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Interactive content

details / summary

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et me.
  <div class="main"> <div>


Some sort of famous witty quote marked up with a <blockquote> and a child <p> element.

Even better philosophical quote marked up with just a <blockquote> element.

ordered list

  1. list item 1
  2. list item 1
    1. list item 2
    2. list item 2
      1. list item 3
      2. list item 3
    3. list item 2
    4. list item 2
  3. list item 1
  4. list item 1

unordered list

description list

Description name
Description value
Description name
Description value
Description value
Description name
Description name
Description value


Figcaption content

Tabular data

Jimi Hendrix - albums
Album Year Price
Album Year Price
Are You Experienced 1967 10.00
Axis: Bold as Love 1967 12.00
Electric Ladyland 1968 10.00
Band of Gypsys 1970 12.00


Inputs as descendents of labels (form legend). This doubles up as a long legend that can test word wrapping.

Inputs as siblings of labels

Clickable inputs and buttons

box-sizing tests