/*! * Copyright 2022 Google LLC. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { AuthClient, GoogleAuth, GoogleAuthOptions } from 'google-auth-library'; import { CredentialBody } from 'google-auth-library'; import * as r from 'teeny-request'; import { Duplex, DuplexOptions, Readable, Writable } from 'stream'; import { Interceptor } from './service-object.js'; /** * A unique symbol for providing a `gccl-gcs-cmd` value * for the `X-Goog-API-Client` header. * * E.g. the `V` in `X-Goog-API-Client: gccl-gcs-cmd/V` **/ export declare const GCCL_GCS_CMD_KEY: unique symbol; export type ResponseBody = any; export interface DuplexifyOptions extends DuplexOptions { autoDestroy?: boolean; end?: boolean; } export interface Duplexify extends Duplex { readonly destroyed: boolean; setWritable(writable: Writable | false | null): void; setReadable(readable: Readable | false | null): void; } export interface DuplexifyConstructor { obj(writable?: Writable | false | null, readable?: Readable | false | null, options?: DuplexifyOptions): Duplexify; new (writable?: Writable | false | null, readable?: Readable | false | null, options?: DuplexifyOptions): Duplexify; (writable?: Writable | false | null, readable?: Readable | false | null, options?: DuplexifyOptions): Duplexify; } export interface ParsedHttpRespMessage { resp: r.Response; err?: ApiError; } export interface MakeAuthenticatedRequest { (reqOpts: DecorateRequestOptions): Duplexify; (reqOpts: DecorateRequestOptions, options?: MakeAuthenticatedRequestOptions): void | Abortable; (reqOpts: DecorateRequestOptions, callback?: BodyResponseCallback): void | Abortable; (reqOpts: DecorateRequestOptions, optionsOrCallback?: MakeAuthenticatedRequestOptions | BodyResponseCallback): void | Abortable | Duplexify; getCredentials: (callback: (err?: Error | null, credentials?: CredentialBody) => void) => void; authClient: GoogleAuth; } export interface Abortable { abort(): void; } export type AbortableDuplex = Duplexify & Abortable; export interface PackageJson { name: string; version: string; } export interface MakeAuthenticatedRequestFactoryConfig extends Omit { /** * Automatically retry requests if the response is related to rate limits or * certain intermittent server errors. We will exponentially backoff * subsequent requests by default. (default: true) */ autoRetry?: boolean; /** * If true, just return the provided request options. Default: false. */ customEndpoint?: boolean; /** * If true, will authenticate when using a custom endpoint. Default: false. */ useAuthWithCustomEndpoint?: boolean; /** * Account email address, required for PEM/P12 usage. */ email?: string; /** * Maximum number of automatic retries attempted before returning the error. * (default: 3) */ maxRetries?: number; stream?: Duplexify; /** * A pre-instantiated `AuthClient` or `GoogleAuth` client that should be used. * A new client will be created if this is not set. */ authClient?: AuthClient | GoogleAuth; /** * Determines if a projectId is required for authenticated requests. Defaults to `true`. */ projectIdRequired?: boolean; } export interface MakeAuthenticatedRequestOptions { onAuthenticated: OnAuthenticatedCallback; } export interface OnAuthenticatedCallback { (err: Error | null, reqOpts?: DecorateRequestOptions): void; } export interface GoogleErrorBody { code: number; errors?: GoogleInnerError[]; response: r.Response; message?: string; } export interface GoogleInnerError { reason?: string; message?: string; } export interface MakeWritableStreamOptions { /** * A connection instance used to get a token with and send the request * through. */ connection?: {}; /** * Metadata to send at the head of the request. */ metadata?: { contentType?: string; }; /** * Request object, in the format of a standard Node.js http.request() object. */ request?: r.Options; makeAuthenticatedRequest(reqOpts: r.OptionsWithUri & { [GCCL_GCS_CMD_KEY]?: string; }, fnobj: { onAuthenticated(err: Error | null, authenticatedReqOpts?: r.Options): void; }): void; } export interface DecorateRequestOptions extends r.CoreOptions { autoPaginate?: boolean; autoPaginateVal?: boolean; objectMode?: boolean; maxRetries?: number; uri: string; interceptors_?: Interceptor[]; shouldReturnStream?: boolean; projectId?: string; [GCCL_GCS_CMD_KEY]?: string; } export interface ParsedHttpResponseBody { body: ResponseBody; err?: Error; } /** * Custom error type for API errors. * * @param {object} errorBody - Error object. */ export declare class ApiError extends Error { code?: number; errors?: GoogleInnerError[]; response?: r.Response; constructor(errorMessage: string); constructor(errorBody: GoogleErrorBody); /** * Pieces together an error message by combining all unique error messages * returned from a single GoogleError * * @private * * @param {GoogleErrorBody} err The original error. * @param {GoogleInnerError[]} [errors] Inner errors, if any. * @returns {string} */ static createMultiErrorMessage(err: GoogleErrorBody, errors?: GoogleInnerError[]): string; } /** * Custom error type for partial errors returned from the API. * * @param {object} b - Error object. */ export declare class PartialFailureError extends Error { errors?: GoogleInnerError[]; response?: r.Response; constructor(b: GoogleErrorBody); } export interface BodyResponseCallback { (err: Error | ApiError | null, body?: ResponseBody, res?: r.Response): void; } export interface RetryOptions { retryDelayMultiplier?: number; totalTimeout?: number; maxRetryDelay?: number; autoRetry?: boolean; maxRetries?: number; retryableErrorFn?: (err: ApiError) => boolean; } export interface MakeRequestConfig { /** * Automatically retry requests if the response is related to rate limits or * certain intermittent server errors. We will exponentially backoff * subsequent requests by default. (default: true) */ autoRetry?: boolean; /** * Maximum number of automatic retries attempted before returning the error. * (default: 3) */ maxRetries?: number; retries?: number; retryOptions?: RetryOptions; stream?: Duplexify; shouldRetryFn?: (response?: r.Response) => boolean; } export declare class Util { ApiError: typeof ApiError; PartialFailureError: typeof PartialFailureError; /** * No op. * * @example * function doSomething(callback) { * callback = callback || noop; * } */ noop(): void; /** * Uniformly process an API response. * * @param {*} err - Error value. * @param {*} resp - Response value. * @param {*} body - Body value. * @param {function} callback - The callback function. */ handleResp(err: Error | null, resp?: r.Response | null, body?: ResponseBody, callback?: BodyResponseCallback): void; /** * Sniff an incoming HTTP response message for errors. * * @param {object} httpRespMessage - An incoming HTTP response message from `request`. * @return {object} parsedHttpRespMessage - The parsed response. * @param {?error} parsedHttpRespMessage.err - An error detected. * @param {object} parsedHttpRespMessage.resp - The original response object. */ parseHttpRespMessage(httpRespMessage: r.Response): ParsedHttpRespMessage; /** * Parse the response body from an HTTP request. * * @param {object} body - The response body. * @return {object} parsedHttpRespMessage - The parsed response. * @param {?error} parsedHttpRespMessage.err - An error detected. * @param {object} parsedHttpRespMessage.body - The original body value provided * will try to be JSON.parse'd. If it's successful, the parsed value will * be returned here, otherwise the original value and an error will be returned. */ parseHttpRespBody(body: ResponseBody): ParsedHttpResponseBody; /** * Take a Duplexify stream, fetch an authenticated connection header, and * create an outgoing writable stream. * * @param {Duplexify} dup - Duplexify stream. * @param {object} options - Configuration object. * @param {module:common/connection} options.connection - A connection instance used to get a token with and send the request through. * @param {object} options.metadata - Metadata to send at the head of the request. * @param {object} options.request - Request object, in the format of a standard Node.js http.request() object. * @param {string=} options.request.method - Default: "POST". * @param {string=} options.request.qs.uploadType - Default: "multipart". * @param {string=} options.streamContentType - Default: "application/octet-stream". * @param {function} onComplete - Callback, executed after the writable Request stream has completed. */ makeWritableStream(dup: Duplexify, options: MakeWritableStreamOptions, onComplete?: Function): void; /** * Returns true if the API request should be retried, given the error that was * given the first time the request was attempted. This is used for rate limit * related errors as well as intermittent server errors. * * @param {error} err - The API error to check if it is appropriate to retry. * @return {boolean} True if the API request should be retried, false otherwise. */ shouldRetryRequest(err?: ApiError): boolean; /** * Get a function for making authenticated requests. * * @param {object} config - Configuration object. * @param {boolean=} config.autoRetry - Automatically retry requests if the * response is related to rate limits or certain intermittent server * errors. We will exponentially backoff subsequent requests by default. * (default: true) * @param {object=} config.credentials - Credentials object. * @param {boolean=} config.customEndpoint - If true, just return the provided request options. Default: false. * @param {boolean=} config.useAuthWithCustomEndpoint - If true, will authenticate when using a custom endpoint. Default: false. * @param {string=} config.email - Account email address, required for PEM/P12 usage. * @param {number=} config.maxRetries - Maximum number of automatic retries attempted before returning the error. (default: 3) * @param {string=} config.keyFile - Path to a .json, .pem, or .p12 keyfile. * @param {array} config.scopes - Array of scopes required for the API. */ makeAuthenticatedRequestFactory(config: MakeAuthenticatedRequestFactoryConfig): MakeAuthenticatedRequest; /** * Make a request through the `retryRequest` module with built-in error * handling and exponential back off. * * @param {object} reqOpts - Request options in the format `request` expects. * @param {object=} config - Configuration object. * @param {boolean=} config.autoRetry - Automatically retry requests if the * response is related to rate limits or certain intermittent server * errors. We will exponentially backoff subsequent requests by default. * (default: true) * @param {number=} config.maxRetries - Maximum number of automatic retries * attempted before returning the error. (default: 3) * @param {object=} config.request - HTTP module for request calls. * @param {function} callback - The callback function. */ makeRequest(reqOpts: DecorateRequestOptions, config: MakeRequestConfig, callback: BodyResponseCallback): void | Abortable; /** * Decorate the options about to be made in a request. * * @param {object} reqOpts - The options to be passed to `request`. * @param {string} projectId - The project ID. * @return {object} reqOpts - The decorated reqOpts. */ decorateRequest(reqOpts: DecorateRequestOptions, projectId: string): DecorateRequestOptions; isCustomType(unknown: any, module: string): boolean; /** * Given two parameters, figure out if this is either: * - Just a callback function * - An options object, and then a callback function * @param optionsOrCallback An options object or callback. * @param cb A potentially undefined callback. */ maybeOptionsOrCallback void>(optionsOrCallback?: T | C, cb?: C): [T, C]; _getDefaultHeaders(gcclGcsCmd?: string): { 'User-Agent': string; 'x-goog-api-client': string; }; } declare const util: Util; export { util };