declare const _default: object; /** Dynamically look up a property on an object. The second argument to `{{get}}` should have a string value, although it can be bound. For example, these two usages are equivalent: ```app/components/developer-detail.js import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking'; export default class extends Component { @tracked developer = { name: "Sandi Metz", language: "Ruby" } } ``` ```handlebars {{}} {{get this.developer "name"}} ``` If there were several facts about a person, the `{{get}}` helper can dynamically pick one: ```app/templates/application.hbs ``` ```handlebars {{get this.developer @factName}} ``` For a more complex example, this template would allow the user to switch between showing the user's height and weight with a click: ```app/components/developer-detail.js import Component from '@glimmer/component'; import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking'; export default class extends Component { @tracked developer = { name: "Sandi Metz", language: "Ruby" } @tracked currentFact = 'name' showFact = (fact) => { this.currentFact = fact; } } ``` ```app/components/developer-detail.js {{get this.developer this.currentFact}} ``` The `{{get}}` helper can also respect mutable values itself. For example: ```app/components/developer-detail.js ``` Would allow the user to swap what fact is being displayed, and also edit that fact via a two-way mutable binding. @public @method get */ export default _default; //#