import { PresentArray } from '@glimmer/interfaces'; import { SourceSlice } from '../../source/slice'; import type { CallFields } from './base'; import type { FreeVarReference, VariableReference } from './refs'; /** * A Handlebars literal. * * {@link} */ export declare type LiteralValue = string | boolean | number | undefined | null; export interface LiteralTypes { string: string; boolean: boolean; number: number; null: null; undefined: undefined; } declare const LiteralExpression_base: import("./node").TypedNodeConstructor<"Literal", { value: LiteralValue; } & import("./node").BaseNodeFields>; /** * Corresponds to a Handlebars literal. * * @see {LiteralValue} */ export declare class LiteralExpression extends LiteralExpression_base { toSlice(this: StringLiteral): SourceSlice; } export declare type StringLiteral = LiteralExpression & { value: string; }; /** * Returns true if an input {@see ExpressionNode} is a literal. */ export declare function isLiteral(node: ExpressionNode, kind?: K): node is StringLiteral; declare const PathExpression_base: import("./node").TypedNodeConstructor<"Path", { ref: VariableReference; tail: readonly SourceSlice[]; } & import("./node").BaseNodeFields>; /** * Corresponds to a path in expression position. * * ```hbs * this * this.x * @x * @x.y * x * x.y * ``` */ export declare class PathExpression extends PathExpression_base { } declare const CallExpression_base: import("./node").TypedNodeConstructor<"Call", CallFields & import("./node").BaseNodeFields>; /** * Corresponds to a parenthesized call expression. * * ```hbs * (x) * (x.y) * (x y) * (x.y z) * ``` */ export declare class CallExpression extends CallExpression_base { } declare const DeprecatedCallExpression_base: import("./node").TypedNodeConstructor<"DeprecatedCall", { arg: SourceSlice; callee: FreeVarReference; } & import("./node").BaseNodeFields>; /** * Corresponds to a possible deprecated helper call. Must be: * * 1. A free variable (not, not @foo, not local). * 2. Argument-less. * 3. In a component invocation's named argument position. * 4. Not parenthesized (not @bar={{(helper)}}). * 5. Not interpolated (not @bar="{{helper}}"). * * ```hbs * * ``` */ export declare class DeprecatedCallExpression extends DeprecatedCallExpression_base { } declare const InterpolateExpression_base: import("./node").TypedNodeConstructor<"Interpolate", { parts: PresentArray; } & import("./node").BaseNodeFields>; /** * Corresponds to an interpolation in attribute value position. * * ```hbs *