/* * Copyright 2019 gRPC authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ import * as http2 from 'http2'; import { AddressInfo } from 'net'; import { ServiceError } from './call'; import { Status, LogVerbosity } from './constants'; import { Deserialize, Serialize, ServiceDefinition } from './make-client'; import { Metadata } from './metadata'; import { BidiStreamingHandler, ClientStreamingHandler, HandleCall, Handler, HandlerType, Http2ServerCallStream, sendUnaryData, ServerDuplexStream, ServerDuplexStreamImpl, ServerReadableStream, ServerReadableStreamImpl, ServerStreamingHandler, ServerUnaryCall, ServerUnaryCallImpl, ServerWritableStream, ServerWritableStreamImpl, UnaryHandler, ServerErrorResponse, ServerStatusResponse, } from './server-call'; import { ServerCredentials } from './server-credentials'; import { ChannelOptions } from './channel-options'; import { createResolver, ResolverListener, mapUriDefaultScheme, } from './resolver'; import * as logging from './logging'; import { SubchannelAddress, TcpSubchannelAddress, isTcpSubchannelAddress, subchannelAddressToString, stringToSubchannelAddress, } from './subchannel-address'; import { parseUri } from './uri-parser'; import { ChannelzCallTracker, ChannelzChildrenTracker, ChannelzTrace, registerChannelzServer, registerChannelzSocket, ServerInfo, ServerRef, SocketInfo, SocketRef, TlsInfo, unregisterChannelzRef } from './channelz'; import { CipherNameAndProtocol, TLSSocket } from 'tls'; import { getErrorCode, getErrorMessage } from './error'; const UNLIMITED_CONNECTION_AGE_MS = ~(1<<31); const KEEPALIVE_MAX_TIME_MS = ~(1<<31); const KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT_MS = 20000; const { HTTP2_HEADER_PATH } = http2.constants const TRACER_NAME = 'server'; interface BindResult { port: number; count: number; } function noop(): void {} function getUnimplementedStatusResponse( methodName: string ): Partial { return { code: Status.UNIMPLEMENTED, details: `The server does not implement the method ${methodName}`, }; } /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ type UntypedUnaryHandler = UnaryHandler; type UntypedClientStreamingHandler = ClientStreamingHandler; type UntypedServerStreamingHandler = ServerStreamingHandler; type UntypedBidiStreamingHandler = BidiStreamingHandler; export type UntypedHandleCall = HandleCall; type UntypedHandler = Handler; export interface UntypedServiceImplementation { [name: string]: UntypedHandleCall; } function getDefaultHandler(handlerType: HandlerType, methodName: string) { const unimplementedStatusResponse = getUnimplementedStatusResponse( methodName ); switch (handlerType) { case 'unary': return ( call: ServerUnaryCall, callback: sendUnaryData ) => { callback(unimplementedStatusResponse as ServiceError, null); }; case 'clientStream': return ( call: ServerReadableStream, callback: sendUnaryData ) => { callback(unimplementedStatusResponse as ServiceError, null); }; case 'serverStream': return (call: ServerWritableStream) => { call.emit('error', unimplementedStatusResponse); }; case 'bidi': return (call: ServerDuplexStream) => { call.emit('error', unimplementedStatusResponse); }; default: throw new Error(`Invalid handlerType ${handlerType}`); } } interface ChannelzSessionInfo { ref: SocketRef; streamTracker: ChannelzCallTracker; messagesSent: number; messagesReceived: number; lastMessageSentTimestamp: Date | null; lastMessageReceivedTimestamp: Date | null; } interface ChannelzListenerInfo { ref: SocketRef; } export class Server { private http2ServerList: { server: (http2.Http2Server | http2.Http2SecureServer), channelzRef: SocketRef }[] = []; private handlers: Map = new Map< string, UntypedHandler >(); private sessions = new Map(); private started = false; private options: ChannelOptions; private serverAddressString: string = 'null' // Channelz Info private readonly channelzEnabled: boolean = true; private channelzRef: ServerRef; private channelzTrace = new ChannelzTrace(); private callTracker = new ChannelzCallTracker(); private listenerChildrenTracker = new ChannelzChildrenTracker(); private sessionChildrenTracker = new ChannelzChildrenTracker(); private readonly maxConnectionAgeMs: number; private readonly maxConnectionAgeGraceMs: number; private readonly keepaliveTimeMs: number; private readonly keepaliveTimeoutMs: number; constructor(options?: ChannelOptions) { this.options = options ?? {}; if (this.options['grpc.enable_channelz'] === 0) { this.channelzEnabled = false; } this.channelzRef = registerChannelzServer(() => this.getChannelzInfo(), this.channelzEnabled); if (this.channelzEnabled) { this.channelzTrace.addTrace('CT_INFO', 'Server created'); } this.maxConnectionAgeMs = this.options['grpc.max_connection_age_ms'] ?? UNLIMITED_CONNECTION_AGE_MS; this.maxConnectionAgeGraceMs = this.options['grpc.max_connection_age_grace_ms'] ?? UNLIMITED_CONNECTION_AGE_MS; this.keepaliveTimeMs = this.options['grpc.keepalive_time_ms'] ?? KEEPALIVE_MAX_TIME_MS; this.keepaliveTimeoutMs = this.options['grpc.keepalive_timeout_ms'] ?? KEEPALIVE_TIMEOUT_MS; this.trace('Server constructed'); } private getChannelzInfo(): ServerInfo { return { trace: this.channelzTrace, callTracker: this.callTracker, listenerChildren: this.listenerChildrenTracker.getChildLists(), sessionChildren: this.sessionChildrenTracker.getChildLists() }; } private getChannelzSessionInfoGetter(session: http2.ServerHttp2Session): () => SocketInfo { return () => { const sessionInfo = this.sessions.get(session)!; const sessionSocket = session.socket; const remoteAddress = sessionSocket.remoteAddress ? stringToSubchannelAddress(sessionSocket.remoteAddress, sessionSocket.remotePort) : null; const localAddress = sessionSocket.localAddress ? stringToSubchannelAddress(sessionSocket.localAddress!, sessionSocket.localPort) : null; let tlsInfo: TlsInfo | null; if (session.encrypted) { const tlsSocket: TLSSocket = sessionSocket as TLSSocket; const cipherInfo: CipherNameAndProtocol & {standardName?: string} = tlsSocket.getCipher(); const certificate = tlsSocket.getCertificate(); const peerCertificate = tlsSocket.getPeerCertificate(); tlsInfo = { cipherSuiteStandardName: cipherInfo.standardName ?? null, cipherSuiteOtherName: cipherInfo.standardName ? null : cipherInfo.name, localCertificate: (certificate && 'raw' in certificate) ? certificate.raw : null, remoteCertificate: (peerCertificate && 'raw' in peerCertificate) ? peerCertificate.raw : null }; } else { tlsInfo = null; } const socketInfo: SocketInfo = { remoteAddress: remoteAddress, localAddress: localAddress, security: tlsInfo, remoteName: null, streamsStarted: sessionInfo.streamTracker.callsStarted, streamsSucceeded: sessionInfo.streamTracker.callsSucceeded, streamsFailed: sessionInfo.streamTracker.callsFailed, messagesSent: sessionInfo.messagesSent, messagesReceived: sessionInfo.messagesReceived, keepAlivesSent: 0, lastLocalStreamCreatedTimestamp: null, lastRemoteStreamCreatedTimestamp: sessionInfo.streamTracker.lastCallStartedTimestamp, lastMessageSentTimestamp: sessionInfo.lastMessageSentTimestamp, lastMessageReceivedTimestamp: sessionInfo.lastMessageReceivedTimestamp, localFlowControlWindow: session.state.localWindowSize ?? null, remoteFlowControlWindow: session.state.remoteWindowSize ?? null }; return socketInfo; }; } private trace(text: string): void { logging.trace(LogVerbosity.DEBUG, TRACER_NAME, '(' + this.channelzRef.id + ') ' + text); } addProtoService(): never { throw new Error('Not implemented. Use addService() instead'); } addService( service: ServiceDefinition, implementation: UntypedServiceImplementation ): void { if ( service === null || typeof service !== 'object' || implementation === null || typeof implementation !== 'object' ) { throw new Error('addService() requires two objects as arguments'); } const serviceKeys = Object.keys(service); if (serviceKeys.length === 0) { throw new Error('Cannot add an empty service to a server'); } serviceKeys.forEach((name) => { const attrs = service[name]; let methodType: HandlerType; if (attrs.requestStream) { if (attrs.responseStream) { methodType = 'bidi'; } else { methodType = 'clientStream'; } } else { if (attrs.responseStream) { methodType = 'serverStream'; } else { methodType = 'unary'; } } let implFn = implementation[name]; let impl; if (implFn === undefined && typeof attrs.originalName === 'string') { implFn = implementation[attrs.originalName]; } if (implFn !== undefined) { impl = implFn.bind(implementation); } else { impl = getDefaultHandler(methodType, name); } const success = this.register( attrs.path, impl as UntypedHandleCall, attrs.responseSerialize, attrs.requestDeserialize, methodType ); if (success === false) { throw new Error(`Method handler for ${attrs.path} already provided.`); } }); } removeService(service: ServiceDefinition): void { if (service === null || typeof service !== 'object') { throw new Error('removeService() requires object as argument'); } const serviceKeys = Object.keys(service); serviceKeys.forEach((name) => { const attrs = service[name]; this.unregister(attrs.path); }); } bind(port: string, creds: ServerCredentials): never { throw new Error('Not implemented. Use bindAsync() instead'); } bindAsync( port: string, creds: ServerCredentials, callback: (error: Error | null, port: number) => void ): void { if (this.started === true) { throw new Error('server is already started'); } if (typeof port !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('port must be a string'); } if (creds === null || !(creds instanceof ServerCredentials)) { throw new TypeError('creds must be a ServerCredentials object'); } if (typeof callback !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('callback must be a function'); } const initialPortUri = parseUri(port); if (initialPortUri === null) { throw new Error(`Could not parse port "${port}"`); } const portUri = mapUriDefaultScheme(initialPortUri); if (portUri === null) { throw new Error(`Could not get a default scheme for port "${port}"`); } const serverOptions: http2.ServerOptions = { maxSendHeaderBlockLength: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, }; if ('grpc-node.max_session_memory' in this.options) { serverOptions.maxSessionMemory = this.options[ 'grpc-node.max_session_memory' ]; } else { /* By default, set a very large max session memory limit, to effectively * disable enforcement of the limit. Some testing indicates that Node's * behavior degrades badly when this limit is reached, so we solve that * by disabling the check entirely. */ serverOptions.maxSessionMemory = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; } if ('grpc.max_concurrent_streams' in this.options) { serverOptions.settings = { maxConcurrentStreams: this.options['grpc.max_concurrent_streams'], }; } const deferredCallback = (error: Error | null, port: number) => { process.nextTick(() => callback(error, port)); } const setupServer = (): http2.Http2Server | http2.Http2SecureServer => { let http2Server: http2.Http2Server | http2.Http2SecureServer; if (creds._isSecure()) { const secureServerOptions = Object.assign( serverOptions, creds._getSettings()! ); http2Server = http2.createSecureServer(secureServerOptions); http2Server.on('secureConnection', (socket: TLSSocket) => { /* These errors need to be handled by the user of Http2SecureServer, * according to https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/35824 */ socket.on('error', (e: Error) => { this.trace('An incoming TLS connection closed with error: ' + e.message); }); }); } else { http2Server = http2.createServer(serverOptions); } http2Server.setTimeout(0, noop); this._setupHandlers(http2Server); return http2Server; }; const bindSpecificPort = ( addressList: SubchannelAddress[], portNum: number, previousCount: number ): Promise => { if (addressList.length === 0) { return Promise.resolve({ port: portNum, count: previousCount }); } return Promise.all( addressList.map((address) => { this.trace('Attempting to bind ' + subchannelAddressToString(address)); let addr: SubchannelAddress; if (isTcpSubchannelAddress(address)) { addr = { host: (address as TcpSubchannelAddress).host, port: portNum, }; } else { addr = address; } const http2Server = setupServer(); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const onError = (err: Error) => { this.trace('Failed to bind ' + subchannelAddressToString(address) + ' with error ' + err.message); resolve(err); } http2Server.once('error', onError); http2Server.listen(addr, () => { const boundAddress = http2Server.address()!; let boundSubchannelAddress: SubchannelAddress; if (typeof boundAddress === 'string') { boundSubchannelAddress = { path: boundAddress }; } else { boundSubchannelAddress = { host: boundAddress.address, port: boundAddress.port } } let channelzRef: SocketRef; channelzRef = registerChannelzSocket(subchannelAddressToString(boundSubchannelAddress), () => { return { localAddress: boundSubchannelAddress, remoteAddress: null, security: null, remoteName: null, streamsStarted: 0, streamsSucceeded: 0, streamsFailed: 0, messagesSent: 0, messagesReceived: 0, keepAlivesSent: 0, lastLocalStreamCreatedTimestamp: null, lastRemoteStreamCreatedTimestamp: null, lastMessageSentTimestamp: null, lastMessageReceivedTimestamp: null, localFlowControlWindow: null, remoteFlowControlWindow: null }; }, this.channelzEnabled); if (this.channelzEnabled) { this.listenerChildrenTracker.refChild(channelzRef); } this.http2ServerList.push({server: http2Server, channelzRef: channelzRef}); this.trace('Successfully bound ' + subchannelAddressToString(boundSubchannelAddress)); resolve('port' in boundSubchannelAddress ? boundSubchannelAddress.port : portNum); http2Server.removeListener('error', onError); }); }); }) ).then((results) => { let count = 0; for (const result of results) { if (typeof result === 'number') { count += 1; if (result !== portNum) { throw new Error( 'Invalid state: multiple port numbers added from single address' ); } } } return { port: portNum, count: count + previousCount, }; }); }; const bindWildcardPort = ( addressList: SubchannelAddress[] ): Promise => { if (addressList.length === 0) { return Promise.resolve({ port: 0, count: 0 }); } const address = addressList[0]; const http2Server = setupServer(); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const onError = (err: Error) => { this.trace('Failed to bind ' + subchannelAddressToString(address) + ' with error ' + err.message); resolve(bindWildcardPort(addressList.slice(1))); } http2Server.once('error', onError); http2Server.listen(address, () => { const boundAddress = http2Server.address() as AddressInfo; const boundSubchannelAddress: SubchannelAddress = { host: boundAddress.address, port: boundAddress.port }; let channelzRef: SocketRef; channelzRef = registerChannelzSocket(subchannelAddressToString(boundSubchannelAddress), () => { return { localAddress: boundSubchannelAddress, remoteAddress: null, security: null, remoteName: null, streamsStarted: 0, streamsSucceeded: 0, streamsFailed: 0, messagesSent: 0, messagesReceived: 0, keepAlivesSent: 0, lastLocalStreamCreatedTimestamp: null, lastRemoteStreamCreatedTimestamp: null, lastMessageSentTimestamp: null, lastMessageReceivedTimestamp: null, localFlowControlWindow: null, remoteFlowControlWindow: null }; }, this.channelzEnabled); if (this.channelzEnabled) { this.listenerChildrenTracker.refChild(channelzRef); } this.http2ServerList.push({server: http2Server, channelzRef: channelzRef}); this.trace('Successfully bound ' + subchannelAddressToString(boundSubchannelAddress)); resolve( bindSpecificPort( addressList.slice(1), boundAddress.port, 1 ) ); http2Server.removeListener('error', onError); }); }); }; const resolverListener: ResolverListener = { onSuccessfulResolution: ( addressList, serviceConfig, serviceConfigError ) => { // We only want one resolution result. Discard all future results resolverListener.onSuccessfulResolution = () => {}; if (addressList.length === 0) { deferredCallback(new Error(`No addresses resolved for port ${port}`), 0); return; } let bindResultPromise: Promise; if (isTcpSubchannelAddress(addressList[0])) { if (addressList[0].port === 0) { bindResultPromise = bindWildcardPort(addressList); } else { bindResultPromise = bindSpecificPort( addressList, addressList[0].port, 0 ); } } else { // Use an arbitrary non-zero port for non-TCP addresses bindResultPromise = bindSpecificPort(addressList, 1, 0); } bindResultPromise.then( (bindResult) => { if (bindResult.count === 0) { const errorString = `No address added out of total ${addressList.length} resolved`; logging.log(LogVerbosity.ERROR, errorString); deferredCallback(new Error(errorString), 0); } else { if (bindResult.count < addressList.length) { logging.log( LogVerbosity.INFO, `WARNING Only ${bindResult.count} addresses added out of total ${addressList.length} resolved` ); } deferredCallback(null, bindResult.port); } }, (error) => { const errorString = `No address added out of total ${addressList.length} resolved`; logging.log(LogVerbosity.ERROR, errorString); deferredCallback(new Error(errorString), 0); } ); }, onError: (error) => { deferredCallback(new Error(error.details), 0); }, }; const resolver = createResolver(portUri, resolverListener, this.options); resolver.updateResolution(); } forceShutdown(): void { // Close the server if it is still running. for (const {server: http2Server, channelzRef: ref} of this.http2ServerList) { if (http2Server.listening) { http2Server.close(() => { if (this.channelzEnabled) { this.listenerChildrenTracker.unrefChild(ref); unregisterChannelzRef(ref); } }); } } this.started = false; // Always destroy any available sessions. It's possible that one or more // tryShutdown() calls are in progress. Don't wait on them to finish. this.sessions.forEach((channelzInfo, session) => { // Cast NGHTTP2_CANCEL to any because TypeScript doesn't seem to // recognize destroy(code) as a valid signature. // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any session.destroy(http2.constants.NGHTTP2_CANCEL as any); }); this.sessions.clear(); if (this.channelzEnabled) { unregisterChannelzRef(this.channelzRef); } } register( name: string, handler: HandleCall, serialize: Serialize, deserialize: Deserialize, type: string ): boolean { if (this.handlers.has(name)) { return false; } this.handlers.set(name, { func: handler, serialize, deserialize, type, path: name, } as UntypedHandler); return true; } unregister(name: string): boolean { return this.handlers.delete(name); } start(): void { if ( this.http2ServerList.length === 0 || this.http2ServerList.every( ({server: http2Server}) => http2Server.listening !== true ) ) { throw new Error('server must be bound in order to start'); } if (this.started === true) { throw new Error('server is already started'); } if (this.channelzEnabled) { this.channelzTrace.addTrace('CT_INFO', 'Starting'); } this.started = true; } tryShutdown(callback: (error?: Error) => void): void { const wrappedCallback = (error?: Error) => { if (this.channelzEnabled) { unregisterChannelzRef(this.channelzRef); } callback(error); }; let pendingChecks = 0; function maybeCallback(): void { pendingChecks--; if (pendingChecks === 0) { wrappedCallback(); } } // Close the server if necessary. this.started = false; for (const {server: http2Server, channelzRef: ref} of this.http2ServerList) { if (http2Server.listening) { pendingChecks++; http2Server.close(() => { if (this.channelzEnabled) { this.listenerChildrenTracker.unrefChild(ref); unregisterChannelzRef(ref); } maybeCallback(); }); } } this.sessions.forEach((channelzInfo, session) => { if (!session.closed) { pendingChecks += 1; session.close(maybeCallback); } }); if (pendingChecks === 0) { wrappedCallback(); } } addHttp2Port(): never { throw new Error('Not yet implemented'); } /** * Get the channelz reference object for this server. The returned value is * garbage if channelz is disabled for this server. * @returns */ getChannelzRef() { return this.channelzRef; } private _verifyContentType(stream: http2.ServerHttp2Stream, headers: http2.IncomingHttpHeaders): boolean { const contentType = headers[http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE]; if ( typeof contentType !== 'string' || !contentType.startsWith('application/grpc') ) { stream.respond( { [http2.constants.HTTP2_HEADER_STATUS]: http2.constants.HTTP_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE, }, { endStream: true } ); return false } return true } private _retrieveHandler(headers: http2.IncomingHttpHeaders): Handler { const path = headers[HTTP2_HEADER_PATH] as string this.trace( 'Received call to method ' + path + ' at address ' + this.serverAddressString ); const handler = this.handlers.get(path); if (handler === undefined) { this.trace( 'No handler registered for method ' + path + '. Sending UNIMPLEMENTED status.' ); throw getUnimplementedStatusResponse(path); } return handler } private _respondWithError>( err: T, stream: http2.ServerHttp2Stream, channelzSessionInfo: ChannelzSessionInfo | null = null ) { const call = new Http2ServerCallStream(stream, null!, this.options); if (err.code === undefined) { err.code = Status.INTERNAL; } if (this.channelzEnabled) { this.callTracker.addCallFailed(); channelzSessionInfo?.streamTracker.addCallFailed() } call.sendError(err); } private _channelzHandler(stream: http2.ServerHttp2Stream, headers: http2.IncomingHttpHeaders) { const channelzSessionInfo = this.sessions.get(stream.session as http2.ServerHttp2Session); this.callTracker.addCallStarted(); channelzSessionInfo?.streamTracker.addCallStarted(); if (!this._verifyContentType(stream, headers)) { this.callTracker.addCallFailed(); channelzSessionInfo?.streamTracker.addCallFailed(); return } let handler: Handler try { handler = this._retrieveHandler(headers) } catch (err) { this._respondWithError({ details: getErrorMessage(err), code: getErrorCode(err) ?? undefined }, stream, channelzSessionInfo) return } const call = new Http2ServerCallStream(stream, handler, this.options); call.once('callEnd', (code: Status) => { if (code === Status.OK) { this.callTracker.addCallSucceeded(); } else { this.callTracker.addCallFailed(); } }); if (channelzSessionInfo) { call.once('streamEnd', (success: boolean) => { if (success) { channelzSessionInfo.streamTracker.addCallSucceeded(); } else { channelzSessionInfo.streamTracker.addCallFailed(); } }); call.on('sendMessage', () => { channelzSessionInfo.messagesSent += 1; channelzSessionInfo.lastMessageSentTimestamp = new Date(); }); call.on('receiveMessage', () => { channelzSessionInfo.messagesReceived += 1; channelzSessionInfo.lastMessageReceivedTimestamp = new Date(); }); } if (!this._runHandlerForCall(call, handler, headers)) { this.callTracker.addCallFailed(); channelzSessionInfo?.streamTracker.addCallFailed() call.sendError({ code: Status.INTERNAL, details: `Unknown handler type: ${handler.type}` }); } } private _streamHandler(stream: http2.ServerHttp2Stream, headers: http2.IncomingHttpHeaders) { if (this._verifyContentType(stream, headers) !== true) { return } let handler: Handler try { handler = this._retrieveHandler(headers) } catch (err) { this._respondWithError({ details: getErrorMessage(err), code: getErrorCode(err) ?? undefined }, stream, null) return } const call = new Http2ServerCallStream(stream, handler, this.options) if (!this._runHandlerForCall(call, handler, headers)) { call.sendError({ code: Status.INTERNAL, details: `Unknown handler type: ${handler.type}` }); } } private _runHandlerForCall(call: Http2ServerCallStream, handler: Handler, headers: http2.IncomingHttpHeaders): boolean { const metadata = call.receiveMetadata(headers); const encoding = (metadata.get('grpc-encoding')[0] as string | undefined) ?? 'identity'; metadata.remove('grpc-encoding'); const { type } = handler if (type === 'unary') { handleUnary(call, handler as UntypedUnaryHandler, metadata, encoding); } else if (type === 'clientStream') { handleClientStreaming( call, handler as UntypedClientStreamingHandler, metadata, encoding ); } else if (type === 'serverStream') { handleServerStreaming( call, handler as UntypedServerStreamingHandler, metadata, encoding ); } else if (type === 'bidi') { handleBidiStreaming( call, handler as UntypedBidiStreamingHandler, metadata, encoding ); } else { return false } return true } private _setupHandlers( http2Server: http2.Http2Server | http2.Http2SecureServer ): void { if (http2Server === null) { return; } const serverAddress = http2Server.address(); let serverAddressString = 'null' if (serverAddress) { if (typeof serverAddress === 'string') { serverAddressString = serverAddress } else { serverAddressString = serverAddress.address + ':' + serverAddress.port } } this.serverAddressString = serverAddressString const handler = this.channelzEnabled ? this._channelzHandler : this._streamHandler http2Server.on('stream', handler.bind(this)) http2Server.on('session', (session) => { if (!this.started) { session.destroy(); return; } let channelzRef: SocketRef; channelzRef = registerChannelzSocket(session.socket.remoteAddress ?? 'unknown', this.getChannelzSessionInfoGetter(session), this.channelzEnabled); const channelzSessionInfo: ChannelzSessionInfo = { ref: channelzRef, streamTracker: new ChannelzCallTracker(), messagesSent: 0, messagesReceived: 0, lastMessageSentTimestamp: null, lastMessageReceivedTimestamp: null }; this.sessions.set(session, channelzSessionInfo); const clientAddress = session.socket.remoteAddress; if (this.channelzEnabled) { this.channelzTrace.addTrace('CT_INFO', 'Connection established by client ' + clientAddress); this.sessionChildrenTracker.refChild(channelzRef); } let connectionAgeTimer: NodeJS.Timer | null = null; let connectionAgeGraceTimer: NodeJS.Timer | null = null; let sessionClosedByServer = false; if (this.maxConnectionAgeMs !== UNLIMITED_CONNECTION_AGE_MS) { // Apply a random jitter within a +/-10% range const jitterMagnitude = this.maxConnectionAgeMs / 10; const jitter = Math.random() * jitterMagnitude * 2 - jitterMagnitude; connectionAgeTimer = setTimeout(() => { sessionClosedByServer = true; if (this.channelzEnabled) { this.channelzTrace.addTrace('CT_INFO', 'Connection dropped by max connection age from ' + clientAddress); } try { session.goaway(http2.constants.NGHTTP2_NO_ERROR, ~(1<<31), Buffer.from('max_age')); } catch (e) { // The goaway can't be sent because the session is already closed session.destroy(); return; } session.close(); /* Allow a grace period after sending the GOAWAY before forcibly * closing the connection. */ if (this.maxConnectionAgeGraceMs !== UNLIMITED_CONNECTION_AGE_MS) { connectionAgeGraceTimer = setTimeout(() => { session.destroy(); }, this.maxConnectionAgeGraceMs).unref?.(); } }, this.maxConnectionAgeMs + jitter).unref?.(); } const keeapliveTimeTimer: NodeJS.Timer | null = setInterval(() => { const timeoutTImer = setTimeout(() => { sessionClosedByServer = true; if (this.channelzEnabled) { this.channelzTrace.addTrace('CT_INFO', 'Connection dropped by keepalive timeout from ' + clientAddress); } session.close(); }, this.keepaliveTimeoutMs).unref?.(); try { session.ping((err: Error | null, duration: number, payload: Buffer) => { clearTimeout(timeoutTImer); }); } catch (e) { // The ping can't be sent because the session is already closed session.destroy(); } }, this.keepaliveTimeMs).unref?.(); session.on('close', () => { if (this.channelzEnabled) { if (!sessionClosedByServer) { this.channelzTrace.addTrace('CT_INFO', 'Connection dropped by client ' + clientAddress); } this.sessionChildrenTracker.unrefChild(channelzRef); unregisterChannelzRef(channelzRef); } if (connectionAgeTimer) { clearTimeout(connectionAgeTimer); } if (connectionAgeGraceTimer) { clearTimeout(connectionAgeGraceTimer); } if (keeapliveTimeTimer) { clearTimeout(keeapliveTimeTimer); } this.sessions.delete(session); }); }); } } function handleUnary( call: Http2ServerCallStream, handler: UnaryHandler, metadata: Metadata, encoding: string ): void { call.receiveUnaryMessage(encoding, (err, request) => { if (err) { call.sendError(err) return } if (request === undefined || call.cancelled) { return; } const emitter = new ServerUnaryCallImpl( call, metadata, request ); handler.func( emitter, ( err: ServerErrorResponse | ServerStatusResponse | null, value?: ResponseType | null, trailer?: Metadata, flags?: number ) => { call.sendUnaryMessage(err, value, trailer, flags); } ); }); } function handleClientStreaming( call: Http2ServerCallStream, handler: ClientStreamingHandler, metadata: Metadata, encoding: string ): void { const stream = new ServerReadableStreamImpl( call, metadata, handler.deserialize, encoding ); function respond( err: ServerErrorResponse | ServerStatusResponse | null, value?: ResponseType | null, trailer?: Metadata, flags?: number ) { stream.destroy(); call.sendUnaryMessage(err, value, trailer, flags); } if (call.cancelled) { return; } stream.on('error', respond); handler.func(stream, respond); } function handleServerStreaming( call: Http2ServerCallStream, handler: ServerStreamingHandler, metadata: Metadata, encoding: string ): void { call.receiveUnaryMessage(encoding, (err, request) => { if (err) { call.sendError(err) return } if (request === undefined || call.cancelled) { return; } const stream = new ServerWritableStreamImpl( call, metadata, handler.serialize, request ); handler.func(stream); }); } function handleBidiStreaming( call: Http2ServerCallStream, handler: BidiStreamingHandler, metadata: Metadata, encoding: string ): void { const stream = new ServerDuplexStreamImpl( call, metadata, handler.serialize, handler.deserialize, encoding ); if (call.cancelled) { return; } handler.func(stream); }