import { ExecutionResult, IResolvers } from '@graphql-tools/utils'; import { GraphQLSchema } from 'graphql'; export declare type IMockFn = () => unknown; export declare type IScalarMock = unknown | IMockFn; export declare type ITypeMock = () => { [fieldName: string]: unknown | IMockFn; } | { [fieldName: string]: IMockFn; }; export declare type IMocks = { [TTypeName in keyof TResolvers]?: { [TFieldName in keyof TResolvers[TTypeName]]: TResolvers[TTypeName][TFieldName] extends (args: any) => any ? () => ReturnType | ReturnType : TResolvers[TTypeName][TFieldName]; }; } & { [typeOrScalarName: string]: IScalarMock | ITypeMock; }; export declare type KeyTypeConstraints = string | number; export declare type TypePolicy = { /** * The name of the field that should be used as store `key`. * * If `false`, no field will be used and `id` or `_id` will be used, * otherwise we'll generate a random string * as key. */ keyFieldName?: string | false; }; export declare type GetArgs = { typeName: string; key?: KeyT; fieldName?: string; /** * Optional arguments when querying the field. * * Querying the field with the same arguments will return * the same value. Deep equality is checked. * * ```ts * store.get('User', 1, 'friend', { id: 2 }) === store.get('User', 1, 'friend', { id: 2 }) * store.get('User', 1, 'friend', { id: 2 }) !== store.get('User', 1, 'friend') * ``` * * Args can be a record, just like `args` argument of field resolver or an * arbitrary string. */ fieldArgs?: string | { [argName: string]: any; }; /** * If no value found, insert the `defaultValue`. */ defaultValue?: unknown | { [fieldName: string]: any; }; }; export declare type SetArgs = { typeName: string; key: KeyT; fieldName?: string; /** * Optional arguments when querying the field. * * @see GetArgs#fieldArgs */ fieldArgs?: string | { [argName: string]: any; }; value?: unknown | { [fieldName: string]: any; }; /** * If the value for this field is already set, it won't * be overridden. * * Propagates down do nested `set`. */ noOverride?: boolean; }; export interface IMockStore { schema: GraphQLSchema; /** * Get a field value from the store for the given type, key and field * name — and optionally field arguments. If the field name is not given, * a reference to the type will be returned. * * If the the value for this field is not set, a value will be * generated according to field return type and mock functions. * * If the field's output type is a `ObjectType` (or list of `ObjectType`), * it will return a `Ref` (or array of `Ref`), ie a reference to an entity * in the store. * * Example: * ```ts * store.get('Query', 'ROOT', 'viewer'); * > { $ref: { key: 'abc-737dh-djdjd', typeName: 'User' } } * store.get('User', 'abc-737dh-djdjd', 'name') * > "Hello World" * ``` */ get(args: GetArgs): unknown | Ref; /** * Shorthand for `get({typeName, key, fieldName, fieldArgs})`. */ get(typeName: string, key: KeyT, fieldNameOrFieldNames: string | string[], fieldArgs?: string | { [argName: string]: any; }): unknown | Ref; /** * Get a reference to the type. */ get(typeName: string, keyOrDefaultValue?: KeyT | { [fieldName: string]: any; }, defaultValue?: { [fieldName: string]: any; }): unknown | Ref; /** * Shorthand for `get({typeName: ref.$ref.typeName, key: ref.$ref.key, fieldName, fieldArgs})` * @param ref * @param fieldNameOrFieldNames * @param fieldArgs */ get(ref: Ref, fieldNameOrFieldNames: string | string[], fieldArgs?: string | { [argName: string]: any; }): unknown | Ref; /** * Set a field value in the store for the given type, key and field * name — and optionally field arguments. * * If the the field return type is an `ObjectType` or a list of * `ObjectType`, you can set references to other entity as value: * * ```ts * // set the viewer name * store.set('User', 1, 'name', 'Alexandre); * store.set('Query', 'ROOT', 'viewer', store.get('User', 1)); * * // set the friends of viewer * store.set('User', 2, 'name', 'Emily'); * store.set('User', 3, 'name', 'Caroline'); * store.set('User', 1, 'friends', [store.get('User', 2), store.get('User', 3)]); * ``` * * But it also supports nested set: * * ```ts * store.set('Query', 'ROOT', 'viewer', { * name: 'Alexandre', * friends: [ * { name: 'Emily' } * { name: 'Caroline } * ] * }); * ``` */ set(args: SetArgs): void; /** * Shorthand for `set({typeName, key, fieldName, value})`. */ set(typeName: string, key: KeyT, fieldName: string, value?: unknown): void; /** * Set the given field values to the type with key. */ set(typeName: string, key: KeyT, values: { [fieldName: string]: any; }): void; /** * Shorthand for `set({ref.$ref.typeName, ref.$ref.key, fieldName, value})`. */ set(ref: Ref, fieldName: string, value?: unknown): void; /** * Set the given field values to the type with ref. */ set(ref: Ref, values: { [fieldName: string]: any; }): void; /** * Checks if a mock is present in the store for the given typeName and key. */ has(typeName: string, key: KeyT): boolean; /** * Resets the mock store */ reset(): void; } export declare type Ref = { $ref: { key: KeyT; typeName: string; }; }; export declare function isRef(maybeRef: unknown): maybeRef is Ref; export declare function assertIsRef(maybeRef: unknown, message?: string): asserts maybeRef is Ref; export declare function isRecord(obj: unknown): obj is { [key: string]: unknown; }; export interface IMockServer { /** * Executes the provided query against the mocked schema. * @param query GraphQL query to execute * @param vars Variables */ query: (query: string, vars?: Record) => Promise; }