import path from 'path'; import glob from 'glob'; import Report from '@feflow/report'; import commandLineUsage from 'command-line-usage'; import Commander from './commander'; import Hook from './hook'; import Binp from './universal-pkg/binp'; import logger from './logger'; import loadPlugins from './plugin/loadPlugins'; import loadUniversalPlugin from './plugin/loadUniversalPlugin'; import loadDevkits from './devkit/loadDevkits'; import getCommandLine from './devkit/commandOptions'; import { FEFLOW_HOME, FEFLOW_BIN, FEFLOW_LIB, UNIVERSAL_PKG_JSON, UNIVERSAL_MODULES, HOOK_TYPE_ON_COMMAND_REGISTERED, LOG_FILE } from '../shared/constant'; import { safeDump, parseYaml } from '../shared/yaml'; import { FefError } from '../shared/fefError'; import { setServerUrl } from '../shared/git'; import { UniversalPkg } from './universal-pkg/dep/pkg'; import CommandPicker, { LOAD_UNIVERSAL_PLUGIN, LOAD_PLUGIN, LOAD_DEVKIT, LOAD_ALL } from './command-picker'; import { checkUpdate } from './resident'; import { mkdirAsync, statAsync, unlinkAsync, writeFileAsync, readFileAsync } from '../shared/fs'; import { isInstalledPM } from '../shared/npm'; const pkg = require('../../package.json'); export default class Feflow { public args: any; public cmd: any; public projectConfig: any; public projectPath: any; public version: string; public logger: any; public loggerPath: any; public commander: any; public hook: any; public root: any; public rootPkg: any; public universalPkgPath: string; public universalModules: string; public config: any; public configPath: any; public bin: string; public lib: string; public universalPkg: UniversalPkg; public reporter: any; public commandPick: CommandPicker | null; public fefError: FefError; constructor(args: any) { args = args || {}; const configPath = path.join(FEFLOW_HOME, '.feflowrc.yml'); this.root = FEFLOW_HOME; this.bin = path.join(FEFLOW_HOME, FEFLOW_BIN); this.lib = path.join(FEFLOW_HOME, FEFLOW_LIB); this.rootPkg = path.join(FEFLOW_HOME, 'package.json'); this.loggerPath = path.join(FEFLOW_HOME, LOG_FILE); this.universalPkgPath = path.join(FEFLOW_HOME, UNIVERSAL_PKG_JSON); this.universalModules = path.join(FEFLOW_HOME, UNIVERSAL_MODULES); this.args = args; this.version = pkg.version; this.config = parseYaml(configPath); setServerUrl(this.config?.serverUrl); this.configPath = configPath; this.hook = new Hook(); this.commander = new Commander((cmdName: string) => { this.hook.emit(HOOK_TYPE_ON_COMMAND_REGISTERED, cmdName); }); this.logger = logger({ debug: Boolean(args.debug), silent: Boolean(args.silent) }); this.reporter = new Report(this); this.universalPkg = new UniversalPkg(this.universalPkgPath); this.commandPick = null; this.fefError = new FefError(this); } async init(cmd: string | undefined) { this.reporter.init(cmd); await Promise.all([ this.initClient(), this.initPackageManager(), this.initBinPath() ]); const disableCheck = this.args['disable-check'] || this.config?.disableCheck; if (!disableCheck) { checkUpdate(this); } this.commandPick = new CommandPicker(this, cmd); if (this.commandPick.isAvailable()) { // should hit the cache in most cases this.logger.debug('find cmd in cache'); this.commandPick.pickCommand(); await this.loadCommands(LOAD_DEVKIT); } else { // if not, load plugin/devkit/native in need this.logger.debug('not find cmd in cache'); await this.loadCommands(this.commandPick.getLoadOrder()); // make sure the command has at least one funtion, otherwise replace to help command this.commandPick.checkCommand(); } } async initClient() { const { rootPkg } = this; let pkgInfo = null; try { await statAsync(rootPkg); pkgInfo = await readFileAsync(rootPkg); } catch (e) {} if (!pkgInfo) { await writeFileAsync( rootPkg, JSON.stringify( { name: 'feflow-home', version: '0.0.0', private: true }, null, 2 ) ); } } async initBinPath() { const { bin } = this; try { const stats = await statAsync(bin); if (!stats.isDirectory()) { await unlinkAsync(bin); } } catch (e) { await mkdirAsync(bin); } new Binp().register(bin); } initPackageManager() { const { root, logger } = this; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!this.config?.packageManager) { const packageManagers = ['tnpm', 'cnpm', 'npm', 'yarn']; const defaultPackageManager = packageManagers.find(packageManager => isInstalledPM(packageManager) ); if (!defaultPackageManager) { // 无包管理器直接结束 logger.error('You must installed a package manager'); return; } else { const configPath = path.join(root, '.feflowrc.yml'); safeDump( Object.assign({}, parseYaml(configPath), { packageManager: defaultPackageManager }), configPath ); this.config = parseYaml(configPath); } } else { logger.debug('Use packageManager is: ', this.config.packageManager); } resolve(); }); } loadNative() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const nativePath = path.join(__dirname, './native/*.js'); // fs.readdirSync(nativePath) glob.sync(nativePath).forEach((file: string) => { require(file)(this); }); resolve(); }); } async loadCommands(orderType: number) { this.logger.debug('load order: ', orderType); if ((orderType & LOAD_ALL) === LOAD_ALL) { await Promise.all([ this.loadNative(), loadUniversalPlugin(this), loadPlugins(this), loadDevkits(this) ]); return; } if ((orderType & LOAD_PLUGIN) === LOAD_PLUGIN) { await loadPlugins(this); } if ((orderType & LOAD_UNIVERSAL_PLUGIN) === LOAD_UNIVERSAL_PLUGIN) { await loadUniversalPlugin(this); } if ((orderType & LOAD_DEVKIT) === LOAD_DEVKIT) { await loadDevkits(this); } } loadInternalPlugins() { const devToolPlugin = '@feflow/feflow-plugin-devtool'; try { this.logger.debug('Plugin loaded: %s', devToolPlugin); return require(devToolPlugin)(this); } catch (err) { this.fefError.printError({ error: err, msg: 'internal plugin load failed: %s' }); } } async call(name: string | undefined, ctx: any) { if ( && name) { await this.showCommandOptionDescription(name, ctx); } const cmd = this.commander.get(name); if (cmd) { = cmd.pluginName; await, ctx); } else { this.logger.debug(`Command ' ${name} ' has not been registered yet!`); } } async showCommandOptionDescription(cmd: string, ctx: any): Promise { const registeredCommand = ctx.commander.get(cmd); let commandLine: object[] = []; if (registeredCommand && registeredCommand.options) { commandLine = getCommandLine( registeredCommand.options, registeredCommand.desc, cmd ); } // 有副作用,暂无好方法改造 if (cmd === 'help') {, ctx); return true; } if (commandLine.length == 0) { return false; } const sections = []; sections.push(...commandLine); const usage = commandLineUsage(sections); console.log(usage); return true; } }