/*! * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation and contributors. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. */ // Shared prettier configuration for use in across the fluid-framework repository. // Individual packages may extend this and override rules as needed, though for consistent formatting, package-local // overrides should be avoided unless absolutely necessary. module.exports = { printWidth: 100, quoteProps: "consistent", semi: true, singleQuote: false, tabWidth: 4, trailingComma: "all", useTabs: true, overrides: [ { files: "lerna.json", options: { printWidth: 50, tabWidth: 2, }, }, { // Some JSON files are only ever used by JSON5-aware tools files: ["tsconfig*.json", ".vscode/*.json"], options: { parser: "json5", tabWidth: 2, quoteProps: "preserve", }, }, { files: "*.json", options: { tabWidth: 2, quoteProps: "preserve", }, }, { // YAML formatting should not use tabs, and use a 2-space indent instead files: ["*.yaml", "*.yml"], options: { tabWidth: 2, useTabs: false, quoteProps: "preserve", }, }, ], };