import * as http2 from 'http2';
export type MetadataValue = string | Buffer;
export type MetadataObject = Map;
export interface MetadataOptions {
idempotentRequest?: boolean;
waitForReady?: boolean;
cacheableRequest?: boolean;
corked?: boolean;
* A class for storing metadata. Keys are normalized to lowercase ASCII.
export declare class Metadata {
protected internalRepr: MetadataObject;
private options;
constructor(options?: MetadataOptions);
* Sets the given value for the given key by replacing any other values
* associated with that key. Normalizes the key.
* @param key The key to whose value should be set.
* @param value The value to set. Must be a buffer if and only
* if the normalized key ends with '-bin'.
set(key: string, value: MetadataValue): void;
* Adds the given value for the given key by appending to a list of previous
* values associated with that key. Normalizes the key.
* @param key The key for which a new value should be appended.
* @param value The value to add. Must be a buffer if and only
* if the normalized key ends with '-bin'.
add(key: string, value: MetadataValue): void;
* Removes the given key and any associated values. Normalizes the key.
* @param key The key whose values should be removed.
remove(key: string): void;
* Gets a list of all values associated with the key. Normalizes the key.
* @param key The key whose value should be retrieved.
* @return A list of values associated with the given key.
get(key: string): MetadataValue[];
* Gets a plain object mapping each key to the first value associated with it.
* This reflects the most common way that people will want to see metadata.
* @return A key/value mapping of the metadata.
getMap(): {
[key: string]: MetadataValue;
* Clones the metadata object.
* @return The newly cloned object.
clone(): Metadata;
* Merges all key-value pairs from a given Metadata object into this one.
* If both this object and the given object have values in the same key,
* values from the other Metadata object will be appended to this object's
* values.
* @param other A Metadata object.
merge(other: Metadata): void;
setOptions(options: MetadataOptions): void;
getOptions(): MetadataOptions;
* Creates an OutgoingHttpHeaders object that can be used with the http2 API.
toHttp2Headers(): http2.OutgoingHttpHeaders;
* This modifies the behavior of JSON.stringify to show an object
* representation of the metadata map.
toJSON(): {
[key: string]: MetadataValue[];
* Returns a new Metadata object based fields in a given IncomingHttpHeaders
* object.
* @param headers An IncomingHttpHeaders object.
static fromHttp2Headers(headers: http2.IncomingHttpHeaders): Metadata;