import { GraphQLSchema } from 'graphql'; import { IResolvers } from '@graphql-tools/utils'; import { IMockStore, IMocks, TypePolicy } from './types.js'; declare type IMockOptions = { schema: GraphQLSchema; store?: IMockStore; mocks?: IMocks; typePolicies?: { [typeName: string]: TypePolicy; }; resolvers?: Partial | ((store: IMockStore) => Partial); /** * Set to `true` to prevent existing resolvers from being * overwritten to provide mock data. This can be used to mock some parts of the * server and not others. */ preserveResolvers?: boolean; }; /** * Given a `schema` and a `MockStore`, returns an executable schema that * will use the provided `MockStore` to execute queries. * * ```ts * const schema = buildSchema(` * type User { * id: ID! * name: String! * } * type Query { * me: User! * } * `) * * const store = createMockStore({ schema }); * const mockedSchema = addMocksToSchema({ schema, store }); * ``` * * * If a `resolvers` parameter is passed, the query execution will use * the provided `resolvers` if, one exists, instead of the default mock * resolver. * * * ```ts * const schema = buildSchema(` * type User { * id: ID! * name: String! * } * type Query { * me: User! * } * type Mutation { * setMyName(newName: String!): User! * } * `) * * const store = createMockStore({ schema }); * const mockedSchema = addMocksToSchema({ * schema, * store, * resolvers: { * Mutation: { * setMyName: (_, { newName }) => { * const ref = store.get('Query', 'ROOT', 'viewer'); * store.set(ref, 'name', newName); * return ref; * } * } * } * }); * ``` * * * `Query` and `Mutation` type will use `key` `'ROOT'`. */ export declare function addMocksToSchema({ schema, store: maybeStore, mocks, typePolicies, resolvers: resolversOrFnResolvers, preserveResolvers, }: IMockOptions): GraphQLSchema; export {};