import {client} from '@haiku/sdk-client'; import {inkstone} from '@haiku/sdk-inkstone'; import {ErrorCode} from '@haiku/sdk-inkstone/lib/errors'; import { DEFAULT_BRANCH_NAME, fetchProjectConfigInfo, getHaikuComponentInitialVersion, storeConfigValues, } from '@haiku/sdk-client/lib/ProjectDefinitions'; import {bootstrapSceneFilesSync} from '@haiku/sdk-client/lib/bootstrapSceneFilesSync'; import {createProjectFiles} from '@haiku/sdk-client/lib/createProjectFiles'; import * as chalk from 'chalk'; import {execSync} from 'child_process'; import * as dedent from 'dedent'; import * as fs from 'fs'; // @ts-ignore import * as hasbin from 'hasbin'; import * as inquirer from 'inquirer'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import * as path from 'path'; // @ts-ignore import * as prependFile from 'prepend-file'; import {IContext, Nib} from './nib'; // tslint:disable-next-line:no-var-requires const pkg = require('./../package.json'); const cli = new Nib({ name: 'haiku', version: pkg.version, description: 'The Haiku CLI — developer utilities for automating Haiku actions and performing local and' + ' server-enabled actions without requiring the desktop app.', preAction (context: IContext) { client.config.getenv(); }, commands: [ { name: 'list', action: doList, flags: [ { name: 'organizations', defaultValue: undefined, description: 'include to list organizations your account is a member of instead of projects', }, ], description: 'Lists your team projects', }, { name: 'change-password', action: doChangePassword, description: 'Changes your Haiku account password (interactive)', }, { name: 'clone', action: doClone, description: 'Clone a Haiku project to your filesystem, passing through to git clone', args: [ { name: 'project-name', required: true, usage: 'Clone a Haiku project to your filesystem, passing through to git clone', }, { name: 'destination', required: false, usage: 'Optional: location on the file system where the project should be cloned', }, ], }, { name: 'delete', action: doDelete, description: 'Deletes a Haiku project for your entire team. Cannot be undone.', args: [ { name: 'project-name', required: false, usage: 'Specifies the name of the project to delete (case-sensitive.) If this isn\'t provided, the action' + ' will be interactive.', }, ], }, { name: 'init', action: doInit, description: 'Inits a project for installing @haiku modules. ' + 'Will write or append to a .npmrc in this directory.', }, { name: 'install', action: doInstall, description: 'Install a Haiku project as an npm module, requires a package.json', args: [ { name: 'project-name', required: true, usage: 'Specifies the name of the project to install as a dependency. Case-sensitive.', }, ], }, { name: 'login', action: doLogin, description: 'Logs into Haiku services. (interactive)', }, { name: 'logout', action: doLogout, description: 'Logs out of Haiku services.', }, { name: 'update', aliases: ['upgrade'], args: [ { name: 'project-name', required: false, usage: 'Specifies the name of the project to update as a dependency. Case-sensitive. If not provided,' + ' will update all detected Haiku projects.', }, { name: 'version', required: false, usage: 'Specifies the version to update specified dependency to. If not provided, will update to the' + ' latest available version.', }, ], action: doUpdate, description: 'Updates dependencies', }, { name: 'generate', aliases: ['g'], args: [ { name: 'component-name', required: true, usage: 'Specifies the name of new component to be generated. Case-sensitive and must be unique.', }, ], action: generateComponent, description: 'Generate new component', }, ], }); export {cli}; function ensureAuth (context: IContext, cb: (authToken: string) => void) { const authToken: string = client.config.getAuthToken(); if (authToken) { inkstone.setConfig({authToken}); cb(authToken); return; } context.writeLine('You must be authenticated to do that.'); doLogin(context, () => { const newToken: string = client.config.getAuthToken(); if (newToken) { inkstone.setConfig({authToken: newToken}); cb(newToken); return; } context.writeLine('Hm, that didn\'t work. Let\'s try again.'); ensureAuth(context, cb); }); } function doChangePassword (context: IContext) { ensureAuth(context, (token) => { inquirer.prompt([ { type: 'password', name: 'OldPassword', message: 'Old Password:', }, { type: 'password', name: 'NewPassword', message: 'New Password:', }, { type: 'password', name: 'NewPassword2', message: 'New Password (confirm):', }, ]).then((answers: inquirer.Answers) => { if (answers.NewPassword !== answers.NewPassword2) { context.writeLine('New passwords do not match.')); process.exit(1); } const params: inkstone.user.ChangePasswordParams = { OldPassword: answers.OldPassword, NewPassword: answers.NewPassword, }; inkstone.user.changePassword(token, params, (err, responseBody, response) => { if (err) { context.writeLine(chalk.bold(`Unabled to change password: `) + err); process.exit(1); } else { context.writeLine('Password updated.')); } }); }); }); } function doClone (context: IContext) { const projectName = context.args['project-name']; let destination = context.args.destination || projectName; if (destination.charAt(destination.length - 1) !== '/') { destination += '/'; } ensureAuth(context, (token) => { context.writeLine('Cloning project...'); inkstone.project.get({Name: projectName}, (getByNameErr, projectAndCredentials) => { if (getByNameErr) { switch (getByNameErr.message) { case ErrorCode.ErrorCodeProjectNotFound: context.writeLine(chalk.bold(`Project ${projectName} not found.`)); break; case ErrorCode.ErrorCodeProjectNameRequired: context.writeLine(chalk.bold(`Project name is required.`)); break; } process.exit(1); } client.git.cloneRepo(projectAndCredentials.RepositoryUrl, destination, (cloneErr) => { if (cloneErr) { context.writeLine('Error cloning project. Use the --verbose flag for more information.')); process.exit(1); } else { context.writeLine(`Project ${chalk.bold(projectName)} cloned to ${chalk.bold(destination)}`); process.exit(0); } }); }); }); } function doDelete (context: IContext) { ensureAuth(context, (token: string) => { context.writeLine(chalk.bold('Please note that deleting this project will delete it for your entire team.')); context.writeLine('Deleting a project cannot be undone!')); const actuallyDelete = (finalProjectName: string) => { inkstone.project.deleteByName({Name: finalProjectName}, (err) => { if (err) { context.writeLine('Error deleting project. Does this project exist?')); process.exit(1); } else { context.writeLine('Project deleted!')); process.exit(0); } }); }; let projectName = context.args['project-name']; if (projectName) { actuallyDelete(projectName); } else { inquirer .prompt([ { type: 'input', name: 'name', message: 'Project Name:', }, ]) .then((answers: inquirer.Answers) => { projectName =; context.writeLine('Deleting project...'); actuallyDelete(projectName); }); } }); } function doInit (context: IContext) { // Set up @haiku scope for this project if it doesn't exist let npmrc = ''; try { npmrc = fs.readFileSync('.npmrc').toString(); } catch (exception) { if (exception.code === 'ENOENT') { // file not found, this is fine } else { // different error, should throw throw (exception); } } if (npmrc.indexOf('@haiku') === -1) { prependFile.sync('.npmrc', dedent` // @haiku:registry=\n `); } } function doInstall (context: IContext) { const projectName = context.args['project-name']; ensureAuth(context, () => { // ensure that npm is installed hasbin('npm', (result: boolean) => { if (result) { // ensure that there's a package.json in this directory if (fs.existsSync(process.cwd() + '/package.json')) { context.writeLine('Installing ' + projectName + '...'); const packageJson = client.npm.readPackageJson(); if (!packageJson.dependencies) { packageJson.dependencies = {}; } // construct project string: @haiku/org-project#latest let projectString = '@haiku/'; inkstone.organization.list((listErr, orgs) => { if (listErr) { context.writeLine('There was an error retrieving your account information.') + ' Please ensure that you have internet access.' + ' If this problem persists, please contact and tell us that you don\'t have an' + ' organization associated with your account.', ); process.exit(1); } // TODO: for multi-org support, get the org name more intelligently than this projectString += orgs[0].Name.toLowerCase() + '-'; inkstone.project.get({Name: projectName}, (getByNameErr, projectAndCredentials) => { if (getByNameErr) { context.writeLine('That project wasn\'t found.') + ' Note that project names are CaseSensitive. ' + 'Please ensure that you have the correct project name, that you\'re logged into the correct' + ' account, and that you have internet access.', ); process.exit(1); } projectString += projectAndCredentials.Name.toLowerCase(); // now projectString should be @haiku/org-project packageJson.dependencies[projectString] = 'latest'; // Set up @haiku scope for this project if it doesn't exist doInit(context); client.npm.writePackageJson(packageJson); try { execSync('npm install'); } catch (e) { context.writeLine(`${'npm install failed.')} Your Haiku packages have been injected` + ' into package.json, but npm install failed. Please try again.'); process.exit(1); } context.writeLine('Haiku project installed successfully.')); process.exit(0); }); }); } else { context.writeLine('haiku install can only be used at the root of a project with a package.json.')); context.writeLine('You can use ' + chalk.bold('haiku clone ProjectName [/Optional/Destination]') + ' to clone the project\'s git repo directly.'); process.exit(1); } } else { context.writeLine('npm was not found on this machine. ') + ' We recommend installing it with nvm:'); process.exit(1); } }); }); } function doList (context: IContext) { ensureAuth(context, () => { if (context.flags.organizations) { inkstone.organization.list((err, organizations, resp) => { if (organizations === undefined || organizations.length === 0) { context.writeLine('You are not a member of any organizations.'); } else { context.writeLine(chalk.cyan('Your Organizations:')); _.forEach(organizations, (org) => { context.writeLine(' ' + org.Name); }); } process.exit(0); }); } else { inkstone.project.list((err, projects) => { if (!projects || projects.length === 0) { context.writeLine('No existing projects. Use ' + chalk.bold('haiku generate') + ' to make a new one!'); process.exit(0); } else { context.writeLine(chalk.cyan('Your team\'s Haiku projects:')); context.writeLine('(To work with one, call ' + chalk.bold('haiku clone project_name') + ' or ' + chalk.bold('haiku install project_name')); _.forEach(projects, (project) => { context.writeLine(' ' + project.Name); }); process.exit(0); } }); } }); } function doLogin (context: IContext, cb?: () => void) { context.writeLine('Enter your Haiku credentials.'); let username = ''; let password = ''; inquirer.prompt([ { type: 'input', name: 'username', message: 'Email:', }, { type: 'password', name: 'password', message: 'Password:', }, ]).then((answers: inquirer.Answers) => { username = answers.username; password = answers.password; inkstone.user.authenticate(username, password, (err, authResponse, httpResponse) => { if (err !== undefined) { if (httpResponse && httpResponse.statusCode === 403) { context.writeLine(chalk.bold.yellow('You must verify your email address before logging in.')); } else { context.writeLine('Username or password incorrect.')); } if (context.flags.verbose) { context.writeLine(err.toString()); } } else { client.config.setAuthToken(authResponse.Token); context.writeLine(`Welcome ${username}!`)); } if (cb) { cb(); } else { process.exit(0); } }); }); } function doLogout () { // TODO: expire auth token on inkstone? client.config.setAuthToken(''); process.exit(0); } // TODO: update only @haiku packages, instead of all updatable packages in package.json function doUpdate (context: IContext) { hasbin('npm', (result: boolean) => { if (result) { try { context.writeLine('Updating packages...'); execSync('npm update'); context.writeLine('Haiku packages updated successfully.')); process.exit(0); } catch (e) { context.writeLine('npm update failed.') + ' This may be a configuration issue with npm. Try running npm install and then running haiku update again.'); process.exit(1); } } else { context.writeLine('npm was not found on this machine. ') + ' We recommend installing it with nvm:'); process.exit(1); } }); } function generateComponent (context: IContext) { const componentName = context.args['component-name']; context.writeLine('Creating component...'); const projectPath = path.join(process.cwd(), componentName); const projectName = componentName; const authorName: string = null; const organizationName: string = null; storeConfigValues(projectPath, { username: authorName, branch: DEFAULT_BRANCH_NAME, version: getHaikuComponentInitialVersion(), organization: organizationName, project: projectName, }); const projectOptions = { organizationName, projectName, projectPath, authorName, skipContentCreation: false, }; createProjectFiles(projectOptions, () => { context.writeLine('Created initial project files'); fetchProjectConfigInfo(projectPath, (err: Error|null, userconfig: any) => { if (err) { throw err; } bootstrapSceneFilesSync(projectPath, 'main', userconfig); context.writeLine('Created main component'); }); }); context.writeLine('Project created'); process.exit(0); } // see ./unimplemented.txt for incomplete player upgrade logic