/// import { EventEmitter } from 'events'; import { Duplex, Readable, Writable } from 'stream'; import { StatusObject } from './call-stream'; import { EmitterAugmentation1 } from './events'; import { Metadata } from './metadata'; import { ObjectReadable, ObjectWritable, WriteCallback } from './object-stream'; import { InterceptingCallInterface } from './client-interceptors'; /** * A type extending the built-in Error object with additional fields. */ export declare type ServiceError = StatusObject & Error; /** * A base type for all user-facing values returned by client-side method calls. */ export declare type SurfaceCall = { call?: InterceptingCallInterface; cancel(): void; getPeer(): string; } & EmitterAugmentation1<'metadata', Metadata> & EmitterAugmentation1<'status', StatusObject> & EventEmitter; /** * A type representing the return value of a unary method call. */ export declare type ClientUnaryCall = SurfaceCall; /** * A type representing the return value of a server stream method call. */ export declare type ClientReadableStream = { deserialize: (chunk: Buffer) => ResponseType; } & SurfaceCall & ObjectReadable; /** * A type representing the return value of a client stream method call. */ export declare type ClientWritableStream = { serialize: (value: RequestType) => Buffer; } & SurfaceCall & ObjectWritable; /** * A type representing the return value of a bidirectional stream method call. */ export declare type ClientDuplexStream = ClientWritableStream & ClientReadableStream; /** * Construct a ServiceError from a StatusObject. This function exists primarily * as an attempt to make the error stack trace clearly communicate that the * error is not necessarily a problem in gRPC itself. * @param status */ export declare function callErrorFromStatus(status: StatusObject, callerStack: string): ServiceError; export declare class ClientUnaryCallImpl extends EventEmitter implements ClientUnaryCall { call?: InterceptingCallInterface; constructor(); cancel(): void; getPeer(): string; } export declare class ClientReadableStreamImpl extends Readable implements ClientReadableStream { readonly deserialize: (chunk: Buffer) => ResponseType; call?: InterceptingCallInterface; constructor(deserialize: (chunk: Buffer) => ResponseType); cancel(): void; getPeer(): string; _read(_size: number): void; } export declare class ClientWritableStreamImpl extends Writable implements ClientWritableStream { readonly serialize: (value: RequestType) => Buffer; call?: InterceptingCallInterface; constructor(serialize: (value: RequestType) => Buffer); cancel(): void; getPeer(): string; _write(chunk: RequestType, encoding: string, cb: WriteCallback): void; _final(cb: Function): void; } export declare class ClientDuplexStreamImpl extends Duplex implements ClientDuplexStream { readonly serialize: (value: RequestType) => Buffer; readonly deserialize: (chunk: Buffer) => ResponseType; call?: InterceptingCallInterface; constructor(serialize: (value: RequestType) => Buffer, deserialize: (chunk: Buffer) => ResponseType); cancel(): void; getPeer(): string; _read(_size: number): void; _write(chunk: RequestType, encoding: string, cb: WriteCallback): void; _final(cb: Function): void; }