/*! * Copyright 2018 Google LLC. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /// import { ClientStub, ChannelCredentials, GoogleAuth, GoogleAuthOptions, CallOptions, Operation, ServiceError } from 'google-gax'; import { entity, Entities, Entity, ValueProto } from './entity'; import Key = entity.Key; export { Entity, Key }; import { GetIndexesCallback, GetIndexesOptions, GetIndexesResponse, Index } from './index-class'; import { Query } from './query'; import { DatastoreRequest, CommitCallback, CommitResponse, SaveCallback, SaveResponse } from './request'; import { Transaction } from './transaction'; import { google } from '../protos/protos'; export declare type PathType = string | number | entity.Int; export interface BooleanObject { [key: string]: boolean; } export interface EntityProtoReduceAccumulator { [key: string]: ValueProto; } export interface EntityProtoReduceData { value: ValueProto; excludeFromIndexes: ValueProto; name: string | number; } export declare type UpdateCallback = CommitCallback; export declare type UpdateResponse = CommitResponse; export declare type UpsertCallback = CommitCallback; export declare type UpsertResponse = CommitResponse; export declare type InsertCallback = CommitCallback; export declare type InsertResponse = CommitResponse; export interface LongRunningCallback { (err: ServiceError | null, operation?: Operation, apiResponse?: google.longrunning.IOperation): void; } export declare type LongRunningResponse = [Operation, google.longrunning.IOperation]; export interface ExportEntitiesConfig extends Omit { bucket?: string | { name: string; }; kinds?: string[]; namespaces?: string[]; gaxOptions?: CallOptions; } export interface ImportEntitiesConfig extends Omit { file?: string | { bucket: { name: string; }; name: string; }; kinds?: string[]; namespaces?: string[]; gaxOptions?: CallOptions; } /** * Idiomatic class for interacting with Cloud Datastore. Uses the lower-level * {@link v1.DatastoreClient} class under the hood. * * In addition to the constructor options shown here, the {@link Datastore} * class constructor accepts the same options accepted by * {@link v1.DatastoreClient}. * *

The Datastore Emulator

* * Make sure you have the * gcloud SDK installed, then run: * *
 *   $ gcloud beta emulators datastore start --no-legacy
* * You will see the following printed: * *
 *   [datastore] API endpoint: http://localhost:8005
 *   [datastore] If you are using a library that supports the
 *               DATASTORE_EMULATOR_HOST environment variable, run:
 *   [datastore]
 *   [datastore]   export DATASTORE_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:8005
 *   [datastore]
 *   [datastore] Dev App Server is now running.
* * Set that environment variable and your localhost Datastore will * automatically be used. You can also pass this address in manually with * `apiEndpoint`. * * Additionally, `DATASTORE_PROJECT_ID` is recognized. If you have this set, * you don't need to provide a `projectId`. * * * @class * @extends {DatastoreRequest} * * @see [Cloud Datastore Concepts Overview]{@link https://cloud.google.com/datastore/docs/concepts/overview} * * @param {object} [options] Configuration options. * @param {string} [options.apiEndpoint] Override the default API endpoint used * to reach Datastore. This is useful for connecting to your local Datastore * server (usually "http://localhost:8080"). * @param {string} [options.namespace] Namespace to isolate transactions to. * * @example Import the client library * const {Datastore} = require('@google-cloud/datastore'); * * @example Create a client that uses Application Default Credentials (ADC): * const datastore = new Datastore(); * * @example Create a client with explicit credentials: * const datastore = new Datastore({ * projectId: 'your-project-id', * keyFilename: '/path/to/keyfile.json' * }); * * @example Retrieving Records * const {Datastore} = require('@google-cloud/datastore'); * const datastore = new Datastore(); * * // Records, called "entities" in Datastore, are retrieved by using a key. The * // key is more than a numeric identifier, it is a complex data structure that * // can be used to model relationships. The simplest key has a string `kind` * // value, and either a numeric `id` value, or a string `name` value. * // * // A single record can be retrieved with {@link Datastore#key} and * // {@link Datastore#get}. * //- * const key = datastore.key(['Company', 'Google']); * * datastore.get(key, function(err, entity) { * // entity = The record. * // entity[datastore.KEY] = The key for this entity. * }); * * //- * //

Querying Records

* // * // Create a query with {@link Datastore#createQuery}. * //- * const query = datastore.createQuery('Company'); * * //- * // Multiple records can be found that match criteria with * // {@link Query#filter}. * //- * query.filter('location', 'CA'); * * //- * // Records can also be ordered with {@link Query#order}. * //- * query.order('name'); * * //- * // The number of records returned can be specified with * // {@link Query#limit}. * //- * query.limit(5); * * //- * // Records' key structures can also be queried with * // {@link Query#hasAncestor}. * //- * const ancestorKey = datastore.key(['ParentCompany', 'Alphabet']); * * query.hasAncestor(ancestorKey); * * //- * // Run the query with {@link Datastore#runQuery}. * //- * datastore.runQuery(query, (err, entities) => { * // entities = An array of records. * * // Access the Key object for an entity. * const firstEntityKey = entities[0][datastore.KEY]; * }); * * @example Paginating Records * // Imagine building a website that allows a user to sift through hundreds of * // their contacts. You'll likely want to only display a subset of these at * // once, so you set a limit. * //- * const express = require('express'); * const app = express(); * * const NUM_RESULTS_PER_PAGE = 15; * * app.get('/contacts', (req, res) => { * const query = datastore.createQuery('Contacts') * .limit(NUM_RESULTS_PER_PAGE); * * if (req.query.nextPageCursor) { * query.start(req.query.nextPageCursor); * } * * datastore.runQuery(query, (err, entities, info) => { * if (err) { * // Error handling omitted. * return; * } * * // Respond to the front end with the contacts and the cursoring token * // from the query we just ran. * const frontEndResponse = { * contacts: entities * }; * * // Check if more results may exist. * if (info.moreResults !== datastore.NO_MORE_RESULTS) { * frontEndResponse.nextPageCursor = info.endCursor; * } * * res.render('contacts', frontEndResponse); * }); * }); * * @example Creating Records * // New entities can be created and persisted with {@link Datastore#save}. * // The entitiy must have a key to be saved. If you don't specify an * // identifier for the key, one is generated for you. * // * // We will create a key with a `name` identifier, "Google". * //- * const key = datastore.key(['Company', 'Google']); * * const data = { * name: 'Google', * location: 'CA' * }; * * datastore.save({ * key: key, * data: data * }, (err) => { * if (!err) { * // Record saved successfully. * } * }); * * //- * // We can verify the data was saved by using {@link Datastore#get}. * //- * datastore.get(key, (err, entity) => { * // entity = { * // name: 'Google', * // location: 'CA' * // } * }); * * //- * // If we want to update this record, we can modify the data object and re- * // save it. * //- * data.symbol = 'GOOG'; * * datastore.save({ * key: key, // defined above (datastore.key(['Company', 'Google'])) * data: data * }, (err, entity) => { * if (!err) { * // Record updated successfully. * } * }); * * @example Deleting Records * // Entities can be removed from Datastore by passing the entity's key object * // to {@link Datastore#delete}. * //- * const key = datastore.key(['Company', 'Google']); * * datastore.delete(key, (err) => { * if (!err) { * // Record deleted successfully. * } * }); * * @example Transactions * // Complex logic can be wrapped in a transaction with * // {@link Datastore#transaction}. All queries and updates run within * // the transaction will be applied when the `done` function is called. * //- * const transaction = datastore.transaction(); * * transaction.run((err) => { * if (err) { * // Error handling omitted. * } * * const key = datastore.key(['Company', 'Google']); * * transaction.get(key, (err, entity) => { * if (err) { * // Error handling omitted. * } * * entity.symbol = 'GOOG'; * * transaction.save(entity); * * transaction.commit((err) => { * if (!err) { * // Transaction committed successfully. * } * }); * }); * }); * * @example Queries with Ancestors * const {Datastore} = require('@google-cloud/datastore'); * const datastore = new Datastore(); * * const customerId1 = 2993844; * const customerId2 = 4993882; * const customerKey1 = datastore.key(['Customer', customerId1]); * const customerKey2 = datastore.key(['Customer', customerId2]); * const cookieKey1 = datastore.key(['Customer', customerId1, 'Cookie', * 'cookie28839']); // child entity const cookieKey2 = * datastore.key(['Customer', customerId1, 'Cookie', 'cookie78984']); // child * entity const cookieKey3 = datastore.key(['Customer', customerId2, 'Cookie', * 'cookie93911']); // child entity * * const entities = []; * * entities.push({ * key: customerKey1, * data: { * name: 'Jane Doe', * address: '4848 Liller' * } * }); * * entities.push({ * key: customerKey2, * data: { * name: 'John Smith', * address: '4848 Pine' * } * }); * * entities.push({ * key: cookieKey1, * data: { * cookieVal: 'dj83kks88rkld' * } * }); * * entities.push({ * key: cookieKey2, * data: { * cookieVal: 'sj843ka99s' * } * }); * * entities.push({ * key: cookieKey3, * data: { * cookieVal: 'otk82k2kw' * } * }); * * datastore.upsert(entities); * * const query = datastore.createQuery().hasAncestor(customerKey1); * * datastore.runQuery(query, (err, entities) => { * for (let entity of entities) { * console.log(entity[datastore.KEY]); * } * }); * * const query2 = datastore.createQuery().hasAncestor(customerKey2); * * datastore.runQuery(query2, (err, entities) => { * for (let entity of entities) { * console.log(entity[datastore.KEY]); * } * }); * * datastore.runQuery(query2, (entities) => { * console.log(entities); * }); */ declare class Datastore extends DatastoreRequest { clients_: Map; namespace?: string; defaultBaseUrl_: string; options: DatastoreOptions; baseUrl_?: string; port_?: number; customEndpoint_?: boolean; auth: GoogleAuth; constructor(options?: DatastoreOptions); export(config: ExportEntitiesConfig): Promise; export(config: ExportEntitiesConfig, callback: LongRunningCallback): void; getIndexes(options?: GetIndexesOptions): Promise; getIndexes(options: GetIndexesOptions, callback: GetIndexesCallback): void; getIndexes(callback: GetIndexesCallback): void; /** * Get all of the indexes in this project as a readable object stream. * * @param {GetIndexesOptions} [options] Configuration object. See * {@link Datastore#getIndexes} for a complete list of options. * @returns {ReadableStream} */ getIndexesStream(options?: GetIndexesOptions): NodeJS.ReadableStream; getProjectId(): Promise; import(config: ImportEntitiesConfig): Promise; import(config: ImportEntitiesConfig, callback: LongRunningCallback): void; /** * Get a reference to an Index. * * @param {string} id The index name or id. * @returns {Index} */ index(id: string): Index; insert(entities: Entities): Promise; insert(entities: Entities, callback: InsertCallback): void; save(entities: Entities, gaxOptions?: CallOptions): Promise; save(entities: Entities, gaxOptions: CallOptions, callback: SaveCallback): void; save(entities: Entities, callback: SaveCallback): void; update(entities: Entities): Promise; update(entities: Entities, callback: UpdateCallback): void; upsert(entities: Entities): Promise; upsert(entities: Entities, callback: UpsertCallback): void; /** * Helper function to get a Datastore Double object. * * @param {number} value The double value. * @returns {object} * * @example * const {Datastore} = require('@google-cloud/datastore'); * const datastore = new Datastore(); * const threeDouble = datastore.double(3.0); */ static double(value: number): entity.Double; double(value: number): entity.Double; /** * Helper function to check if something is a Datastore Double object. * * @param {*} value * @returns {boolean} * * @example * const {Datastore} = require('@google-cloud/datastore'); * const datastore = new Datastore(); * datastore.isDouble(0.42); // false * datastore.isDouble(datastore.double(0.42)); // true */ static isDouble(value?: {}): boolean; isDouble(value?: {}): boolean; /** * Helper function to get a Datastore Geo Point object. * * @param {object} coordinates Coordinate value. * @param {number} coordinates.latitude Latitudinal value. * @param {number} coordinates.longitude Longitudinal value. * @returns {object} * * @example * const {Datastore} = require('@google-cloud/datastore'); * const datastore = new Datastore(); * const coordinates = { * latitude: 40.6894, * longitude: -74.0447 * }; * * const geoPoint = datastore.geoPoint(coordinates); * * //- * // List all companies that are located at 40.123 latitude * // and -74.0447 longitude. * //- * const query = datastore.createQuery('Company'); * const companyQuery = query * .filter('geoPoint.latitude', datastore.double(40.123)) * .filter('geoPoint.longitude', datastore.double(-74.0447)); */ static geoPoint(coordinates: entity.Coordinates): entity.GeoPoint; geoPoint(coordinates: entity.Coordinates): entity.GeoPoint; /** * Helper function to check if something is a Datastore Geo Point object. * * @param {*} value * @returns {boolean} * * @example * const {Datastore} = require('@google-cloud/datastore'); * const datastore = new Datastore(); * const coordinates = { * latitude: 0, * longitude: 0 * }; * * datastore.isGeoPoint(coordinates); // false * datastore.isGeoPoint(datastore.geoPoint(coordinates)); // true */ static isGeoPoint(value?: {}): boolean; isGeoPoint(value?: {}): boolean; /** * Helper function to get a Datastore Integer object. * * This is also useful when using an ID outside the bounds of a JavaScript * Number object. * * @param {number} value The integer value. * @returns {object} * * @example * const {Datastore} = require('@google-cloud/datastore'); * const datastore = new Datastore(); * const sevenInteger = datastore.int(7); * * //- * // Create an Int to support long Key IDs. * //- * const key = datastore.key([ * 'Kind', * datastore.int('100000000000001234') * ]); */ static int(value: number | string): entity.Int; int(value: number | string): entity.Int; /** * Helper function to check if something is a Datastore Integer object. * * @param {*} value * @returns {boolean} * * @example * const {Datastore} = require('@google-cloud/datastore'); * const datastore = new Datastore(); * datastore.isInt(42); // false * datastore.isInt(datastore.int(42)); // true */ static isInt(value?: {}): boolean; isInt(value?: {}): boolean; /** * Access the Key from an Entity object. * * @name Datastore.KEY * @type {symbol} */ /** * Access the Key from an Entity object. * * @name Datastore#KEY * @type {symbol} */ static KEY: typeof entity.KEY_SYMBOL; KEY: typeof entity.KEY_SYMBOL; /** * This is one of three values which may be returned from * {@link Datastore#runQuery}, {@link Transaction#runQuery}, and * {@link Query#run} as `info.moreResults`. * * There *may* be more results after the specified end cursor. * * @type {string} */ static MORE_RESULTS_AFTER_CURSOR: string; MORE_RESULTS_AFTER_CURSOR: string; /** * This is one of three values which may be returned from * {@link Datastore#runQuery}, {@link Transaction#runQuery}, and * {@link Query#run} as `info.moreResults`. * * There *may* be more results after the specified limit. * * @type {string} */ static MORE_RESULTS_AFTER_LIMIT: string; MORE_RESULTS_AFTER_LIMIT: string; /** * This is one of three values which may be returned from * {@link Datastore#runQuery}, {@link Transaction#runQuery}, and * {@link Query#run} as `info.moreResults`. * * There are no more results left to query for. * * @type {string} */ static NO_MORE_RESULTS: string; NO_MORE_RESULTS: string; createQuery(kind?: string): Query; createQuery(kind?: string[]): Query; createQuery(namespace: string, kind: string): Query; createQuery(namespace: string, kind: string[]): Query; key(options: entity.KeyOptions): entity.Key; key(path: PathType[]): entity.Key; key(path: string): entity.Key; /** * Helper function to check if something is a Datastore Key object. * * @param {*} value * @returns {boolean} * * @example * const {Datastore} = require('@google-cloud/datastore'); * const datastore = new Datastore(); * datastore.isKey({path: ['Company', 123]}); // false * datastore.isKey(datastore.key(['Company', 123])); // true */ static isKey(value?: {}): boolean; isKey(value?: {}): boolean; keyToLegacyUrlSafe(key: entity.Key, locationPrefix?: string): Promise; keyToLegacyUrlSafe(key: entity.Key, callback: KeyToLegacyUrlSafeCallback): void; keyToLegacyUrlSafe(key: entity.Key, locationPrefix: string, callback: KeyToLegacyUrlSafeCallback): void; /** * Helper to convert URL safe key string to entity key object * * This is intended to work with the "legacy" representation of a * datastore "Key" used within Google App Engine (a so-called "Reference"). * * @param {entity.Key} key Entity key object. * @param {string} locationPrefix Optional . * The location prefix of an App Engine project ID. * Often this value is 's~', but may also be 'e~', or other location prefixes * currently unknown. * @returns {string} Created urlsafe key. * * @example * const {Datastore} = require('@google-cloud/datastore'); * const datastore = new Datastore(); * const urlSafeKey = 'ag9ncmFzcy1jbHVtcC00NzlyEwsSB0NvbXBhbnkiBkdvb2dsZQw'; * * datastore.keyFromLegacyUrlsafe(key); * */ keyFromLegacyUrlsafe(key: string): entity.Key; /** * Create a new Transaction object. * * @param {object} [options] Configuration object. * @param {string} [options.id] The ID of a previously run transaction. * @param {boolean} [options.readOnly=false] A read-only transaction cannot * modify entities. * @returns {Transaction} * * @example * const {Datastore} = require('@google-cloud/datastore'); * const datastore = new Datastore(); * const transaction = datastore.transaction(); */ transaction(options?: TransactionOptions): Transaction; /** * Determine the appropriate endpoint to use for API requests. If not * explicitly defined, check for the "DATASTORE_EMULATOR_HOST" environment * variable, used to connect to a local Datastore server. * * @private * * @param {string} customApiEndpoint Custom API endpoint. */ determineBaseUrl_(customApiEndpoint?: string): void; /** * {@link DatastoreRequest} class. * * @name Datastore.DatastoreRequest * @see DatastoreRequest * @type {constructor} */ DatastoreRequest: typeof DatastoreRequest; /** * {@link Query} class. * * @name Datastore.Query * @see Query * @type {constructor} */ Query: typeof Query; /** * {@link Transaction} class. * * @name Datastore.Transaction * @see Transaction * @type {constructor} */ Transaction: typeof Transaction; } export { Datastore }; export interface TransactionOptions { id?: string; readOnly?: boolean; } export { Index, DatastoreRequest, Query, Transaction }; export interface DatastoreOptions extends GoogleAuthOptions { namespace?: string; apiEndpoint?: string; sslCreds?: ChannelCredentials; } export interface KeyToLegacyUrlSafeCallback { (err?: Error | null, urlSafeKey?: string): void; } declare const v1: any; export { v1 };