import chai, {expect} from 'chai' import {Contract, BigNumber} from 'ethers' import {solidity, MockProvider, deployContract} from 'ethereum-waffle' import BitMathTest from '../build/BitMathTest.json' chai.use(solidity) const overrides = { gasLimit: 9999999, } describe('BitMath', () => { const provider = new MockProvider({ ganacheOptions: { hardfork: 'istanbul', mnemonic: 'horn horn horn horn horn horn horn horn horn horn horn horn', gasLimit: 9999999, }, }) const [wallet] = provider.getWallets() let bitMath: Contract before('deploy BitMathTest', async () => { bitMath = await deployContract(wallet, BitMathTest, [], overrides) }) describe('#mostSignificantBit', () => { it('0', async () => { await expect(bitMath.mostSignificantBit(0))'BitMath::mostSignificantBit: zero') }) it('1', async () => { expect(await bitMath.mostSignificantBit(1)).to.eq(0) }) it('2', async () => { expect(await bitMath.mostSignificantBit(2)).to.eq(1) }) it('all powers of 2', async () => { const results = await Promise.all( [...Array(255)].map((_, i) => bitMath.mostSignificantBit(BigNumber.from(2).pow(i))) ) expect(results).to.deep.eq([...Array(255)].map((_, i) => i)) }) it('uint256(-1)', async () => { expect(await bitMath.mostSignificantBit(BigNumber.from(2).pow(256).sub(1))).to.eq(255) }) it('gas cost of smaller number', async () => { expect(await bitMath.getGasCostOfMostSignificantBit(BigNumber.from(3568))).to.eq(295) }) it('gas cost of max uint128', async () => { expect(await bitMath.getGasCostOfMostSignificantBit(BigNumber.from(2).pow(128).sub(1))).to.eq(367) }) it('gas cost of max uint256', async () => { expect(await bitMath.getGasCostOfMostSignificantBit(BigNumber.from(2).pow(256).sub(1))).to.eq(385) }) }) describe('#leastSignificantBit', () => { it('0', async () => { await expect(bitMath.leastSignificantBit(0))'BitMath::leastSignificantBit: zero') }) it('1', async () => { expect(await bitMath.leastSignificantBit(1)).to.eq(0) }) it('2', async () => { expect(await bitMath.leastSignificantBit(2)).to.eq(1) }) it('all powers of 2', async () => { const results = await Promise.all( [...Array(255)].map((_, i) => bitMath.leastSignificantBit(BigNumber.from(2).pow(i))) ) expect(results).to.deep.eq([...Array(255)].map((_, i) => i)) }) it('uint256(-1)', async () => { expect(await bitMath.leastSignificantBit(BigNumber.from(2).pow(256).sub(1))).to.eq(0) }) it('gas cost of smaller number', async () => { expect(await bitMath.getGasCostOfLeastSignificantBit(BigNumber.from(3568))).to.eq(408) }) it('gas cost of max uint128', async () => { expect(await bitMath.getGasCostOfLeastSignificantBit(BigNumber.from(2).pow(128).sub(1))).to.eq(407) }) it('gas cost of max uint256', async () => { expect(await bitMath.getGasCostOfLeastSignificantBit(BigNumber.from(2).pow(256).sub(1))).to.eq(407) }) }) })