import { ApolloFederation } from '@graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers'; import { ASTNode, DirectiveDefinitionNode, EnumTypeDefinitionNode, FieldDefinitionNode, GraphQLNamedType, GraphQLObjectType, GraphQLSchema, InputValueDefinitionNode, InterfaceTypeDefinitionNode, ListTypeNode, NamedTypeNode, NameNode, NonNullTypeNode, ObjectTypeDefinitionNode, ScalarTypeDefinitionNode, UnionTypeDefinitionNode } from 'graphql'; import { BaseVisitor, BaseVisitorConvertOptions, ParsedConfig, RawConfig } from './base-visitor.cjs'; import { ParsedMapper } from './mappers.cjs'; import { AvoidOptionalsConfig, ConvertOptions, DeclarationKind, EnumValuesMap, NormalizedScalarsMap, ParsedEnumValuesMap, ResolversNonOptionalTypenameConfig } from './types.cjs'; import { DeclarationBlockConfig } from './utils.cjs'; import { OperationVariablesToObject } from './variables-to-object.cjs'; export interface ParsedResolversConfig extends ParsedConfig { contextType: ParsedMapper; fieldContextTypes: Array; directiveContextTypes: Array; rootValueType: ParsedMapper; mappers: { [typeName: string]: ParsedMapper; }; defaultMapper: ParsedMapper | null; avoidOptionals: AvoidOptionalsConfig | boolean; addUnderscoreToArgsType: boolean; enumValues: ParsedEnumValuesMap; resolverTypeWrapperSignature: string; federation: boolean; enumPrefix: boolean; enumSuffix: boolean; optionalResolveType: boolean; immutableTypes: boolean; namespacedImportName: string; resolverTypeSuffix: string; allResolversTypeName: string; internalResolversPrefix: string; onlyResolveTypeForInterfaces: boolean; directiveResolverMappings: Record; resolversNonOptionalTypename: ResolversNonOptionalTypenameConfig; } export interface RawResolversConfig extends RawConfig { /** * @description Adds `_` to generated `Args` types in order to avoid duplicate identifiers. * * @exampleMarkdown * ```ts filename="codegen.ts" * import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli'; * * const config: CodegenConfig = { * // ... * generates: { * 'path/to/file': { * // plugins... * config: { * addUnderscoreToArgsType: true * }, * }, * }, * }; * export default config; * ``` * */ addUnderscoreToArgsType?: boolean; /** * @description Use this configuration to set a custom type for your `context`, and it will * affect all the resolvers, without the need to override it using generics each time. * If you wish to use an external type and import it from another file, you can use `add` plugin * and add the required `import` statement, or you can use a `module#type` syntax. * * @exampleMarkdown * ## Custom Context Type * * ```ts filename="codegen.ts" * import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli'; * * const config: CodegenConfig = { * // ... * generates: { * 'path/to/file': { * // plugins... * config: { * contextType: 'MyContext' * }, * }, * }, * }; * export default config; * ``` * * ## Custom Context Type * * ```ts filename="codegen.ts" * import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli'; * * const config: CodegenConfig = { * // ... * generates: { * 'path/to/file': { * // plugins... * config: { * contextType: './my-types#MyContext' * }, * }, * }, * }; * export default config; * ``` */ contextType?: string; /** * @description Use this to set a custom type for a specific field `context`. * It will only affect the targeted resolvers. * You can either use `Field.Path#ContextTypeName` or `Field.Path#ExternalFileName#ContextTypeName` * * @exampleMarkdown * ## Custom Field Context Types * * ```ts filename="codegen.ts" * import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli'; * * const config: CodegenConfig = { * // ... * generates: { * 'path/to/file': { * // plugins... * config: { * fieldContextTypes: ['', ''] * }, * }, * }, * }; * export default config; * ``` * */ fieldContextTypes?: Array; /** * @description Use this configuration to set a custom type for the `rootValue`, and it will * affect resolvers of all root types (Query, Mutation and Subscription), without the need to override it using generics each time. * If you wish to use an external type and import it from another file, you can use `add` plugin * and add the required `import` statement, or you can use both `module#type` or `module#namespace#type` syntax. * * @exampleMarkdown * ## Custom RootValue Type * * ```ts filename="codegen.ts" * import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli'; * * const config: CodegenConfig = { * // ... * generates: { * 'path/to/file': { * // plugins... * config: { * rootValueType: 'MyRootValue' * }, * }, * }, * }; * export default config; * ``` * * ## Custom RootValue Type * * ```ts filename="codegen.ts" * import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli'; * * const config: CodegenConfig = { * // ... * generates: { * 'path/to/file': { * // plugins... * config: { * rootValueType: './my-types#MyRootValue' * }, * }, * }, * }; * export default config; * ``` */ rootValueType?: string; /** * @description Use this to set a custom type for a specific field `context` decorated by a directive. * It will only affect the targeted resolvers. * You can either use `Field.Path#ContextTypeName` or `Field.Path#ExternalFileName#ContextTypeName` * * ContextTypeName should by a generic Type that take the context or field context type as only type parameter. * * @exampleMarkdown * ## Directive Context Extender * * ```ts filename="codegen.ts" * import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli'; * * const config: CodegenConfig = { * // ... * generates: { * 'path/to/file': { * // plugins... * config: { * directiveContextTypes: ['myCustomDirectiveName#./my-file#CustomContextExtender'] * }, * }, * }, * }; * export default config; * ``` * */ directiveContextTypes?: Array; /** * @description Adds a suffix to the imported names to prevent name clashes. * * @exampleMarkdown * ```ts filename="codegen.ts" * import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli'; * * const config: CodegenConfig = { * // ... * generates: { * 'path/to/file': { * // plugins... * config: { * mapperTypeSuffix: 'Model' * }, * }, * }, * }; * export default config; * ``` */ mapperTypeSuffix?: string; /** * @description Replaces a GraphQL type usage with a custom type, allowing you to return custom object from * your resolvers. * You can use both `module#type` and `module#namespace#type` syntax. * * @exampleMarkdown * ## Custom Context Type * * ```ts filename="codegen.ts" * import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli'; * * const config: CodegenConfig = { * // ... * generates: { * 'path/to/file': { * // plugins... * config: { * mappers: { * User: './my-models#UserDbObject', * Book: './my-models#Collections', * } * }, * }, * }, * }; * export default config; * ``` */ mappers?: { [typeName: string]: string; }; /** * @description Allow you to set the default mapper when it's not being override by `mappers` or generics. * You can specify a type name, or specify a string in `module#type` or `module#namespace#type` format. * The default value of mappers is the TypeScript type generated by `typescript` package. * * @exampleMarkdown * ## Replace with any * * ```ts filename="codegen.ts" * import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli'; * * const config: CodegenConfig = { * // ... * generates: { * 'path/to/file': { * // plugins... * config: { * defaultMapper: 'any', * }, * }, * }, * }; * export default config; * ``` * * ## Custom Base Object * * ```ts filename="codegen.ts" * import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli'; * * const config: CodegenConfig = { * // ... * generates: { * 'path/to/file': { * // plugins... * config: { * defaultMapper: './my-file#BaseObject', * }, * }, * }, * }; * export default config; * ``` * * ## Wrap default types with Partial * * You can also specify a custom wrapper for the original type, without overriding the original generated types, use `{T}` to specify the identifier. (for flow, use `$Shape<{T}>`) * * ```ts filename="codegen.ts" * import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli'; * * const config: CodegenConfig = { * // ... * generates: { * 'path/to/file': { * // plugins... * config: { * defaultMapper: 'Partial<{T}>', * }, * }, * }, * }; * export default config; * ``` * * ## Allow deep partial with `utility-types` * * ```ts filename="codegen.ts" * import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli'; * * const config: CodegenConfig = { * // ... * generates: { * 'path/to/file': { * plugins: ['typescript', 'typescript-resolver', { add: { content: "import { DeepPartial } from 'utility-types';" } }], * config: { * defaultMapper: 'DeepPartial<{T}>', * }, * }, * }, * }; * export default config; * ``` */ defaultMapper?: string; /** * @description This will cause the generator to avoid using optionals (`?`), * so all field resolvers must be implemented in order to avoid compilation errors. * @default false * * @exampleMarkdown * ## Override all definition types * * ```ts filename="codegen.ts" * import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli'; * * const config: CodegenConfig = { * // ... * generates: { * 'path/to/file': { * plugins: ['typescript', 'typescript-resolver'], * config: { * avoidOptionals: true * }, * }, * }, * }; * export default config; * ``` * * ## Override only specific definition types * * ```ts filename="codegen.ts" * import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli'; * * const config: CodegenConfig = { * // ... * generates: { * 'path/to/file': { * plugins: ['typescript', 'typescript-resolver'], * config: { * avoidOptionals: { * field: true, * inputValue: true, * object: true, * defaultValue: true, * } * }, * }, * }, * }; * export default config; * ``` */ avoidOptionals?: boolean | AvoidOptionalsConfig; /** * @description Warns about unused mappers. * @default true * * @exampleMarkdown * ```ts filename="codegen.ts" * import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli'; * * const config: CodegenConfig = { * // ... * generates: { * 'path/to/file': { * plugins: ['typescript', 'typescript-resolver'], * config: { * showUnusedMappers: true, * }, * }, * }, * }; * export default config; * ``` */ showUnusedMappers?: boolean; /** * @description Overrides the default value of enum values declared in your GraphQL schema, supported * in this plugin because of the need for integration with `typescript` package. * See documentation under `typescript` plugin for more information and examples. */ enumValues?: EnumValuesMap; /** * @default Promise | T * @description Allow you to override `resolverTypeWrapper` definition. */ resolverTypeWrapperSignature?: string; /** * @default false * @description Supports Apollo Federation */ federation?: boolean; /** * @default true * @description Allow you to disable prefixing for generated enums, works in combination with `typesPrefix`. * * @exampleMarkdown * ## Disable enum prefixes * * ```ts filename="codegen.ts" * import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli'; * * const config: CodegenConfig = { * // ... * generates: { * 'path/to/file': { * plugins: ['typescript', 'typescript-resolver'], * config: { * typesPrefix: 'I', * enumPrefix: false * }, * }, * }, * }; * export default config; * ``` */ enumPrefix?: boolean; /** * @default true * @description Allow you to disable suffixing for generated enums, works in combination with `typesSuffix`. * * @exampleMarkdown * ## Disable enum suffixes * * ```ts filename="codegen.ts" * import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli'; * * const config: CodegenConfig = { * // ... * generates: { * 'path/to/file': { * plugins: ['typescript', 'typescript-resolver'], * config: { * typesSuffix: 'I', * enumSuffix: false * }, * }, * }, * }; * export default config; * ``` */ enumSuffix?: boolean; /** * @default false * @description Sets the `__resolveType` field as optional field. */ optionalResolveType?: boolean; /** * @default false * @description Generates immutable types by adding `readonly` to properties and uses `ReadonlyArray`. */ immutableTypes?: boolean; /** * @default '' * @description Prefixes all GraphQL related generated types with that value, as namespaces import. * You can use this feature to allow separation of plugins to different files. */ namespacedImportName?: string; /** * @default Resolvers * @description Suffix we add to each generated type resolver. */ resolverTypeSuffix?: string; /** * @default Resolvers * @description The type name to use when exporting all resolvers signature as unified type. */ allResolversTypeName?: string; /** * @type string * @default '__' * @description Defines the prefix value used for `__resolveType` and `__isTypeOf` resolvers. * If you are using `mercurius-js`, please set this field to empty string for better compatibility. */ internalResolversPrefix?: string; /** * @type boolean * @default false * @description Turning this flag to `true` will generate resolver signature that has only `resolveType` for interfaces, forcing developers to write inherited type resolvers in the type itself. */ onlyResolveTypeForInterfaces?: boolean; /** * @description Makes `__typename` of resolver mappings non-optional without affecting the base types. * @default false * * @exampleMarkdown * ## Enable for all * * ```ts filename="codegen.ts" * import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli'; * * const config: CodegenConfig = { * // ... * generates: { * 'path/to/file': { * plugins: ['typescript', 'typescript-resolver'], * config: { * resolversNonOptionalTypename: true // or { unionMember: true, interfaceImplementingType: true } * }, * }, * }, * }; * export default config; * ``` * * ## Enable except for some types * * ```ts filename="codegen.ts" * import type { CodegenConfig } from '@graphql-codegen/cli'; * * const config: CodegenConfig = { * // ... * generates: { * 'path/to/file': { * plugins: ['typescript', 'typescript-resolver'], * config: { * resolversNonOptionalTypename: { * unionMember: true, * interfaceImplementingType: true, * excludeTypes: ['MyType'], * } * }, * }, * }, * }; * export default config; * ``` */ resolversNonOptionalTypename?: boolean | ResolversNonOptionalTypenameConfig; /** * @ignore */ directiveResolverMappings?: Record; } export type ResolverTypes = { [gqlType: string]: string; }; export type ResolverParentTypes = { [gqlType: string]: string; }; export type GroupedMappers = Record; type FieldContextTypeMap = Record; export declare class BaseResolversVisitor extends BaseVisitor { private _schema; protected _parsedConfig: TPluginConfig; protected _declarationBlockConfig: DeclarationBlockConfig; protected _collectedResolvers: { [key: string]: string; }; protected _collectedDirectiveResolvers: { [key: string]: string; }; protected _variablesTransformer: OperationVariablesToObject; protected _usedMappers: { [key: string]: boolean; }; protected _resolversTypes: ResolverTypes; protected _resolversParentTypes: ResolverParentTypes; protected _hasReferencedResolversUnionTypes: boolean; protected _hasReferencedResolversInterfaceTypes: boolean; protected _resolversUnionTypes: Record; protected _resolversUnionParentTypes: Record; protected _resolversInterfaceTypes: Record; protected _rootTypeNames: Set; protected _globalDeclarations: Set; protected _federation: ApolloFederation; protected _hasScalars: boolean; protected _hasFederation: boolean; protected _fieldContextTypeMap: FieldContextTypeMap; protected _directiveContextTypesMap: FieldContextTypeMap; private _directiveResolverMappings; private _shouldMapType; constructor(rawConfig: TRawConfig, additionalConfig: TPluginConfig, _schema: GraphQLSchema, defaultScalars?: NormalizedScalarsMap); getResolverTypeWrapperSignature(): string; protected shouldMapType(type: GraphQLNamedType, duringCheck?: string[]): boolean; convertName(node: ASTNode | string, options?: BaseVisitorConvertOptions & ConvertOptions, applyNamespacedImport?: boolean): string; protected createResolversFields({ applyWrapper, clearWrapper, getTypeToUse, currentType, shouldInclude, }: { applyWrapper: (str: string) => string; clearWrapper: (str: string) => string; getTypeToUse: (str: string) => string; currentType: 'ResolversTypes' | 'ResolversParentTypes'; shouldInclude?: (type: GraphQLNamedType) => boolean; }): ResolverTypes; protected replaceFieldsInType(typeName: string, relevantFields: ReturnType): string; protected applyMaybe(str: string): string; protected applyResolverTypeWrapper(str: string): string; protected clearMaybe(str: string): string; protected clearResolverTypeWrapper(str: string): string; protected wrapWithArray(t: string): string; protected createResolversUnionTypes(): Record; protected createResolversInterfaceTypes(): Record; /** * Function to generate the types of Abstract Type Members i.e. Union Members or Interface Implementing Types */ getAbstractMembersType({ typeName, memberTypes, isTypenameNonOptional, }: { typeName: string; memberTypes: readonly GraphQLObjectType[] | GraphQLObjectType[]; isTypenameNonOptional: boolean; }): string; protected createFieldContextTypeMap(): FieldContextTypeMap; protected createDirectivedContextType(): FieldContextTypeMap; buildResolversTypes(): string; buildResolversParentTypes(): string; buildResolversUnionTypes(): string; buildResolversInterfaceTypes(): string; get schema(): GraphQLSchema; get defaultMapperType(): string; get unusedMappers(): string[]; get globalDeclarations(): string[]; protected isMapperImported(groupedMappers: GroupedMappers, identifier: string, source: string): boolean; get mappersImports(): string[]; setDeclarationBlockConfig(config: DeclarationBlockConfig): void; setVariablesTransformer(variablesTransfomer: OperationVariablesToObject): void; hasScalars(): boolean; hasFederation(): boolean; getRootResolver(): string; protected formatRootResolver(schemaTypeName: string, resolverType: string, declarationKind: DeclarationKind): string; getAllDirectiveResolvers(): string; Name(node: NameNode): string; ListType(node: ListTypeNode): string; protected _getScalar(name: string): string; NamedType(node: NamedTypeNode): string; NonNullType(node: NonNullTypeNode): string; protected markMapperAsUsed(name: string): void; protected getTypeToUse(name: string): string; protected getParentTypeToUse(name: string): string; protected getParentTypeForSignature(_node: FieldDefinitionNode): string; protected transformParentGenericType(parentType: string): string; FieldDefinition(node: FieldDefinitionNode, key: string | number, parent: any): (parentName: string) => string | null; private getFieldContextType; private getContextType; protected applyRequireFields(argsType: string, fields: InputValueDefinitionNode[]): string; protected applyOptionalFields(argsType: string, _fields: readonly InputValueDefinitionNode[]): string; ObjectTypeDefinition(node: ObjectTypeDefinitionNode): string; UnionTypeDefinition(node: UnionTypeDefinitionNode, key: string | number, parent: any): string; ScalarTypeDefinition(node: ScalarTypeDefinitionNode): string; DirectiveDefinition(node: DirectiveDefinitionNode, key: string | number, parent: any): string; protected buildEnumResolverContentBlock(_node: EnumTypeDefinitionNode, _mappedEnumType: string): string; protected buildEnumResolversExplicitMappedValues(_node: EnumTypeDefinitionNode, _valuesMapping: { [valueName: string]: string | number; }): string; EnumTypeDefinition(node: EnumTypeDefinitionNode): string; InterfaceTypeDefinition(node: InterfaceTypeDefinitionNode): string; SchemaDefinition(): any; private getRelevantFieldsToOmit; } export {};