import type { ExecutionArgs } from 'graphql'; import type { AgentOptions } from './agent'; import type { SchemaReporter } from './reporting'; import type { OperationsStore } from './operations-store'; export interface HiveClient { info(): Promise; reportSchema: SchemaReporter['report']; collectUsage(args: ExecutionArgs): CollectUsageCallback; operationsStore: OperationsStore; dispose(): Promise; } export declare type AsyncIterableIteratorOrValue = AsyncIterableIterator | T; export declare type CollectUsageCallback = (result: AsyncIterableIteratorOrValue) => void; export interface ClientInfo { name: string; version: string; } export interface Logger { info(msg: string): void; error(error: any, any[]): void; } export interface HiveUsagePluginOptions { /** * Custom endpoint to collect schema usage * * Points to Hive by default */ endpoint?: string; /** * Extract client info from GraphQL Context */ clientInfo?(context: any): null | undefined | ClientInfo; /** * Generate hash of an operation (useful for persisted operations) */ operationHash?(args: ExecutionArgs): string | null | undefined; /** * Hive uses LRU cache to store info about operations. * This option represents the maximum size of the cache. * * Default: 1000 */ max?: number; /** * Hive uses LRU cache to store info about operations. * This option represents the time-to-live of every cached operation. * * Default: no ttl */ ttl?: number; /** * A list of operations (by name) to be ignored by Hive. */ exclude?: string[]; /** * Sample rate to determine sampling. * 0.0 = 0% chance of being sent * 1.0 = 100% chance of being sent. * * Default: 1.0 */ sampleRate?: number; /** * (Experimental) Enables collecting Input fields usage based on the variables passed to the operation. * * Default: false */ processVariables?: boolean; } export interface HiveReportingPluginOptions { /** * Custom endpoint to collect schema reports * * Points to Hive by default */ endpoint?: string; /** * Author of current version of the schema */ author: string; /** * Commit SHA hash (or any identifier) related to the schema version */ commit: string; /** * URL to the service (use only for distributed schemas) */ serviceUrl?: string; /** * Name of the service (use only for distributed schemas) */ serviceName?: string; } export interface HiveOperationsStorePluginOptions { /** * Custom endpoint to fetch stored operations * * Points to Hive by default */ endpoint?: string; } export interface HivePluginOptions { /** * Enable/Disable Hive * * Default: true */ enabled?: boolean; /** * Debugging mode * * Default: false */ debug?: boolean; /** * Access Token */ token: string; agent?: Omit; /** * Collects schema usage based on operations * * Disabled by default */ usage?: HiveUsagePluginOptions | boolean; /** * Schema reporting * * Disabled by default */ reporting?: HiveReportingPluginOptions | false; /** * Operations Store */ operationsStore?: HiveOperationsStorePluginOptions; } export declare type Maybe = null | undefined | T; export interface GraphQLErrorsResult { errors?: ReadonlyArray<{ message: string; path?: Maybe>; }>; } export interface SupergraphSDLFetcherOptions { endpoint: string; key: string; } export interface SchemaFetcherOptions { endpoint: string; key: string; } export interface ServicesFetcherOptions { endpoint: string; key: string; }