/// import { ApiError, BodyResponseCallback, DecorateRequestOptions, DeleteCallback, ExistsCallback, GetConfig, Metadata, ResponseBody, ServiceObject } from '@google-cloud/common'; import * as http from 'http'; import { Acl } from './acl'; import { Channel } from './channel'; import { File, FileOptions, CreateResumableUploadOptions, CreateWriteStreamOptions } from './file'; import { Iam } from './iam'; import { Notification } from './notification'; import { Storage, Cors } from './storage'; import { GetSignedUrlResponse, GetSignedUrlCallback, URLSigner, Query } from './signer'; interface BucketOptions { userProject?: string; } export declare type GetFilesResponse = [File[], {}, Metadata]; export interface GetFilesCallback { (err: Error | null, files?: File[], nextQuery?: {}, apiResponse?: Metadata): void; } interface WatchAllOptions { delimiter?: string; maxResults?: number; pageToken?: string; prefix?: string; projection?: string; userProject?: string; versions?: boolean; } export interface AddLifecycleRuleOptions { append?: boolean; } export interface LifecycleRule { action: { type: string; storageClass?: string; } | string; condition: { [key: string]: boolean | Date | number | string; }; storageClass?: string; } export interface EnableLoggingOptions { bucket?: string | Bucket; prefix: string; } export interface GetFilesOptions { autoPaginate?: boolean; delimiter?: string; directory?: string; prefix?: string; maxApiCalls?: number; maxResults?: number; pageToken?: string; userProject?: string; versions?: boolean; } export interface CombineOptions { kmsKeyName?: string; userProject?: string; } export interface CombineCallback { (err: Error | null, newFile: File | null, apiResponse: Metadata): void; } export declare type CombineResponse = [File, Metadata]; export interface CreateChannelConfig extends WatchAllOptions { address: string; } export interface CreateChannelOptions { userProject?: string; } export declare type CreateChannelResponse = [Channel, Metadata]; export interface CreateChannelCallback { (err: Error | null, channel: Channel | null, apiResponse: Metadata): void; } export interface CreateNotificationOptions { customAttributes?: { [key: string]: string; }; eventTypes?: string[]; objectNamePrefix?: string; payloadFormat?: string; userProject?: string; } export interface CreateNotificationCallback { (err: Error | null, notification: Notification | null, apiResponse: Metadata): void; } export declare type CreateNotificationResponse = [Notification, Metadata]; export interface DeleteBucketOptions { userProject?: string; } export declare type DeleteBucketResponse = [Metadata]; export interface DeleteBucketCallback extends DeleteCallback { (err: Error | null, apiResponse: Metadata): void; } export interface DeleteFilesOptions extends GetFilesOptions { force?: boolean; } export interface DeleteFilesCallback { (err: Error | Error[] | null, apiResponse?: object): void; } export declare type DeleteLabelsResponse = [Metadata]; export declare type DeleteLabelsCallback = SetLabelsCallback; export declare type DisableRequesterPaysResponse = [Metadata]; export interface DisableRequesterPaysCallback { (err?: Error | null, apiResponse?: object): void; } export declare type EnableRequesterPaysResponse = [Metadata]; export interface EnableRequesterPaysCallback { (err?: Error | null, apiResponse?: Metadata): void; } export interface BucketExistsOptions extends GetConfig { userProject?: string; } export declare type BucketExistsResponse = [boolean]; export declare type BucketExistsCallback = ExistsCallback; export interface GetBucketOptions extends GetConfig { userProject?: string; } export declare type GetBucketResponse = [Bucket, Metadata]; export interface GetBucketCallback { (err: ApiError | null, bucket: Bucket | null, apiResponse: Metadata): void; } export interface GetLabelsOptions { userProject?: string; } export declare type GetLabelsResponse = [Metadata]; export interface GetLabelsCallback { (err: Error | null, labels: object | null): void; } export declare type GetBucketMetadataResponse = [Metadata, Metadata]; export interface GetBucketMetadataCallback { (err: ApiError | null, metadata: Metadata | null, apiResponse: Metadata): void; } export interface GetBucketMetadataOptions { userProject?: string; } export interface GetBucketSignedUrlConfig { action: 'list'; version?: 'v2' | 'v4'; cname?: string; virtualHostedStyle?: boolean; expires: string | number | Date; extensionHeaders?: http.OutgoingHttpHeaders; queryParams?: Query; } export declare enum BucketActionToHTTPMethod { list = "GET" } export interface GetNotificationsOptions { userProject?: string; } export interface GetNotificationsCallback { (err: Error | null, notifications: Notification[] | null, apiResponse: Metadata): void; } export declare type GetNotificationsResponse = [Notification[], Metadata]; export interface MakeBucketPrivateOptions { includeFiles?: boolean; force?: boolean; userProject?: string; } export declare type MakeBucketPrivateResponse = [File[]]; export interface MakeBucketPrivateCallback { (err?: Error | null, files?: File[]): void; } export interface MakeBucketPublicOptions { includeFiles?: boolean; force?: boolean; } export interface MakeBucketPublicCallback { (err?: Error | null, files?: File[]): void; } export declare type MakeBucketPublicResponse = [File[]]; export interface SetBucketMetadataOptions { userProject?: string; } export declare type SetBucketMetadataResponse = [Metadata]; export interface SetBucketMetadataCallback { (err?: Error | null, metadata?: Metadata): void; } export interface BucketLockCallback { (err?: Error | null, apiResponse?: Metadata): void; } export declare type BucketLockResponse = [Metadata]; export interface Labels { [key: string]: string; } export interface SetLabelsOptions { userProject?: string; } export declare type SetLabelsResponse = [Metadata]; export interface SetLabelsCallback { (err?: Error | null, metadata?: Metadata): void; } export interface SetBucketStorageClassOptions { userProject?: string; } export interface SetBucketStorageClassCallback { (err?: Error | null): void; } export declare type UploadResponse = [File, Metadata]; export interface UploadCallback { (err: Error | null, file?: File | null, apiResponse?: Metadata): void; } export interface UploadOptions extends CreateResumableUploadOptions, CreateWriteStreamOptions { destination?: string | File; encryptionKey?: string | Buffer; kmsKeyName?: string; resumable?: boolean; onUploadProgress?: (progressEvent: any) => void; } export interface MakeAllFilesPublicPrivateOptions { force?: boolean; private?: boolean; public?: boolean; userProject?: string; } interface MakeAllFilesPublicPrivateCallback { (err?: Error | Error[] | null, files?: File[]): void; } declare type MakeAllFilesPublicPrivateResponse = [File[]]; /** * Create a Bucket object to interact with a Cloud Storage bucket. * * @class * @hideconstructor * * @param {Storage} storage A {@link Storage} instance. * @param {string} name The name of the bucket. * @param {object} [options] Configuration object. * @param {string} [options.userProject] User project. * * @example * const {Storage} = require('@google-cloud/storage'); * const storage = new Storage(); * const bucket = storage.bucket('albums'); */ declare class Bucket extends ServiceObject { /** * The bucket's name. * @name Bucket#name * @type {string} */ name: string; /** * A reference to the {@link Storage} associated with this {@link Bucket} * instance. * @name Bucket#storage * @type {Storage} */ storage: Storage; /** * A user project to apply to each request from this bucket. * @name Bucket#userProject * @type {string} */ userProject?: string; /** * Cloud Storage uses access control lists (ACLs) to manage object and * bucket access. ACLs are the mechanism you use to share objects with other * users and allow other users to access your buckets and objects. * * An ACL consists of one or more entries, where each entry grants permissions * to an entity. Permissions define the actions that can be performed against * an object or bucket (for example, `READ` or `WRITE`); the entity defines * who the permission applies to (for example, a specific user or group of * users). * * The `acl` object on a Bucket instance provides methods to get you a list of * the ACLs defined on your bucket, as well as set, update, and delete them. * * Buckets also have * [default * ACLs](https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/access-control/lists#default) * for all created files. Default ACLs specify permissions that all new * objects added to the bucket will inherit by default. You can add, delete, * get, and update entities and permissions for these as well with * {@link Bucket#acl.default}. * * @see [About Access Control Lists]{@link http://goo.gl/6qBBPO} * @see [Default ACLs]{@link https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/access-control/lists#default} * * @name Bucket#acl * @mixes Acl * @property {Acl} default Cloud Storage Buckets have * [default * ACLs](https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/access-control/lists#default) * for all created files. You can add, delete, get, and update entities and * permissions for these as well. The method signatures and examples are all * the same, after only prefixing the method call with `default`. * * @example * const {Storage} = require('@google-cloud/storage'); * const storage = new Storage(); * * //- * // Make a bucket's contents publicly readable. * //- * const myBucket = storage.bucket('my-bucket'); * * const options = { * entity: 'allUsers', * role: storage.acl.READER_ROLE * }; * * myBucket.acl.add(options, function(err, aclObject) {}); * * //- * // If the callback is omitted, we'll return a Promise. * //- * myBucket.acl.add(options).then(function(data) { * const aclObject = data[0]; * const apiResponse = data[1]; * }); * * @example include:samples/acl.js * region_tag:storage_print_bucket_acl * Example of printing a bucket's ACL: * * @example include:samples/acl.js * region_tag:storage_print_bucket_acl_for_user * Example of printing a bucket's ACL for a specific user: * * @example include:samples/acl.js * region_tag:storage_add_bucket_owner * Example of adding an owner to a bucket: * * @example include:samples/acl.js * region_tag:storage_remove_bucket_owner * Example of removing an owner from a bucket: * * @example include:samples/acl.js * region_tag:storage_add_bucket_default_owner * Example of adding a default owner to a bucket: * * @example include:samples/acl.js * region_tag:storage_remove_bucket_default_owner * Example of removing a default owner from a bucket: */ acl: Acl; /** * Get and set IAM policies for your bucket. * * @name Bucket#iam * @mixes Iam * * @see [Cloud Storage IAM Management](https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/access-control/iam#short_title_iam_management) * @see [Granting, Changing, and Revoking Access](https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/granting-changing-revoking-access) * @see [IAM Roles](https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/understanding-roles) * * @example * const {Storage} = require('@google-cloud/storage'); * const storage = new Storage(); * const bucket = storage.bucket('albums'); * * //- * // Get the IAM policy for your bucket. * //- * bucket.iam.getPolicy(function(err, policy) { * console.log(policy); * }); * * //- * // If the callback is omitted, we'll return a Promise. * //- * bucket.iam.getPolicy().then(function(data) { * const policy = data[0]; * const apiResponse = data[1]; * }); * * @example include:samples/iam.js * region_tag:storage_view_bucket_iam_members * Example of retrieving a bucket's IAM policy: * * @example include:samples/iam.js * region_tag:storage_add_bucket_iam_member * Example of adding to a bucket's IAM policy: * * @example include:samples/iam.js * region_tag:storage_remove_bucket_iam_member * Example of removing from a bucket's IAM policy: */ iam: Iam; /** * Get {@link File} objects for the files currently in the bucket as a * readable object stream. * * @method Bucket#getFilesStream * @param {GetFilesOptions} [query] Query object for listing files. * @returns {ReadableStream} A readable stream that emits {@link File} instances. * * @example * const {Storage} = require('@google-cloud/storage'); * const storage = new Storage(); * const bucket = storage.bucket('albums'); * * bucket.getFilesStream() * .on('error', console.error) * .on('data', function(file) { * // file is a File object. * }) * .on('end', function() { * // All files retrieved. * }); * * //- * // If you anticipate many results, you can end a stream early to prevent * // unnecessary processing and API requests. * //- * bucket.getFilesStream() * .on('data', function(file) { * this.end(); * }); * * //- * // If you're filtering files with a delimiter, you should use * // {@link Bucket#getFiles} and set `autoPaginate: false` in order to * // preserve the `apiResponse` argument. * //- * const prefixes = []; * * function callback(err, files, nextQuery, apiResponse) { * prefixes = prefixes.concat(apiResponse.prefixes); * * if (nextQuery) { * bucket.getFiles(nextQuery, callback); * } else { * // prefixes = The finished array of prefixes. * } * } * * bucket.getFiles({ * autoPaginate: false, * delimiter: '/' * }, callback); */ getFilesStream: Function; signer?: URLSigner; constructor(storage: Storage, name: string, options?: BucketOptions); addLifecycleRule(rule: LifecycleRule, options?: AddLifecycleRuleOptions): Promise; addLifecycleRule(rule: LifecycleRule, options: AddLifecycleRuleOptions, callback: SetBucketMetadataCallback): void; addLifecycleRule(rule: LifecycleRule, callback: SetBucketMetadataCallback): void; combine(sources: string[] | File[], destination: string | File, options?: CombineOptions): Promise; combine(sources: string[] | File[], destination: string | File, options: CombineOptions, callback: CombineCallback): void; combine(sources: string[] | File[], destination: string | File, callback: CombineCallback): void; createChannel(id: string, config: CreateChannelConfig, options?: CreateChannelOptions): Promise; createChannel(id: string, config: CreateChannelConfig, callback: CreateChannelCallback): void; createChannel(id: string, config: CreateChannelConfig, options: CreateChannelOptions, callback: CreateChannelCallback): void; createNotification(topic: string, options?: CreateNotificationOptions): Promise; createNotification(topic: string, options: CreateNotificationOptions, callback: CreateNotificationCallback): void; createNotification(topic: string, callback: CreateNotificationCallback): void; deleteFiles(query?: DeleteFilesOptions): Promise; deleteFiles(callback: DeleteFilesCallback): void; deleteFiles(query: DeleteFilesOptions, callback: DeleteFilesCallback): void; deleteLabels(labels?: string | string[]): Promise; deleteLabels(callback: DeleteLabelsCallback): void; deleteLabels(labels: string | string[], callback: DeleteLabelsCallback): void; disableRequesterPays(): Promise; disableRequesterPays(callback: DisableRequesterPaysCallback): void; enableLogging(config: EnableLoggingOptions): Promise; enableLogging(config: EnableLoggingOptions, callback: SetBucketMetadataCallback): void; enableRequesterPays(): Promise; enableRequesterPays(callback: EnableRequesterPaysCallback): void; /** * Create a {@link File} object. See {@link File} to see how to handle * the different use cases you may have. * * @param {string} name The name of the file in this bucket. * @param {object} [options] Configuration options. * @param {string|number} [options.generation] Only use a specific revision of * this file. * @param {string} [options.encryptionKey] A custom encryption key. See * [Customer-supplied Encryption * Keys](https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/encryption#customer-supplied). * @param {string} [options.kmsKeyName] The name of the Cloud KMS key that will * be used to encrypt the object. Must be in the format: * `projects/my-project/locations/location/keyRings/my-kr/cryptoKeys/my-key`. * KMS key ring must use the same location as the bucket. * @returns {File} * * @example * const {Storage} = require('@google-cloud/storage'); * const storage = new Storage(); * const bucket = storage.bucket('albums'); * const file = bucket.file('my-existing-file.png'); */ file(name: string, options?: FileOptions): File; getFiles(query?: GetFilesOptions): Promise; getFiles(query: GetFilesOptions, callback: GetFilesCallback): void; getFiles(callback: GetFilesCallback): void; getLabels(options: GetLabelsOptions): Promise; getLabels(callback: GetLabelsCallback): void; getLabels(options: GetLabelsOptions, callback: GetLabelsCallback): void; getNotifications(options?: GetNotificationsOptions): Promise; getNotifications(callback: GetNotificationsCallback): void; getNotifications(options: GetNotificationsOptions, callback: GetNotificationsCallback): void; getSignedUrl(cfg: GetBucketSignedUrlConfig): Promise; getSignedUrl(cfg: GetBucketSignedUrlConfig, callback: GetSignedUrlCallback): void; lock(metageneration: number | string): Promise; lock(metageneration: number | string, callback: BucketLockCallback): void; makePrivate(options?: MakeBucketPrivateOptions): Promise; makePrivate(callback: MakeBucketPrivateCallback): void; makePrivate(options: MakeBucketPrivateOptions, callback: MakeBucketPrivateCallback): void; makePublic(options?: MakeBucketPublicOptions): Promise; makePublic(callback: MakeBucketPublicCallback): void; makePublic(options: MakeBucketPublicOptions, callback: MakeBucketPublicCallback): void; /** * Get a reference to a Cloud Pub/Sub Notification. * * @param {string} id ID of notification. * @returns {Notification} * @see Notification * * @example * const {Storage} = require('@google-cloud/storage'); * const storage = new Storage(); * const bucket = storage.bucket('my-bucket'); * const notification = bucket.notification('1'); */ notification(id: string): Notification; removeRetentionPeriod(): Promise; removeRetentionPeriod(callback: SetBucketMetadataCallback): void; request(reqOpts: DecorateRequestOptions): Promise<[ResponseBody, Metadata]>; request(reqOpts: DecorateRequestOptions, callback: BodyResponseCallback): void; setLabels(labels: Labels, options?: SetLabelsOptions): Promise; setLabels(labels: Labels, callback: SetLabelsCallback): void; setLabels(labels: Labels, options: SetLabelsOptions, callback: SetLabelsCallback): void; setRetentionPeriod(duration: number): Promise; setRetentionPeriod(duration: number, callback: SetBucketMetadataCallback): void; setCorsConfiguration(corsConfiguration: Cors[]): Promise; setCorsConfiguration(corsConfiguration: Cors[], callback: SetBucketMetadataCallback): void; setStorageClass(storageClass: string, options?: SetBucketStorageClassOptions): Promise; setStorageClass(storageClass: string, callback: SetBucketStorageClassCallback): void; setStorageClass(storageClass: string, options: SetBucketStorageClassOptions, callback: SetBucketStorageClassCallback): void; /** * Set a user project to be billed for all requests made from this Bucket * object and any files referenced from this Bucket object. * * @param {string} userProject The user project. * * @example * const {Storage} = require('@google-cloud/storage'); * const storage = new Storage(); * const bucket = storage.bucket('albums'); * * bucket.setUserProject('grape-spaceship-123'); */ setUserProject(userProject: string): void; upload(pathString: string, options?: UploadOptions): Promise; upload(pathString: string, options: UploadOptions, callback: UploadCallback): void; upload(pathString: string, callback: UploadCallback): void; makeAllFilesPublicPrivate_(options?: MakeAllFilesPublicPrivateOptions): Promise; makeAllFilesPublicPrivate_(callback: MakeAllFilesPublicPrivateCallback): void; makeAllFilesPublicPrivate_(options: MakeAllFilesPublicPrivateOptions, callback: MakeAllFilesPublicPrivateCallback): void; getId(): string; } /** * Reference to the {@link Bucket} class. * @name module:@google-cloud/storage.Bucket * @see Bucket */ export { Bucket };