import type { Nullable, PresentArray } from '@glimmer/interfaces'; import type * as src from '../source/api'; export interface BaseNode { type: NodeType; loc: src.SourceSpan; } export interface CommonProgram extends BaseNode { body: Statement[]; } export interface Block extends CommonProgram { type: 'Block'; params: VarHead[]; chained?: boolean; /** * string accessor for */ blockParams: string[]; } export type EntityEncodingState = 'transformed' | 'raw'; export interface Template extends CommonProgram { type: 'Template'; blockParams: string[]; } /** * @deprecated use Template or Block instead */ export type Program = Template | Block; export type CallableExpression = SubExpression | PathExpression; export interface CallParts { path: CallableExpression; params: Expression[]; hash: Hash; loc: src.SourceSpan; } export type CallNode = MustacheStatement | BlockStatement | ElementModifierStatement | SubExpression; export interface MustacheStatement extends BaseNode { type: 'MustacheStatement'; path: Expression; params: Expression[]; hash: Hash; trusting: boolean; strip: StripFlags; /** * @deprecated use trusting instead */ escaped: boolean; } export interface BlockStatement extends BaseNode { type: 'BlockStatement'; path: CallableExpression; params: Expression[]; hash: Hash; program: Block; inverse?: Nullable; openStrip: StripFlags; inverseStrip: StripFlags; closeStrip: StripFlags; chained?: boolean; } export interface ElementModifierStatement extends BaseNode { type: 'ElementModifierStatement'; path: CallableExpression; params: Expression[]; hash: Hash; } export interface CommentStatement extends BaseNode { type: 'CommentStatement'; value: string; } export interface MustacheCommentStatement extends BaseNode { type: 'MustacheCommentStatement'; value: string; } export interface ElementNode extends BaseNode { type: 'ElementNode'; path: PathExpression; selfClosing: boolean; attributes: AttrNode[]; params: VarHead[]; modifiers: ElementModifierStatement[]; comments: MustacheCommentStatement[]; children: Statement[]; /** * span for the open tag */ openTag: src.SourceSpan; /** * span for the close tag, null for void or self-closing tags */ closeTag: Nullable; /** * string accessor for path.original */ tag: string; /** * string accessor for */ blockParams: string[]; } export type StatementName = 'MustacheStatement' | 'CommentStatement' | 'BlockStatement' | 'MustacheCommentStatement' | 'TextNode' | 'ElementNode'; export interface AttrNode extends BaseNode { type: 'AttrNode'; name: string; value: AttrValue; } export type AttrValue = TextNode | MustacheStatement | ConcatStatement; export type AttrPart = TextNode | MustacheStatement; export interface TextNode extends BaseNode { type: 'TextNode'; chars: string; } export interface ConcatStatement extends BaseNode { type: 'ConcatStatement'; parts: PresentArray; } export type ExpressionName = 'SubExpression' | 'PathExpression' | LiteralName; export interface SubExpression extends BaseNode { type: 'SubExpression'; path: CallableExpression; params: Expression[]; hash: Hash; } export interface ThisHead { type: 'ThisHead'; original: 'this'; loc: src.SourceSpan; } export interface AtHead { type: 'AtHead'; name: string; loc: src.SourceSpan; /** * alias for name */ original: string; } export interface VarHead { type: 'VarHead'; name: string; loc: src.SourceSpan; /** * alias for name */ original: string; } export type PathHead = ThisHead | AtHead | VarHead; export interface MinimalPathExpression extends BaseNode { type: 'PathExpression'; head: PathHead; tail: string[]; } export interface PathExpression extends MinimalPathExpression { type: 'PathExpression'; original: string; head: PathHead; tail: string[]; /** * @deprecated use `head` and `tail` instead */ parts: readonly string[]; /** * @deprecated use `head.type` instead */ readonly this: boolean; /** * @deprecated use `head.type' instead */ readonly data: boolean; } export type LiteralName = 'StringLiteral' | 'BooleanLiteral' | 'NumberLiteral' | 'UndefinedLiteral' | 'NullLiteral'; export interface StringLiteral extends BaseNode { type: 'StringLiteral'; value: string; /** * @deprecated use value instead */ original: string; } export interface BooleanLiteral extends BaseNode { type: 'BooleanLiteral'; value: boolean; /** * @deprecated use value instead */ original: boolean; } export interface NumberLiteral extends BaseNode { type: 'NumberLiteral'; value: number; /** * @deprecated use value instead */ original: number; } export interface UndefinedLiteral extends BaseNode { type: 'UndefinedLiteral'; value: undefined; /** * @deprecated use value instead */ original: undefined; } export interface NullLiteral extends BaseNode { type: 'NullLiteral'; value: null; /** * @deprecated use value instead */ original: null; } export interface Hash extends BaseNode { type: 'Hash'; pairs: HashPair[]; } export interface HashPair extends BaseNode { type: 'HashPair'; key: string; value: Expression; } export interface StripFlags { open: boolean; close: boolean; } export type Nodes = { Template: Template; Block: Block; MustacheStatement: MustacheStatement; BlockStatement: BlockStatement; ElementModifierStatement: ElementModifierStatement; CommentStatement: CommentStatement; MustacheCommentStatement: MustacheCommentStatement; ElementNode: ElementNode; AttrNode: AttrNode; TextNode: TextNode; ConcatStatement: ConcatStatement; SubExpression: SubExpression; PathExpression: PathExpression; StringLiteral: StringLiteral; BooleanLiteral: BooleanLiteral; NumberLiteral: NumberLiteral; NullLiteral: NullLiteral; UndefinedLiteral: UndefinedLiteral; Hash: Hash; HashPair: HashPair; }; export type NodeType = keyof Nodes; export type Node = Nodes[NodeType]; export type SubNodes = { ThisHead: ThisHead; AtHead: AtHead; VarHead: VarHead; }; export type SubNodeType = keyof SubNodes; export type SubNode = SubNodes[SubNodeType]; export type Statement = Nodes[StatementName]; export type Statements = Pick; export type Literal = Nodes[LiteralName]; export type Expression = Nodes[ExpressionName]; export type Expressions = Pick; export type TopLevelStatement = Statement | Nodes['Block']; export type ParentNode = Template | Block | ElementNode;