import { protos, ServiceContext } from '@google-cloud/logging'; import { LogSeverityFunctions } from '@google-cloud/logging/build/src/utils/log-common'; import { Options } from '.'; import { Entry, LogEntry } from '@google-cloud/logging/build/src/entry'; type Callback = (err: Error | null, apiResponse?: {}) => void; export type MonitoredResource =; export interface StackdriverData { serviceContext?: ServiceContext; message?: string; metadata?: Metadata | MetadataArg; } export interface Metadata { stack?: string; httpRequest?:; labels?: {}; [key: string]: any; } /*! * Log entry data key to allow users to indicate a trace for the request. */ export declare const LOGGING_TRACE_KEY = ""; /*! * Log entry data key to allow users to indicate a spanId for the request. */ export declare const LOGGING_SPAN_KEY = ""; /*! * Log entry data key to allow users to indicate a traceSampled flag for the request. */ export declare const LOGGING_SAMPLED_KEY = ""; /** * Default library version to be used * Using release-please annotations to update DEFAULT_INSTRUMENTATION_VERSION with latest version. * See */ export declare const NODEJS_WINSTON_DEFAULT_LIBRARY_VERSION = "6.0.0"; /*! * Gets the current fully qualified trace ID when available from the * @google-cloud/trace-agent library in the LogEntry.trace field format of: * "projects/[PROJECT-ID]/traces/[TRACE-ID]". */ export declare function getCurrentTraceFromAgent(): string | null; export declare class LoggingCommon { readonly logName: string; private inspectMetadata; private levels; cloudLog: LogSeverityFunctions; private resource; private serviceContext; private prefix; private labels; private defaultCallback?; redirectToStdout: boolean; static readonly LOGGING_TRACE_KEY = ""; static readonly LOGGING_SPAN_KEY = ""; constructor(options?: Options); log(level: string, message: string, metadata: MetadataArg | undefined, callback: Callback): void; entry(metadata?: LogEntry, data?: string | {}): Entry; } export declare function getNodejsLibraryVersion(): string; type MetadataArg = { stack?: {}; /** * set httpRequest to a http.clientRequest object to log it */ httpRequest?:; labels?: {}; timestamp?: {}; logName?: string; } & { [key: string]: string | {}; }; export {};