config === 'function') { debug('Calling SocketIO configuration function');,; } resolve(; return, server,; } }); }); app.configure(socket({ done, socketMap, getParams, emit: 'emit' })); }; } export = configureSocketio;