import { Nullable, PresentArray, WireFormat, Dict, SerializedTemplateBlock, TemplateJavascript } from "@glimmer/interfaces"; import { PrecompileOptions, PrecompileOptionsWithLexicalScope, TemplateIdFn } from "@glimmer/syntax"; type BuilderParams = BuilderExpression[]; type BuilderHash = Nullable>; type BuilderBlockHash = BuilderHash | { as: string | string[]; }; type BuilderBlocks = Dict; type BuilderAttrs = Dict; type NormalizedParams = NormalizedExpression[]; type NormalizedHash = Dict; type NormalizedBlock = NormalizedStatement[]; type NormalizedBlocks = Dict; type NormalizedAttrs = Dict; type NormalizedAttr = HeadKind.Splat | NormalizedExpression; declare enum HeadKind { Block = "Block", Call = "Call", Element = "Element", AppendPath = "AppendPath", AppendExpr = "AppendExpr", Literal = "Literal", Modifier = "Modifier", DynamicComponent = "DynamicComponent", Comment = "Comment", Splat = "Splat", Keyword = "Keyword" } declare enum VariableKind { Local = "Local", Free = "Free", Arg = "Arg", Block = "Block", This = "This" } interface Variable { kind: VariableKind; name: string; /** * Differences: * * - strict mode variables always refer to in-scope variables * - loose mode variables use this algorithm: * 1. otherwise, fall back to `this.` */ mode: "loose" | "strict"; } interface Path { head: Variable; tail: PresentArray; } interface AppendExpr { kind: HeadKind.AppendExpr; expr: NormalizedExpression; trusted: boolean; } interface AppendPath { kind: HeadKind.AppendPath; path: NormalizedPath; trusted: boolean; } interface NormalizedKeywordStatement { kind: HeadKind.Keyword; name: string; params: Nullable; hash: Nullable; blockParams: Nullable; blocks: NormalizedBlocks; } type NormalizedStatement = { kind: HeadKind.Call; head: NormalizedHead; params: Nullable; hash: Nullable; trusted: boolean; } | { kind: HeadKind.Block; head: NormalizedHead; params: Nullable; hash: Nullable; blockParams: Nullable; blocks: NormalizedBlocks; } | NormalizedKeywordStatement | { kind: HeadKind.Element; name: string; attrs: NormalizedAttrs; block: NormalizedBlock; } | { kind: HeadKind.Comment; value: string; } | { kind: HeadKind.Literal; value: string; } | AppendPath | AppendExpr | { kind: HeadKind.Modifier; params: NormalizedParams; hash: Nullable; } | { kind: HeadKind.DynamicComponent; expr: NormalizedExpression; hash: Nullable; block: NormalizedBlock; }; type SugaryArrayStatement = BuilderCallExpression | BuilderElement | BuilderBlockStatement; type BuilderBlockStatement = [ string, BuilderBlock | BuilderBlocks ] | [ string, BuilderParams | BuilderBlockHash, BuilderBlock | BuilderBlocks ] | [ string, BuilderParams, BuilderBlockHash, BuilderBlock | BuilderBlocks ]; type BuilderElement = [ string ] | [ string, BuilderAttrs, BuilderBlock ] | [ string, BuilderBlock ] | [ string, BuilderAttrs ]; type BuilderComment = [ Builder.Comment, string ]; declare enum Builder { Literal = 0, Comment = 1, Append = 2, Modifier = 3, DynamicComponent = 4, Get = 5, Concat = 6, HasBlock = 7, HasBlockParams = 8 } type VerboseStatement = [ Builder.Literal, string ] | [ Builder.Comment, string ] | [ Builder.Append, BuilderExpression, true ] | [ Builder.Append, BuilderExpression ] | [ Builder.Modifier, Params, Hash ] | [ Builder.DynamicComponent, BuilderExpression, Hash, BuilderBlock ]; type BuilderStatement = VerboseStatement | SugaryArrayStatement | TupleBuilderExpression | string; type BuilderAttr = "splat" | BuilderExpression; type TupleBuilderExpression = [ Builder.Literal, string | boolean | null | undefined ] | [ Builder.Get, string ] | [ Builder.Get, string, string[] ] | [ Builder.Concat, ...BuilderExpression[] ] | [ Builder.HasBlock, string ] | [ Builder.HasBlockParams, string ] | BuilderCallExpression; type Params = BuilderParams; type Hash = Dict; declare enum ExpressionKind { Literal = "Literal", Call = "Call", GetPath = "GetPath", GetVar = "GetVar", Concat = "Concat", HasBlock = "HasBlock", HasBlockParams = "HasBlockParams" } interface NormalizedCallExpression { type: ExpressionKind.Call; head: NormalizedHead; params: Nullable; hash: Nullable; } interface NormalizedPath { type: ExpressionKind.GetPath; path: Path; } interface NormalizedVar { type: ExpressionKind.GetVar; variable: Variable; } type NormalizedHead = NormalizedPath | NormalizedVar; interface NormalizedConcat { type: ExpressionKind.Concat; params: [ NormalizedExpression, ...NormalizedExpression[] ]; } type NormalizedExpression = { type: ExpressionKind.Literal; value: null | undefined | boolean | string | number; } | NormalizedCallExpression | NormalizedPath | NormalizedVar | NormalizedConcat | { type: ExpressionKind.HasBlock; name: string; } | { type: ExpressionKind.HasBlockParams; name: string; }; // | [Builder.Get, string] // | [Builder.Get, string, string[]] // | [Builder.Concat, Params] // | [Builder.HasBlock, string] // | [Builder.HasBlockParams, string] type BuilderExpression = TupleBuilderExpression | BuilderCallExpression | null | undefined | boolean | string | number; type MiniBuilderBlock = BuilderStatement[]; type BuilderBlock = MiniBuilderBlock; type BuilderCallExpression = [ string ] | [ string, Params | Hash ] | [ string, Params, Hash ]; interface Symbols { top: ProgramSymbols; freeVar(name: string): number; arg(name: string): number; block(name: string): number; local(name: string): number; this(): number; hasLocal(name: string): boolean; child(params: string[]): LocalSymbols; } declare class ProgramSymbols implements Symbols { _freeVariables: string[]; _symbols: string[]; top: this; toSymbols(): string[]; toUpvars(): string[]; freeVar(name: string): number; block(name: string): number; arg(name: string): number; local(name: string): never; this(): number; hasLocal(_name: string): false; // any symbol symbol(name: string): number; child(locals: string[]): LocalSymbols; } declare class LocalSymbols implements Symbols { private parent; private locals; constructor(parent: Symbols, locals: string[]); get paramSymbols(): number[]; get top(): ProgramSymbols; freeVar(name: string): number; arg(name: string): number; block(name: string): number; local(name: string): number; this(): number; hasLocal(name: string): boolean; child(locals: string[]): LocalSymbols; } declare function buildStatements(statements: BuilderStatement[], symbols: Symbols): WireFormat.Statement[]; declare function buildStatement(normalized: NormalizedStatement, symbols?: Symbols): WireFormat.Statement[]; declare function s(arr: TemplateStringsArray, ...interpolated: unknown[]): [ Builder.Literal, string ]; declare function c(arr: TemplateStringsArray, ...interpolated: unknown[]): BuilderComment; declare function unicode(charCode: string): string; declare const NEWLINE = "\n"; declare const defaultId: TemplateIdFn; /* * Compile a string into a template javascript string. * * Example usage: * import { precompile } from '@glimmer/compiler'; * import { templateFactory } from 'glimmer-runtime'; * let templateJs = precompile("Howdy {{name}}"); * let factory = templateFactory(new Function("return " + templateJs)()); * let template = factory.create(env); * * @method precompile * @param {string} string a Glimmer template string * @return {string} a template javascript string */ declare function precompileJSON(string: Nullable, options?: PrecompileOptions | PrecompileOptionsWithLexicalScope): [ block: SerializedTemplateBlock, usedLocals: string[] ]; /* * Compile a string into a template javascript string. * * Example usage: * import { precompile } from '@glimmer/compiler'; * import { templateFactory } from 'glimmer-runtime'; * let templateJs = precompile("Howdy {{name}}"); * let factory = templateFactory(new Function("return " + templateJs)()); * let template = factory.create(env); * * @method precompile * @param {string} string a Glimmer template string * @return {string} a template javascript string */ declare function precompile(source: string, options?: PrecompileOptions | PrecompileOptionsWithLexicalScope): TemplateJavascript; declare class WireFormatDebugger { private upvars; private symbols; constructor([_statements, symbols, _hasEval, upvars]: SerializedTemplateBlock); format(program: SerializedTemplateBlock): unknown; formatOpcode(opcode: WireFormat.Syntax): unknown; private formatCurryType; private formatElementParams; private formatParams; private formatHash; private formatBlocks; private formatBlock; } export { buildStatement, buildStatements, c, NEWLINE, ProgramSymbols, s, unicode, Builder, BuilderStatement, defaultId, precompile, precompileJSON, PrecompileOptions, WireFormatDebugger }; 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