/** * This file was automatically generated by json-schema-to-typescript. * DO NOT MODIFY IT BY HAND. Instead, modify the source JSONSchema file, * and run json-schema-to-typescript to regenerate this file. */ export interface Config { serve?: ServeConfig; require?: string[]; /** * Defines the list of your external data sources for your API mesh */ sources: Source[]; /** * Transform to apply to the unified mesh schema */ transforms?: Transform[]; /** * Additional type definitions, or type definitions overrides you wish to add to the schema mesh */ additionalTypeDefs?: string; /** * Additional resolvers, or resolvers overrides you wish to add to the schema mesh (Any of: String, AdditionalStitchingResolverObject, AdditionalSubscriptionObject) */ additionalResolvers?: (string | AdditionalStitchingResolverObject | AdditionalSubscriptionObject)[]; cache?: Cache; /** * Merge method */ merger?: string; /** * PubSub Implementation (Any of: String, PubSubConfig) */ pubsub?: string | PubSubConfig; } export interface ServeConfig { /** * Spawn multiple server instances as node clusters (default: `1`) (Any of: Int, Boolean) */ fork?: number | boolean; /** * TCP Port to listen (default: `3000`) (Any of: Int, String) */ port?: number | string; /** * Provide an example query or queries for GraphQL Playground */ exampleQuery?: string; cors?: CorsConfig; /** * Any of: WebhookHandler, ExpressHandler */ handlers?: (WebhookHandler | ExpressHandler)[]; staticFiles?: string; } export interface CorsConfig { origin?: string[]; allowedHeaders?: string[]; exposedHeaders?: string[]; credentials?: boolean; maxAge?: number; preflightContinue?: boolean; optionsSuccessStatus?: number; } export interface WebhookHandler { path: string; pubsubTopic: string; payload?: string; } export interface ExpressHandler { path: string; handler: string; /** * Allowed values: GET, POST, DELETE, PATCH */ method?: 'GET' | 'POST' | 'DELETE' | 'PATCH'; } export interface Source { /** * The name you wish to set to your remote API, this will be used for building the GraphQL context */ name: string; handler: Handler; /** * List of transforms to apply to the current API source, before unifying it with the rest of the sources */ transforms?: Transform[]; } /** * Point to the handler you wish to use, it can either be a predefined handler, or a custom */ export interface Handler { graphql?: GraphQLHandler; grpc?: GrpcHandler; jsonSchema?: JsonSchemaHandler; mongoose?: MongooseHandler; mysql?: MySQLHandler; neo4j?: Neo4JHandler; odata?: ODataHandler; openapi?: OpenapiHandler; postgraphile?: PostGraphileHandler; soap?: SoapHandler; thrift?: ThriftHandler; tuql?: TuqlHandler; [k: string]: any; } /** * Handler for remote/local/third-party GraphQL schema */ export interface GraphQLHandler { /** * A url to your remote GraphQL endpoint */ endpoint: string; /** * JSON object representing the Headers to add to the runtime of the API calls only for schema introspection */ schemaHeaders?: { [k: string]: any; }; /** * JSON object representing the Headers to add to the runtime of the API calls only for operation during runtime */ operationHeaders?: { [k: string]: any; }; /** * Use HTTP GET for Query operations */ useGETForQueries?: boolean; /** * HTTP method used for GraphQL operations (Allowed values: GET, POST) */ method?: 'GET' | 'POST'; /** * Enable GraphQL Subscriptions using WebSocket */ enableSubscriptions?: boolean; /** * Path to a custom W3 Compatible Fetch Implementation */ customFetch?: any; /** * Path to a custom W3 Compatible WebSocket Implementation */ webSocketImpl?: string; /** * Path to the introspection * You can seperately give schema introspection */ introspection?: string; /** * Cache Introspection (Any of: GraphQLIntrospectionCachingOptions, Boolean) */ cacheIntrospection?: GraphQLIntrospectionCachingOptions | boolean; } export interface GraphQLIntrospectionCachingOptions { /** * Time to live of introspection cache */ ttl?: number; /** * Path to Introspection JSON File */ path?: string; } /** * Handler for gRPC and Protobuf schemas */ export interface GrpcHandler { /** * gRPC Endpoint */ endpoint: string; /** * gRPC Proto file that contains your protobuf schema (Any of: ProtoFilePath, String) */ protoFilePath: ProtoFilePath | string; /** * Your base service name * Used for naming only */ serviceName?: string; /** * Your base package name * Used for naming only */ packageName?: string; /** * Request timeout in milliseconds * Default: 200000 */ requestTimeout?: number; credentialsSsl?: GrpcCredentialsSsl; /** * Use https instead of http for gRPC connection */ useHTTPS?: boolean; /** * MetaData */ metaData?: { [k: string]: any; }; } export interface ProtoFilePath { file: string; load?: LoadOptions; } export interface LoadOptions { includeDirs?: string[]; } /** * SSL Credentials */ export interface GrpcCredentialsSsl { rootCA?: string; certChain?: string; privateKey?: string; } /** * Handler for JSON Schema specification. Source could be a local json file, or a url to it. */ export interface JsonSchemaHandler { baseUrl: string; operationHeaders?: { [k: string]: any; }; schemaHeaders?: { [k: string]: any; }; operations: JsonSchemaOperation[]; disableTimestampScalar?: boolean; baseSchema?: any; } export interface JsonSchemaOperation { field: string; path?: string; pubsubTopic?: string; description?: string; /** * Allowed values: Query, Mutation, Subscription */ type: 'Query' | 'Mutation' | 'Subscription'; /** * Allowed values: GET, DELETE, POST, PUT, PATCH */ method: 'GET' | 'DELETE' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'PATCH'; requestSchema?: any; requestSample?: any; requestTypeName?: string; responseSample?: any; responseSchema?: any; responseTypeName?: string; argTypeMap?: { [k: string]: any; }; headers?: { [k: string]: any; }; } export interface MongooseHandler { connectionString?: string; models?: MongooseModel[]; discriminators?: MongooseModel[]; } export interface MongooseModel { name: string; path: string; options?: ComposeWithMongooseOpts; } export interface ComposeWithMongooseOpts { name?: string; description?: string; fields?: ComposeWithMongooseFieldsOpts; inputType?: ComposeMongooseInputType; resolvers?: TypeConverterResolversOpts1; } export interface ComposeWithMongooseFieldsOpts { only?: string[]; remove?: string[]; required?: string[]; } export interface ComposeMongooseInputType { name?: string; description?: string; fields?: ComposeWithMongooseFieldsOpts1; resolvers?: TypeConverterResolversOpts; } export interface ComposeWithMongooseFieldsOpts1 { only?: string[]; remove?: string[]; required?: string[]; } export interface TypeConverterResolversOpts { /** * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts */ findById?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts; /** * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts */ findByIds?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts; /** * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts */ findOne?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts; /** * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts */ findMany?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts; /** * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts */ updateById?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts; /** * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts */ updateOne?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts; /** * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts */ updateMany?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts; /** * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts */ removeById?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts; /** * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts */ removeOne?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts; /** * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts */ removeMany?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts; /** * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts */ createOne?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts; /** * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts */ createMany?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts; /** * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts */ count?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts; /** * Any of: Boolean, JSON */ connection?: boolean | { [k: string]: any; }; /** * Any of: Boolean, PaginationResolverOpts */ pagination?: boolean | PaginationResolverOpts; } export interface ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts { filter?: FilterHelperArgsOpts; sort?: SortHelperArgsOpts; limit?: LimitHelperArgsOpts; record?: RecordHelperArgsOpts; skip?: boolean; } export interface FilterHelperArgsOpts { filterTypeName?: string; isRequired?: boolean; onlyIndexed?: boolean; requiredFields?: string[]; /** * Any of: Boolean, JSON */ operators?: boolean | { [k: string]: any; }; removeFields?: string[]; } export interface SortHelperArgsOpts { sortTypeName?: string; } export interface LimitHelperArgsOpts { defaultValue?: number; } export interface RecordHelperArgsOpts { recordTypeName?: string; isRequired?: boolean; removeFields?: string[]; requiredFields?: string[]; } export interface PaginationResolverOpts { perPage?: number; } export interface TypeConverterResolversOpts1 { /** * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts */ findById?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts; /** * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts */ findByIds?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts; /** * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts */ findOne?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts; /** * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts */ findMany?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts; /** * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts */ updateById?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts; /** * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts */ updateOne?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts; /** * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts */ updateMany?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts; /** * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts */ removeById?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts; /** * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts */ removeOne?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts; /** * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts */ removeMany?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts; /** * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts */ createOne?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts; /** * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts */ createMany?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts; /** * Any of: Boolean, ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts */ count?: boolean | ComposeWithMongooseResolverOpts; /** * Any of: Boolean, JSON */ connection?: boolean | { [k: string]: any; }; /** * Any of: Boolean, PaginationResolverOpts */ pagination?: boolean | PaginationResolverOpts; } export interface MySQLHandler { host: string; port: number; user: string; password?: string; database: string; } /** * Handler for Neo4j */ export interface Neo4JHandler { /** * URL for the Neo4j Instance e.g. neo4j://localhost */ url: string; /** * Username for basic authentication */ username: string; /** * Password for basic authentication */ password: string; /** * Specifies whether relationships should always be included in the type definitions as [relationship](https://grandstack.io/docs/neo4j-graphql-js.html#relationship-types) types, even if the relationships do not have properties. */ alwaysIncludeRelationships?: boolean; /** * Specifies database name */ database?: string; /** * Provide GraphQL Type Definitions instead of inferring */ typeDefs?: string; /** * Cache Introspection (Any of: Neo4jIntrospectionCachingOptions, Boolean) */ cacheIntrospection?: Neo4JIntrospectionCachingOptions | boolean; } export interface Neo4JIntrospectionCachingOptions { /** * Time to live of introspection cache */ ttl?: number; } /** * Handler for OData */ export interface ODataHandler { /** * Base URL for OData API */ baseUrl: string; /** * Custom $metadata File or URL */ metadata?: string; /** * Headers to be used with the operation requests */ operationHeaders?: { [k: string]: any; }; /** * Headers to be used with the $metadata requests */ schemaHeaders?: { [k: string]: any; }; /** * Enable batching (Allowed values: multipart, json) */ batch?: 'multipart' | 'json'; /** * Use $expand for navigation props instead of seperate HTTP requests (Default: false) */ expandNavProps?: boolean; } /** * Handler for Swagger / OpenAPI 2/3 specification. Source could be a local json/swagger file, or a url to it. */ export interface OpenapiHandler { /** * A pointer to your API source - could be a local file, remote file or url endpoint */ source: string; /** * Format of the source file (Allowed values: json, yaml) */ sourceFormat?: 'json' | 'yaml'; /** * JSON object representing the Headers to add to the runtime of the API calls */ operationHeaders?: { [k: string]: any; }; /** * If you are using a remote URL endpoint to fetch your schema, you can set headers for the HTTP request to fetch your schema. */ schemaHeaders?: { [k: string]: any; }; /** * Specifies the URL on which all paths will be based on. * Overrides the server object in the OAS. */ baseUrl?: string; /** * JSON object representing the query search parameters to add to the API calls */ qs?: { [k: string]: any; }; /** * W3 Compatible Fetch Implementation */ customFetch?: any; /** * Include HTTP Response details to the result object */ includeHttpDetails?: boolean; /** * Auto-generate a 'limit' argument for all fields that return lists of objects, including ones produced by links */ addLimitArgument?: boolean; } /** * Handler for Postgres database, based on `postgraphile` */ export interface PostGraphileHandler { /** * A connection string to your Postgres database */ connectionString?: string; /** * An array of strings which specifies the PostgreSQL schemas that PostGraphile will use to create a GraphQL schema. The default schema is the public schema. */ schemaName?: string[]; /** * Connection Pool settings */ pool?: { [k: string]: any; }; /** * Extra Postgraphile Plugins to append */ appendPlugins?: string[]; /** * Postgraphile Plugins to skip (e.g. "graphile-build#NodePlugin") */ skipPlugins?: string[]; /** * Extra Postgraphile options that will be added to the postgraphile constructor. It can either be an object or a string pointing to the object's path (e.g. "./my-config#options"). See the [postgraphile docs](https://www.graphile.org/postgraphile/usage-library/) for more information. (Any of: JSON, String) */ options?: { [k: string]: any; } | string; /** * Cache Introspection (Any of: GraphQLIntrospectionCachingOptions, Boolean) */ cacheIntrospection?: GraphQLIntrospectionCachingOptions | boolean; } /** * Handler for SOAP */ export interface SoapHandler { /** * A url to your WSDL */ wsdl: string; basicAuth?: SoapSecurityBasicAuthConfig; securityCert?: SoapSecurityCertificateConfig; } /** * Basic Authentication Configuration * Including username and password fields */ export interface SoapSecurityBasicAuthConfig { /** * Username for Basic Authentication */ username: string; /** * Password for Basic Authentication */ password: string; } /** * SSL Certificate Based Authentication Configuration * Including public key, private key and password fields */ export interface SoapSecurityCertificateConfig { /** * Your public key */ publicKey?: string; /** * Your private key */ privateKey?: string; /** * Password */ password?: string; /** * Path to the file or URL contains your public key */ publicKeyPath?: string; /** * Path to the file or URL contains your private key */ privateKeyPath?: string; /** * Path to the file or URL contains your password */ passwordPath?: string; } /** * Handler for OData */ export interface ThriftHandler { /** * The name of the host to connect to. */ hostName: string; /** * The port number to attach to on the host. */ port: number; /** * The path on which the Thrift service is listening. Defaults to '/thrift'. */ path?: string; /** * Boolean value indicating whether to use https. Defaults to false. */ https?: boolean; /** * Name of the Thrift protocol type to use. Defaults to 'binary'. (Allowed values: binary, compact, json) */ protocol?: 'binary' | 'compact' | 'json'; /** * The name of your service. Used for logging. */ serviceName: string; /** * JSON object representing the Headers to add to the runtime of the API calls */ operationHeaders?: { [k: string]: any; }; /** * If you are using a remote URL endpoint to fetch your schema, you can set headers for the HTTP request to fetch your schema. */ schemaHeaders?: { [k: string]: any; }; /** * Path to IDL file */ idl: string; } /** * Handler for SQLite database, based on `tuql` */ export interface TuqlHandler { /** * Pointer to your SQLite database */ db?: string; /** * Path to the SQL Dump file if you want to build a in-memory database */ infile?: string; } export interface Transform { /** * Transformer to apply caching for your data sources */ cache?: CacheTransformConfig[]; federation?: FederationTransform; filterSchema?: string[]; mock?: MockingConfig; namingConvention?: NamingConventionTransformConfig; prefix?: PrefixTransformConfig; /** * Transformer to apply rename of a GraphQL type */ rename?: RenameTransformObject[]; /** * Transformer to apply composition to resolvers */ resolversComposition?: ResolversCompositionTransformObject[]; snapshot?: SnapshotTransformConfig; [k: string]: any; } export interface CacheTransformConfig { /** * The type and field to apply cache to, you can use wild cards as well, for example: `Query.*` */ field: string; /** * Cache key to use to store your resolvers responses. * The defualt is: {typeName}-{fieldName}-{argsHash}-{fieldNamesHash} * * Available variables: * - {args.argName} - use resolver argument * - {typeName} - use name of the type * - {fieldName} - use name of the field * - {argsHash} - a hash based on the 'args' object * - {fieldNamesHash} - a hash based on the field names selected by the client * - {info} - the GraphQLResolveInfo of the resolver * * Available interpolations: * - {format|date} - returns the current date with a specific format */ cacheKey?: string; invalidate?: CacheInvalidateConfig; } /** * Invalidation rules */ export interface CacheInvalidateConfig { /** * Invalidate the cache when a specific operation is done without an error */ effectingOperations?: CacheEffectingOperationConfig[]; /** * Specified in seconds, the time-to-live (TTL) value limits the lifespan */ ttl?: number; } export interface CacheEffectingOperationConfig { /** * Path to the operation that could effect it. In a form: Mutation.something. Note that wildcard is not supported in this field. */ operation: string; /** * Cache key to invalidate on sucessful resolver (no error), see `cacheKey` for list of available options in this field. */ matchKey?: string; } export interface FederationTransform { types?: FederationTransformType[]; } export interface FederationTransformType { name: string; config?: FederationObjectConfig; } export interface FederationObjectConfig { keyFields?: string[]; extend?: boolean; fields?: FederationField[]; /** * Any of: String, ResolveReferenceObject */ resolveReference?: string | ResolveReferenceObject; } export interface FederationField { name: string; config: FederationFieldConfig; } export interface FederationFieldConfig { external?: boolean; provides?: string; required?: string; } export interface ResolveReferenceObject { targetSource: string; targetMethod: string; args: { [k: string]: any; }; returnData?: string; resultSelectedFields?: { [k: string]: any; }; resultSelectionSet?: string; resultDepth?: number; } /** * Mock configuration for your source */ export interface MockingConfig { /** * If this expression is truthy, mocking would be enabled * You can use environment variables expression, for example: `${MOCKING_ENABLED}` */ if?: boolean; /** * Do not mock any other resolvers other than defined in `mocks`. * For example, you can enable this if you don't want to mock entire schema but partially. */ preserveResolvers?: boolean; /** * Mock configurations */ mocks?: MockingFieldConfig[]; } export interface MockingFieldConfig { /** * Resolver path * Example: User.firstName */ apply: string; /** * If this expression is truthy, mocking would be enabled * You can use environment variables expression, for example: `${MOCKING_ENABLED}` */ if?: boolean; /** * Faker.js expression or function * Read more (https://github.com/marak/Faker.js/#fakerfake) * Example; * faker: name.firstName * faker: "{{ name.firstName }} {{ name.lastName }}" */ faker?: string; /** * Custom mocking * It can be a module or json file. * Both "moduleName#exportName" or only "moduleName" would work */ custom?: string; } /** * Transformer to apply naming convention to GraphQL Types */ export interface NamingConventionTransformConfig { /** * Allowed values: camelCase, capitalCase, constantCase, dotCase, headerCase, noCase, paramCase, pascalCase, pathCase, sentenceCase, snakeCase, upperCase, lowerCase */ typeNames?: 'camelCase' | 'capitalCase' | 'constantCase' | 'dotCase' | 'headerCase' | 'noCase' | 'paramCase' | 'pascalCase' | 'pathCase' | 'sentenceCase' | 'snakeCase' | 'upperCase' | 'lowerCase'; /** * Allowed values: camelCase, capitalCase, constantCase, dotCase, headerCase, noCase, paramCase, pascalCase, pathCase, sentenceCase, snakeCase, upperCase, lowerCase */ fieldNames?: 'camelCase' | 'capitalCase' | 'constantCase' | 'dotCase' | 'headerCase' | 'noCase' | 'paramCase' | 'pascalCase' | 'pathCase' | 'sentenceCase' | 'snakeCase' | 'upperCase' | 'lowerCase'; /** * Allowed values: camelCase, capitalCase, constantCase, dotCase, headerCase, noCase, paramCase, pascalCase, pathCase, sentenceCase, snakeCase, upperCase, lowerCase */ enumValues?: 'camelCase' | 'capitalCase' | 'constantCase' | 'dotCase' | 'headerCase' | 'noCase' | 'paramCase' | 'pascalCase' | 'pathCase' | 'sentenceCase' | 'snakeCase' | 'upperCase' | 'lowerCase'; } /** * Prefix transform */ export interface PrefixTransformConfig { /** * The prefix to apply to the schema types. By default it's the API name. */ value?: string; /** * List of ignored types */ ignore?: string[]; /** * Changes root types and changes the field names */ includeRootOperations?: boolean; } export interface RenameTransformObject { /** * The GraphQL type to rename */ from: string; /** * The new name */ to: string; } export interface ResolversCompositionTransformObject { /** * The GraphQL Resolver path * Example: Query.users */ resolver: string; /** * Path to the composer function * Example: ./src/auth.js#authComposer */ composer: any; } /** * Configuration for Snapshot extension */ export interface SnapshotTransformConfig { /** * Expression for when to activate this extension. * Value can be a valid JS expression string or a boolean (Any of: String, Boolean) */ if?: string | boolean; /** * Resolver to be applied * For example; * apply: * - Query.* <- * will apply this extension to all fields of Query type * - Mutation.someMutationButProbablyYouWontNeedIt */ apply: string[]; /** * Path to the directory of the generated snapshot files */ outputDir: string; } export interface AdditionalStitchingResolverObject { type: string; field: string; requiredSelectionSet?: string; targetSource: string; targetMethod: string; args?: { [k: string]: any; }; returnData?: string; resultSelectedFields?: { [k: string]: any; }; resultSelectionSet?: string; resultDepth?: number; } export interface AdditionalSubscriptionObject { type: string; field: string; pubsubTopic: string; returnData?: string; filterBy?: string; } /** * Backend cache */ export interface Cache { file?: FileCacheConfig; inmemoryLRU?: InMemoryLRUConfig; localforage?: LocalforageConfig; redis?: RedisConfig; [k: string]: any; } export interface FileCacheConfig { path?: string; } export interface InMemoryLRUConfig { max?: number; } export interface LocalforageConfig { /** * Allowed values: WEBSQL, INDEXEDDB, LOCALSTORAGE */ driver?: ('WEBSQL' | 'INDEXEDDB' | 'LOCALSTORAGE')[]; name?: string; version?: number; size?: number; storeName?: string; description?: string; } export interface RedisConfig { host?: string; port?: number; password?: string; } export interface PubSubConfig { name: string; config?: any; }