/** * Functions to translate JSON schema to GraphQL (input) object types. */ import { PreprocessingData } from './types/preprocessing_data'; import { Operation, DataDefinition } from './types/operation'; import { ParameterObject } from './types/oas3'; import { Args, GraphQLType } from './types/graphql'; declare type GetArgsParams = { requestPayloadDef?: DataDefinition; parameters: ParameterObject[]; operation?: Operation; data: PreprocessingData; includeHttpDetails: boolean; }; declare type CreateOrReuseComplexTypeParams = { def: DataDefinition; operation?: Operation; iteration?: number; isInputObjectType?: boolean; data: PreprocessingData; includeHttpDetails: boolean; }; /** * Creates and returns a GraphQL type for the given JSON schema. */ export declare function getGraphQLType({ def, operation, data, iteration, isInputObjectType, includeHttpDetails, }: CreateOrReuseComplexTypeParams): GraphQLType; /** * Creates the arguments for resolving a field * * Arguments that are provided via options will be ignored */ export declare function getArgs({ requestPayloadDef, parameters, operation, data, includeHttpDetails, }: GetArgsParams): Args; export {};