Heading 1.

Span with .fs-1

You can apply an .fs-1 class to any element to give it the same font size as a h1

This is a paragraph that contains a normal hyperlink, some strong text and some italic text. Look how beautiful it looks! :)

Heading 2.

Span with .fs-2

You can apply an .fs-2 class to any element to give it the same font size as a h2

Heading 3.

Span with .fs-3

You can apply an .fs-3 class to any element to give it the same font size as a h3

Heading 4.

Span with .fs-4

You can apply an .fs-4 class to any element to give it the same font size as a h4

Heading 5.
Span with .fs-5

You can apply an .fs-5 class to any element to give it the same font size as a h5

Heading 6.
Span with .fs-6

You can apply an .fs-6 class to any element to give it the same font size as a h6


  1. Numbered List item 1
  2. Numbered List item 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua enim ad minim veniam.

John Doe - Random Guy

Code Blocks
  <!DOCTYPE html>
  <html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">

npm install @getbase/typography -S