/*! * Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /// import { DeleteCallback, Metadata, ServiceObject } from '@google-cloud/common'; import { ResourceStream } from '@google-cloud/paginator'; import { Duplex } from 'stream'; import { BigQuery, PagedCallback, PagedRequest, PagedResponse, Query, QueryRowsResponse, ResourceCallback, SimpleQueryRowsCallback } from './bigquery'; import { JobCallback, JobResponse, Table, TableMetadata, TableOptions } from './table'; import { Model } from './model'; import { Routine } from './routine'; import bigquery from './types'; export interface DatasetDeleteOptions { force?: boolean; } export interface DatasetOptions { location?: string; projectId?: string; } export type CreateDatasetOptions = bigquery.IDataset; export type GetModelsOptions = PagedRequest; export type GetModelsResponse = PagedResponse; export type GetModelsCallback = PagedCallback; export type GetRoutinesOptions = PagedRequest; export type GetRoutinesResponse = PagedResponse; export type GetRoutinesCallback = PagedCallback; export type GetTablesOptions = PagedRequest; export type GetTablesResponse = PagedResponse; export type GetTablesCallback = PagedCallback; export type RoutineMetadata = bigquery.IRoutine; export type RoutineResponse = [Routine, bigquery.IRoutine]; export type RoutineCallback = ResourceCallback; export type TableResponse = [Table, bigquery.ITable]; export type TableCallback = ResourceCallback; /** * Interact with your BigQuery dataset. Create a Dataset instance with * {@link BigQuery#createDataset} or {@link BigQuery#dataset}. * * @class * @param {BigQuery} bigQuery {@link BigQuery} instance. * @param {string} id The ID of the Dataset. * @param {object} [options] Dataset options. * @param {string} [options.projectId] The GCP project ID. * @param {string} [options.location] The geographic location of the dataset. * Defaults to US. * * @example * ``` * const {BigQuery} = require('@google-cloud/bigquery'); * const bigquery = new BigQuery(); * const dataset = bigquery.dataset('institutions'); * ``` */ declare class Dataset extends ServiceObject { bigQuery: BigQuery; location?: string; projectId?: string; getModelsStream(options?: GetModelsOptions): ResourceStream; getRoutinesStream(options?: GetRoutinesOptions): ResourceStream; getTablesStream(options?: GetTablesOptions): ResourceStream; constructor(bigQuery: BigQuery, id: string, options?: DatasetOptions); /** * Run a query as a job. No results are immediately returned. Instead, your * callback will be executed with a {@link Job} object that you must * ping for the results. See the Job documentation for explanations of how to * check on the status of the job. * * See {@link BigQuery#createQueryJob} for full documentation of this method. * * @param {object} options See {@link BigQuery#createQueryJob} for full documentation of this method. * @param {JobCallback} [callback] See {@link BigQuery#createQueryJob} for full documentation of this method. * @returns {Promise} See {@link BigQuery#createQueryJob} for full documentation of this method. */ createQueryJob(options: string | Query): Promise; createQueryJob(options: string | Query, callback: JobCallback): void; /** * Run a query scoped to your dataset as a readable object stream. * * See {@link BigQuery#createQueryStream} for full documentation of this * method. * * @param {object} options See {@link BigQuery#createQueryStream} for full * documentation of this method. * @returns {stream} */ createQueryStream(options: Query | string): Duplex; /** * @callback CreateRoutineCallback * @param {?Error} err Request error, if any. * @param {Routine} routine The newly created routine. * @param {object} response The full API response body. */ /** * @typedef {array} CreateRoutineResponse * @property {Routine} 0 The newly created routine. * @property {object} 1 The full API response body. */ /** * Create a {@link Routine}. * * See {@link https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/rest/v2/routines/insert| Routines: insert API Documentation} * * @param {string} id The routine ID. * @param {object} config A [routine resource]{@link https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/rest/v2/routines#Routine}. * @param {CreateRoutineCallback} [callback] The callback function. * @returns {Promise} * * @example * ``` * const {BigQuery} = require('@google-cloud/bigquery'); * const bigquery = new BigQuery(); * const dataset = bigquery.dataset('my-dataset'); * * const id = 'my-routine'; * const config = { * arguments: [{ * name: 'x', * dataType: { * typeKind: 'INT64' * } * }], * definitionBody: 'x * 3', * routineType: 'SCALAR_FUNCTION', * returnType: { * typeKind: 'INT64' * } * }; * * dataset.createRoutine(id, config, (err, routine, apiResponse) => { * if (!err) { * // The routine was created successfully. * } * }); * * ``` * @example If the callback is omitted a Promise will be returned * ``` * const [routine, apiResponse] = await dataset.createRoutine(id, config); * ``` */ createRoutine(id: string, config: RoutineMetadata): Promise; createRoutine(id: string, config: RoutineMetadata, callback: RoutineCallback): void; /** * @callback TableCallback * @param {?Error} err Request error, if any. * @param {Table} table The table. * @param {object} apiResponse The full API response body. */ /** * @typedef {array} TableResponse * @property {Table} 0 The table. * @property {object} 1 The full API response body. */ /** * Create a {@link Table} given a tableId or configuration object. * * See {@link https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/v2/tables/insert| Tables: insert API Documentation} * * @param {string} id Table id. * @param {object} [options] See a * {@link https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/v2/tables#resource| Table resource}. * @param {string|object} [options.schema] A comma-separated list of name:type * pairs. Valid types are "string", "integer", "float", "boolean", and * "timestamp". If the type is omitted, it is assumed to be "string". * Example: "name:string, age:integer". Schemas can also be specified as a * JSON array of fields, which allows for nested and repeated fields. See * a {@link http://goo.gl/sl8Dmg| Table resource} for more detailed information. * @param {TableCallback} [callback] The callback function. * @param {?error} callback.err An error returned while making this request * @param {Table} callback.table The newly created table. * @param {object} callback.apiResponse The full API response. * @returns {Promise} * * @example * ``` * const {BigQuery} = require('@google-cloud/bigquery'); * const bigquery = new BigQuery(); * const dataset = bigquery.dataset('institutions'); * * const tableId = 'institution_data'; * * const options = { * // From the data.gov CSV dataset (http://goo.gl/kSE7z6): * schema: 'UNITID,INSTNM,ADDR,CITY,STABBR,ZIP,FIPS,OBEREG,CHFNM,...' * }; * * dataset.createTable(tableId, options, (err, table, apiResponse) => {}); * * //- * // If the callback is omitted, we'll return a Promise. * //- * dataset.createTable(tableId, options).then((data) => { * const table = data[0]; * const apiResponse = data[1]; * }); * ``` */ createTable(id: string, options: TableMetadata): Promise; createTable(id: string, options: TableMetadata, callback: TableCallback): void; createTable(id: string, callback: TableCallback): void; /** * @callback DeleteCallback * @param {?Error} err Request error, if any. * @param {object} apiResponse The full API response body. */ /** * @typedef {array} Metadata * @property {object} 0 The full API response body. */ /** * Delete the dataset. * * See {@link https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/v2/datasets/delete| Datasets: delete API Documentation} * * @param {object} [options] The configuration object. * @param {boolean} [options.force=false] Force delete dataset and all tables. * @param {DeleteCallback} [callback] The callback function. * @param {?error} callback.err An error returned while making this request * @param {object} callback.apiResponse The full API response. * @returns {Promise} * * @example * ``` * const {BigQuery} = require('@google-cloud/bigquery'); * const bigquery = new BigQuery(); * const dataset = bigquery.dataset('institutions'); * * //- * // Delete the dataset, only if it does not have any tables. * //- * dataset.delete((err, apiResponse) => {}); * * //- * // Delete the dataset and any tables it contains. * //- * dataset.delete({ force: true }, (err, apiResponse) => {}); * * //- * // If the callback is omitted, we'll return a Promise. * //- * dataset.delete().then((data) => { * const apiResponse = data[0]; * }); * ``` */ delete(options?: DatasetDeleteOptions): Promise<[Metadata]>; delete(options: DatasetDeleteOptions, callback: DeleteCallback): void; delete(callback: DeleteCallback): void; /** * @typedef {object} GetModelsOptions * @property {boolean} [autoPaginate=true] Have pagination handled * automatically. * @property {number} [maxApiCalls] Maximum number of API calls to make. * @property {number} [maxResults] Maximum number of results to return. * @property {string} [pageToken] Token returned from a previous call, to * request the next page of results. */ /** * @callback GetModelsCallback * @param {?Error} err Request error, if any. * @param {Model[]} models List of model objects. * @param {GetModelsOptions} nextQuery If `autoPaginate` is set to true, * this will be a prepared query for the next page of results. * @param {object} response The full API response. */ /** * @typedef {array} GetModelsResponse * @property {Model[]} 0 A list of the dataset's {@link Model} objects. * @property {GetModelsOptions} 1 If `autoPaginate` is set to true, this * will be a prepared query for the next page of results. * @property {object} 2 The full API response. */ /** * Get a list of {@link Model} resources. * * See {@link https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/rest/v2/models/list| Models: list API Documentation} * * @param {GetModelsOptions} [options] Configuration object. * @param {boolean} [options.autoPaginate=true] Have pagination handled * automatically. * @param {number} [options.maxApiCalls] Maximum number of API calls to make. * @param {number} [options.maxResults] Maximum number of results to return. * @param {string} [options.pageToken] Token returned from a previous call, to * request the next page of results. * @param {GetModelsCallback} [callback] The callback function. * @param {?error} callback.err An error returned while making this request * @param {Model[]} callback.models The list of models from * your Dataset. * @param {GetModelsOptions} callback.nextQuery If `autoPaginate` is set to true, this * will be a prepared query for the next page of results. * @param {object} callback.apiResponse The full API response. * @returns {Promise} * * @example * ``` * const {BigQuery} = require('@google-cloud/bigquery'); * const bigquery = new BigQuery(); * const dataset = bigquery.dataset('institutions'); * * dataset.getModels((err, models) => { * // models is an array of `Model` objects. * }); * * ``` * @example To control how many API requests are made and page through the results manually, set `autoPaginate` to `false`. * ``` * function manualPaginationCallback(err, models, nextQuery, apiResponse) { * if (nextQuery) { * // More results exist. * dataset.getModels(nextQuery, manualPaginationCallback); * } * } * * dataset.getModels({ * autoPaginate: false * }, manualPaginationCallback); * * ``` * @example If the callback is omitted, we'll return a Promise. * ``` * dataset.getModels().then((data) => { * const models = data[0]; * }); * ``` */ getModels(options?: GetModelsOptions): Promise; getModels(options: GetModelsOptions, callback: GetModelsCallback): void; getModels(callback: GetModelsCallback): void; /** * @typedef {object} GetRoutinesOptions * @property {boolean} [autoPaginate=true] Have pagination handled * automatically. * @property {number} [maxApiCalls] Maximum number of API calls to make. * @property {number} [maxResults] Maximum number of results to return. * @property {string} [pageToken] Token returned from a previous call, to * request the next page of results. */ /** * @callback GetRoutinesCallback * @param {?Error} err Request error, if any. * @param {Routine[]} routines List of routine objects. * @param {GetRoutinesOptions} nextQuery If `autoPaginate` is set to true, * this will be a prepared query for the next page of results. * @param {object} response The full API response. */ /** * @typedef {array} GetRoutinesResponse * @property {Routine[]} 0 List of {@link Routine} objects. * @property {GetRoutinesOptions} 1 If `autoPaginate` is set to true, this * will be a prepared query for the next page of results. * @property {object} 2 The full API response. */ /** * Get a list of routines. * * See {@link https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/rest/v2/routines/list| Routines: list API Documentation} * * @param {GetRoutinesOptions} [options] Request options. * @param {boolean} [options.autoPaginate=true] Have pagination handled * automatically. * @param {number} [options.maxApiCalls] Maximum number of API calls to make. * @param {number} [options.maxResults] Maximum number of results to return. * @param {string} [options.pageToken] Token returned from a previous call, to * request the next page of results. * @param {GetRoutinesCallback} [callback] The callback function. * @param {?error} callback.err An error returned while making this request * @param {Routine[]} callback.routines The list of models from * your Dataset. * @param {GetRoutinesOptions} callback.nextQuery If `autoPaginate` is set to true, this * will be a prepared query for the next page of results. * @param {object} callback.apiResponse The full API response. * @returns {Promise} * * @example * ``` * const {BigQuery} = require('@google-cloud/bigquery'); * const bigquery = new BigQuery(); * const dataset = bigquery.dataset('institutions'); * * dataset.getRoutines((err, routines) => { * // routines is an array of `Routine` objects. * }); * * ``` * @example To control how many API requests are made and page through the results manually, set `autoPaginate` to `false`. * ``` * function manualPaginationCallback(err, routines, nextQuery, apiResponse) { * if (nextQuery) { * // More results exist. * dataset.getRoutines(nextQuery, manualPaginationCallback); * } * } * * dataset.getRoutines({ * autoPaginate: false * }, manualPaginationCallback); * * ``` * @example If the callback is omitted a Promise will be returned * ``` * const [routines] = await dataset.getRoutines(); * ``` */ getRoutines(options?: GetRoutinesOptions): Promise; getRoutines(options: GetRoutinesOptions, callback: GetRoutinesCallback): void; getRoutines(callback: GetRoutinesCallback): void; /** * @typedef {object} GetTablesOptions * @property {boolean} [autoPaginate=true] Have pagination handled * automatically. * @property {number} [maxApiCalls] Maximum number of API calls to make. * @property {number} [maxResults] Maximum number of results to return. * @property {string} [pageToken] Token returned from a previous call, to * request the next page of results. */ /** * @callback GetTablesCallback * @param {?Error} err Request error, if any. * @param {Table[]} tables List of {@link Table} objects. * @param {GetTablesOptions} nextQuery If `autoPaginate` is set to true, * this will be a prepared query for the next page of results. * @param {object} response The full API response. */ /** * @typedef {array} GetTablesResponse * @property {Table[]} 0 List of {@link Table} objects. * @property {GetTablesOptions} 1 If `autoPaginate` is set to true, this * will be a prepared query for the next page of results. * @property {object} 2 The full API response. */ /** * Get a list of {@link Table} resources. * * See {@link https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/v2/tables/list| Tables: list API Documentation} * * @param {GetTablesOptions} options Configuration object. * @param {boolean} [options.autoPaginate=true] Have pagination handled automatically. * @param {number} [options.maxApiCalls] Maximum number of API calls to make. * @param {number} [options.maxResults] Maximum number of results to return. * @param {string} [options.pageToken] Token returned from a previous call, to * request the next page of results. * @param {GetTablesCallback} [callback] The callback function. * @param {?error} callback.err An error returned while making this request * @param {Table[]} callback.tables The list of tables from * your Dataset. * @param {GetTablesOptions} callback.nextQuery If `autoPaginate` is set to true, this * will be a prepared query for the next page of results. * @param {object} callback.apiResponse The full API response. * @returns {Promise} * * @example * ``` * const {BigQuery} = require('@google-cloud/bigquery'); * const bigquery = new BigQuery(); * const dataset = bigquery.dataset('institutions'); * * dataset.getTables((err, tables) => { * // tables is an array of `Table` objects. * }); * * //- * // To control how many API requests are made and page through the results * // manually, set `autoPaginate` to `false`. * //- * function manualPaginationCallback(err, tables, nextQuery, apiResponse) { * if (nextQuery) { * // More results exist. * dataset.getTables(nextQuery, manualPaginationCallback); * } * } * * dataset.getTables({ * autoPaginate: false * }, manualPaginationCallback); * * //- * // If the callback is omitted, we'll return a Promise. * //- * dataset.getTables().then((data) => { * const tables = data[0]; * }); * ``` */ getTables(options?: GetTablesOptions): Promise; getTables(options: GetTablesOptions, callback: GetTablesCallback): void; getTables(callback: GetTablesCallback): void; /** * Create a {@link Model} object. * * @throws {TypeError} if model ID is missing. * * @param {string} id The ID of the model. * @return {Model} * * @example * ``` * const {BigQuery} = require('@google-cloud/bigquery'); * const bigquery = new BigQuery(); * const dataset = bigquery.dataset('institutions'); * * const model = dataset.model('my-model'); * ``` */ model(id: string): Model; /** * Run a query scoped to your dataset. * * See {@link BigQuery#query} for full documentation of this method. * * @param {object} options See {@link BigQuery#query} for full documentation of this method. * @param {function} [callback] See {@link BigQuery#query} for full documentation of this method. * @returns {Promise} * @returns {Promise} See {@link BigQuery#query} for full documentation of this method. */ query(options: Query): Promise; query(options: string): Promise; query(options: Query, callback: SimpleQueryRowsCallback): void; query(options: string, callback: SimpleQueryRowsCallback): void; /** * Create a {@link Routine} object. * * @throws {TypeError} if routine ID is missing. * * @param {string} id The ID of the routine. * @returns {Routine} * * @example * ``` * const {BigQuery} = require('@google-cloud/bigquery'); * const bigquery = new BigQuery(); * const dataset = bigquery.dataset('institutions'); * * const routine = dataset.routine('my_routine'); * ``` */ routine(id: string): Routine; /** * Create a {@link Table} object. * * @throws {TypeError} if table ID is missing. * * @param {string} id The ID of the table. * @param {object} [options] Table options. * @param {string} [options.location] The geographic location of the table, by * default this value is inherited from the dataset. This can be used to * configure the location of all jobs created through a table instance. * It cannot be used to set the actual location of the table. This value will * be superseded by any API responses containing location data for the * table. * @return {Table} * * @example * ``` * const {BigQuery} = require('@google-cloud/bigquery'); * const bigquery = new BigQuery(); * const dataset = bigquery.dataset('institutions'); * * const institutions = dataset.table('institution_data'); * ``` */ table(id: string, options?: TableOptions): Table; } /** * Reference to the {@link Dataset} class. * @name module:@google-cloud/bigquery.Dataset * @see Dataset */ export { Dataset };