import { GraphQLSchema } from 'graphql'; import { IMockStore, IMocks, TypePolicy } from './types'; export * from './MockStore'; export * from './addMocksToSchema'; export * from './mockServer'; export * from './types'; export * from './MockList'; /** * Will create `MockStore` for the given `schema`. * * A `MockStore` will generate mock values for the given schem when queried. * * It will stores generated mocks, so that, provided with same arguments * the returned values will be the same. * * Its API also allows to modify the stored values. * * Basic example: * ```ts * store.get('User', 1, 'name'); * // > "Hello World" * store.set('User', 1, 'name', 'Alexandre'); * store.get('User', 1, 'name'); * // > "Alexandre" * ``` * * The storage key will correspond to the "key field" * of the type. Field with name `id` or `_id` will be * by default considered as the key field for the type. * However, use `typePolicies` to precise the field to use * as key. */ export declare function createMockStore(options: { /** * The `schema` to based mocks on. */ schema: GraphQLSchema; /** * The mocks functions to use. */ mocks?: IMocks; typePolicies?: { [typeName: string]: TypePolicy; }; }): IMockStore;