declare const _default: object; /** Use the `{{hash}}` helper to create a hash to pass as an option to your components. This is specially useful for contextual components where you can just yield a hash: ```handlebars {{yield (hash name='Sarah' title=office )}} ``` Would result in an object such as: ```js { name: 'Sarah', title: this.get('office') } ``` Where the `title` is bound to updates of the `office` property. Note that the hash is an empty object with no prototype chain, therefore common methods like `toString` are not available in the resulting hash. If you need to use such a method, you can use the `call` or `apply` approach: ```js function toString(obj) { return Object.prototype.toString.apply(obj); } ``` @method hash @param {Object} options @return {Object} Hash @public */ export default _default; //#