import { Column } from "./column"; import { Record } from "./record"; import { ResponseTemplate } from "./responsetemplate"; /** * Response Class inheriting from ResponseTemplate Class */ export class Response extends ResponseTemplate { /** * The API Command used within this request */ private command: any; /** * Column names available in this responsse * NOTE: this includes also FIRST, LAST, LIMIT, COUNT, TOTAL * and maybe further specific columns in case of a list query */ private columnkeys: string[]; /** * Container of Column Instances */ private columns: Column[]; /** * Record Index we currently point to in record list */ private recordIndex: number; /** * Record List (List of rows) */ private records: Record[]; /** * Constructor * @param raw API plain response * @param cmd API command used within this request * @param $ph placeholder array to get vars in response description dynamically replaced */ public constructor(raw: string, cmd: any, ph: any = {}) { super(raw); const keys = Object.keys(ph); keys.forEach((varName: string) => { this.raw = this.raw.replace(new RegExp(`{${varName}}`, "g"), ph[varName]); }); this.raw = this.raw.replace(/\{[A-Z_]+\}/g, ""); /* eslint-disable constructor-super */ super(this.raw); /* eslint-enable constructor-super */ this.command = cmd; if ( this.command &&, "PASSWORD") ) { // make password no longer accessible this.command.PASSWORD = "***"; } this.columnkeys = []; this.columns = []; this.recordIndex = 0; this.records = []; if (, "PROPERTY")) { const colKeys = Object.keys(this.hash.PROPERTY); let count = 0; colKeys.forEach((c: string) => { const d = this.hash.PROPERTY[c]; this.addColumn(c, d); if (d.length > count) { count = d.length; } }); for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { const d: any = {}; colKeys.forEach((k: string) => { const col = this.getColumn(k); if (col) { const v = col.getDataByIndex(i); if (v !== null) { d[k] = v; } } }); this.addRecord(d); } } } /** * Add a column to the column list * @param key column name * @param data array of column data * @returns Current Response Instance for method chaining */ public addColumn(key: string, data: string[]): Response { const col = new Column(key, data); this.columns.push(col); this.columnkeys.push(key); return this; } /** * Add a record to the record list * @param h row hash data * @returns Current Response Instance for method chaining */ public addRecord(h: any): Response { this.records.push(new Record(h)); return this; } /** * Get column by column name * @param key column name * @returns column instance or null if column does not exist */ public getColumn(key: string): Column | null { return (this.hasColumn(key) ? this.columns[this.columnkeys.indexOf(key)] : null); } /** * Get Data by Column Name and Index * @param colkey column name * @param index column data index * @returns column data at index or null if not found */ public getColumnIndex(colkey: string, index: number): string | null { const col = this.getColumn(colkey); return col ? col.getDataByIndex(index) : null; } /** * Get Column Names * @returns Array of Column Names */ public getColumnKeys(): string[] { return this.columnkeys; } /** * Get List of Columns * @returns Array of Columns */ public getColumns(): Column[] { return this.columns; } /** * Get Command used in this request * @returns command */ public getCommand(): any { return this.command; } /** * Get Command used in this request in plain text format * @return command as plain text */ public getCommandPlain(): string { let tmp = ""; Object.keys(this.command).forEach((key: string) => { tmp += `${key} = ${this.command[key]}\n`; }); return tmp; } /** * Get Page Number of current List Query * @returns page number or null in case of a non-list response */ public getCurrentPageNumber(): number | null { const first = this.getFirstRecordIndex(); const limit = this.getRecordsLimitation(); if (first !== null && limit) { return Math.floor(first / limit) + 1; } return null; } /** * Get Record of current record index * @returns Record or null in case of a non-list response */ public getCurrentRecord(): Record | null { return this.hasCurrentRecord() ? this.records[this.recordIndex] : null; } /** * Get Index of first row in this response * @returns first row index */ public getFirstRecordIndex(): number | null { const col = this.getColumn("FIRST"); if (col) { const f = col.getDataByIndex(0); if (f !== null) { return parseInt(f, 10); } } if (this.records.length) { return 0; } return null; } /** * Get last record index of the current list query * @returns record index or null for a non-list response */ public getLastRecordIndex(): number | null { const col = this.getColumn("LAST"); if (col) { const l = col.getDataByIndex(0); if (l !== null) { return parseInt(l, 10); } } const len = this.getRecordsCount(); if (len) { return (len - 1); } return null; } /** * Get Response as List Hash including useful meta data for tables * @returns hash including list meta data and array of rows in hash notation */ public getListHash(): any { const lh: any[] = []; this.getRecords().forEach((rec) => { lh.push(rec.getData()); }); return { LIST: lh, meta: { columns: this.getColumnKeys(), pg: this.getPagination(), }, }; } /** * Get next record in record list * @returns Record or null in case there's no further record */ public getNextRecord(): Record | null { if (this.hasNextRecord()) { return this.records[++this.recordIndex]; } return null; } /** * Get Page Number of next list query * @returns page number or null if there's no next page */ public getNextPageNumber(): number | null { const cp = this.getCurrentPageNumber(); if (cp === null) { return null; } const page = cp + 1; const pages = this.getNumberOfPages(); return (page <= pages ? page : pages); } /** * Get the number of pages available for this list query * @returns number of pages */ public getNumberOfPages(): number { const t = this.getRecordsTotalCount(); const limit = this.getRecordsLimitation(); if (t && limit) { return Math.ceil(t / this.getRecordsLimitation()); } return 0; } /** * Get object containing all paging data * @returns paginator data */ public getPagination(): any { return { COUNT: this.getRecordsCount(), CURRENTPAGE: this.getCurrentPageNumber(), FIRST: this.getFirstRecordIndex(), LAST: this.getLastRecordIndex(), LIMIT: this.getRecordsLimitation(), NEXTPAGE: this.getNextPageNumber(), PAGES: this.getNumberOfPages(), PREVIOUSPAGE: this.getPreviousPageNumber(), TOTAL: this.getRecordsTotalCount(), }; } /** * Get Page Number of previous list query * @returns page number or null if there's no previous page */ public getPreviousPageNumber(): number | null { const cp = this.getCurrentPageNumber(); if (cp === null) { return null; } return (cp - 1) || null; } /** * Get previous record in record list * @returns Record or null if there's no previous record */ public getPreviousRecord(): Record | null { if (this.hasPreviousRecord()) { return this.records[--this.recordIndex]; } return null; } /** * Get Record at given index * @param idx record index * @returns Record or null if index does not exist */ public getRecord(idx: number): Record | null { if (idx >= 0 && this.records.length > idx) { return this.records[idx]; } return null; } /** * Get all Records * @returns array of records */ public getRecords(): Record[] { return this.records; } /** * Get count of rows in this response * @returns count of rows */ public getRecordsCount(): number { return this.records.length; } /** * Get total count of records available for the list query * @returns total count of records or count of records for a non-list response */ public getRecordsTotalCount(): number { const col = this.getColumn("TOTAL"); if (col) { const t = col.getDataByIndex(0); if (t !== null) { return parseInt(t, 10); } } return this.getRecordsCount(); } /** * Get limit(ation) setting of the current list query * This is the count of requested rows * @returns limit setting or count requested rows */ public getRecordsLimitation(): number { const col = this.getColumn("LIMIT"); if (col) { const l = col.getDataByIndex(0); if (l !== null) { return parseInt(l, 10); } } return this.getRecordsCount(); } /** * Check if this list query has a next page * @returns boolean result */ public hasNextPage(): boolean { const cp = this.getCurrentPageNumber(); if (cp === null) { return false; } return (cp + 1 <= this.getNumberOfPages()); } /** * Check if this list query has a previous page * @returns boolean result */ public hasPreviousPage(): boolean { const cp = this.getCurrentPageNumber(); if (cp === null) { return false; } return ((cp - 1) > 0); } /** * Reset index in record list back to zero * @returns Current Response Instance for method chaining */ public rewindRecordList(): Response { this.recordIndex = 0; return this; } /** * Check if column exists in response * @param key column name * @returns boolean result */ private hasColumn(key: string): boolean { return (this.columnkeys.indexOf(key) !== -1); } /** * Check if the record list contains a record for the * current record index in use * @returns boolean result */ private hasCurrentRecord(): boolean { const len = this.records.length; return ( len > 0 && this.recordIndex >= 0 && this.recordIndex < len ); } /** * Check if the record list contains a next record for the * current record index in use * @returns boolean result */ private hasNextRecord(): boolean { const next = this.recordIndex + 1; return (this.hasCurrentRecord() && (next < this.records.length)); } /** * Check if the record list contains a previous record for the * current record index in use * @returns boolean result */ private hasPreviousRecord(): boolean { return (this.recordIndex > 0 && this.hasCurrentRecord()); } }