import * as querystring from 'querystring'; import { PassThrough } from 'stream'; export declare function normalize(optionsOrCallback?: T | U, cb?: U): { options: T; callback: U; }; /** * Flatten an object into an Array of arrays, [[key, value], ..]. * Implements Object.entries() for Node.js <8 * @internal */ export declare function objectEntries(obj: { [key: string]: T; }): Array<[string, T]>; /** * Encode `str` with encodeURIComponent, plus these * reserved characters: `! * ' ( )`. * * See {@link| MDN: fixedEncodeURIComponent} * * @param {string} str The URI component to encode. * @return {string} The encoded string. */ export declare function fixedEncodeURIComponent(str: string): string; /** * URI encode `uri` for generating signed URLs, using fixedEncodeURIComponent. * * Encode every byte except `A-Z a-Z 0-9 ~ - . _`. * * @param {string} uri The URI to encode. * @param [boolean=false] encodeSlash If `true`, the "/" character is not encoded. * @return {string} The encoded string. */ export declare function encodeURI(uri: string, encodeSlash: boolean): string; /** * Serialize an object to a URL query string using util.encodeURI(uri, true). * @param {string} url The object to serialize. * @return {string} Serialized string. */ export declare function qsStringify(qs: querystring.ParsedUrlQueryInput): string; export declare function objectKeyToLowercase(object: { [key: string]: T; }): { [key: string]: T; }; /** * JSON encode str, with unicode \u+ representation. * @param {object} obj The object to encode. * @return {string} Serialized string. */ export declare function unicodeJSONStringify(obj: object): string; /** * Converts the given objects keys to snake_case * @param {object} obj object to convert keys to snake case. * @returns {object} object with keys converted to snake case. */ export declare function convertObjKeysToSnakeCase(obj: object): object; /** * Formats the provided date object as a UTC ISO string. * @param {Date} dateTimeToFormat date object to be formatted. * @param {boolean} includeTime flag to include hours, minutes, seconds in output. * @param {string} dateDelimiter delimiter between date components. * @param {string} timeDelimiter delimiter between time components. * @returns {string} UTC ISO format of provided date obect. */ export declare function formatAsUTCISO(dateTimeToFormat: Date, includeTime?: boolean, dateDelimiter?: string, timeDelimiter?: string): string; /** * Examines the runtime environment and returns the appropriate tracking string. * @returns {string} metrics tracking string based on the current runtime environment. */ export declare function getRuntimeTrackingString(): string; /** * Looks at package.json and creates the user-agent string to be applied to request headers. * @returns {string} user agent string. */ export declare function getUserAgentString(): string; export declare function getDirName(): string; export declare function getModuleFormat(): "ESM" | "CJS"; export declare class PassThroughShim extends PassThrough { private shouldEmitReading; private shouldEmitWriting; _read(size: number): void; _write(chunk: never, encoding: BufferEncoding, callback: (error?: Error | null | undefined) => void): void; _final(callback: (error?: Error | null | undefined) => void): void; }