export declare enum Status { OK = 0, CANCELLED = 1, UNKNOWN = 2, INVALID_ARGUMENT = 3, DEADLINE_EXCEEDED = 4, NOT_FOUND = 5, ALREADY_EXISTS = 6, PERMISSION_DENIED = 7, RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED = 8, FAILED_PRECONDITION = 9, ABORTED = 10, OUT_OF_RANGE = 11, UNIMPLEMENTED = 12, INTERNAL = 13, UNAVAILABLE = 14, DATA_LOSS = 15, UNAUTHENTICATED = 16 } export declare enum LogVerbosity { DEBUG = 0, INFO = 1, ERROR = 2, NONE = 3 } /** * NOTE: This enum is not currently used in any implemented API in this * library. It is included only for type parity with the other implementation. */ export declare enum Propagate { DEADLINE = 1, CENSUS_STATS_CONTEXT = 2, CENSUS_TRACING_CONTEXT = 4, CANCELLATION = 8, DEFAULTS = 65535 } export declare const DEFAULT_MAX_SEND_MESSAGE_LENGTH = -1; export declare const DEFAULT_MAX_RECEIVE_MESSAGE_LENGTH: number;