import { ParseOptions, DocumentNode, ASTNode, StringValueNode } from 'graphql'; export interface ExtendedParseOptions extends ParseOptions { /** * Set to `true` in order to convert all GraphQL comments (marked with # sign) to descriptions (""") * GraphQL has built-in support for transforming descriptions to comments (with `print`), but not while * parsing. Turning the flag on will support the other way as well (`parse`) */ commentDescriptions?: boolean; } export declare function parseGraphQLSDL(location: string, rawSDL: string, options?: ExtendedParseOptions): { location: string; document: DocumentNode; rawSDL: string; }; export declare function getLeadingCommentBlock(node: ASTNode): void | string; export declare function transformCommentsToDescriptions(sourceSdl: string, options?: ExtendedParseOptions): DocumentNode | null; declare type DiscriminateUnion = T extends U ? T : never; declare type DescribableASTNodes = DiscriminateUnion; export declare function isDescribable(node: ASTNode): node is DescribableASTNodes; export {};