import { MigrationInfo } from "./ManagementAPIClient"; import type { BatchMigrationCreateComponentFieldInput as CreateComponentFieldParams, BatchMigrationCreateComponentInput as CreateComponentParams, BatchMigrationCreateComponentUnionFieldInput as CreateComponentUnionFieldParams, BatchMigrationCreateEnumerableFieldInput as CreateEnumerableFieldParams, BatchMigrationCreateEnumerationInput as CreateEnumerationParams, BatchMigrationCreateGraphQlRemoteSourceInput as CreateGraphQLRemoteSourceParams, BatchMigrationCreateLocaleInput as CreateLocaleParams, BatchMigrationCreateModelInput as CreateModelParams, BatchMigrationCreateRelationalFieldInput as CreateRelationalFieldParams, BatchMigrationCreateRemoteFieldInput as CreateRemoteFieldParams, BatchMigrationCreateRestRemoteSourceInput as CreateRESTRemoteSourceParams, BatchMigrationCreateSimpleFieldInput as CreateSimpleFieldParams, BatchMigrationCreateStageInput as CreateStageParams, BatchMigrationCreateUnionFieldInput as CreateUnionFieldParams, BatchMigrationDeleteComponentInput as DeleteComponentParams, BatchMigrationDeleteEnumerationInput as DeleteEnumerationParams, BatchMigrationDeleteFieldInput as DeleteFieldParams, BatchMigrationDeleteLocaleInput as DeleteLocaleParams, BatchMigrationDeleteModelInput as DeleteModelParams, BatchMigrationDeleteRemoteSourceInput as DeleteRemoteSourceParams, BatchMigrationDeleteStageInput as DeleteStageParams, BatchMigrationUpdateComponentFieldInput as UpdateComponentFieldParams, BatchMigrationUpdateComponentInput as UpdateComponentParams, BatchMigrationUpdateComponentUnionFieldInput as UpdateComponentUnionFieldParams, BatchMigrationUpdateEnumerableFieldInput as UpdateEnumerableFieldParams, BatchMigrationUpdateEnumerationInput as UpdateEnumerationParams, BatchMigrationUpdateGraphQlRemoteSourceInput as UpdateGraphQLRemoteSourceParams, BatchMigrationUpdateLocaleInput as UpdateLocaleParams, BatchMigrationUpdateModelInput as UpdateModelParams, BatchMigrationUpdateRelationalFieldInput as UpdateRelationalFieldParams, BatchMigrationUpdateRemoteFieldInput as UpdateRemoteFieldParams, BatchMigrationUpdateRestRemoteSourceInput as UpdateRESTRemoteSourceParams, BatchMigrationUpdateSimpleFieldInput as UpdateSimpleFieldParams, BatchMigrationUpdateStageInput as UpdateStageParams, BatchMigrationUpdateUnionFieldInput as UpdateUnionFieldParams } from "./mgmtServerTypes"; export declare class Client { private scheduledMigrations; private endpoint; private authToken; private name?; private wasExecuted; constructor(params: MigrationParams); /** * creates a new model * @param data.apiId - The model apiId * @param data.apiIdPlural - The models plural apiId. This is used for lists * @param data.displayName - Display name that is used to render the model in the webapp * @param data.description - Optional description of the model */ createModel(data: CreateModelParams): void; /** */ updateModel(data: UpdateModelParams): void; /** */ deleteModel(data: DeleteModelParams): void; /** */ createComponent(data: CreateComponentParams): void; /** */ updateComponent(data: UpdateComponentParams): void; /** */ deleteComponent(data: DeleteComponentParams): void; /** */ createSimpleField(data: CreateSimpleFieldParams): void; /** */ updateSimpleField(data: UpdateSimpleFieldParams): void; /** */ createRemoteField(data: CreateRemoteFieldParams): void; /** */ updateRemoteField(data: UpdateRemoteFieldParams): void; /** * @param data.isRequired - * * Marks the field as required. * * Note: This is only supported for RelationFieldType ASSET! * */ createRelationalField(data: CreateRelationalFieldParams): void; /** * @param data.isRequired - * * Marks the field as required. * * Note: This is only supported for RelationFieldType ASSET! * */ updateRelationalField(data: UpdateRelationalFieldParams): void; /** */ createUnionField(data: CreateUnionFieldParams): void; /** */ updateUnionField(data: UpdateUnionFieldParams): void; /** */ createComponentField(data: CreateComponentFieldParams): void; /** */ updateComponentField(data: UpdateComponentFieldParams): void; /** */ createComponentUnionField(data: CreateComponentUnionFieldParams): void; /** */ updateComponentUnionField(data: UpdateComponentUnionFieldParams): void; /** */ createEnumerableField(data: CreateEnumerableFieldParams): void; /** */ updateEnumerableField(data: UpdateEnumerableFieldParams): void; /** */ deleteField(data: DeleteFieldParams): void; /** */ createEnumeration(data: CreateEnumerationParams): void; /** */ updateEnumeration(data: UpdateEnumerationParams): void; /** */ deleteEnumeration(data: DeleteEnumerationParams): void; /** */ createStage(data: CreateStageParams): void; /** */ deleteStage(data: DeleteStageParams): void; /** */ updateStage(data: UpdateStageParams): void; /** */ createLocale(data: CreateLocaleParams): void; /** */ deleteLocale(data: DeleteLocaleParams): void; /** */ updateLocale(data: UpdateLocaleParams): void; /** * @param data.prefix - Unique prefix that will be prepended to all of the remote types. This value cannot be changed! * @param data.introspectionUrl - * * Specific URL that will be used for introspection if the introspection is available on another url than the regular url. * * Can be ignored if the introspection url is the same as the url of the remote source. * * @param data.introspectionMethod - HTTP method that will be used for introspection * @param data.introspectionHeaders - HTTP headers that will be used for introspection * @param data.remoteTypeDefinitions - Custom GraphQL input types that can be used as arguments in remote fields that belong to this remoteSource */ createGraphQLRemoteSource(data: CreateGraphQLRemoteSourceParams): void; /** */ updateGraphQLRemoteSource(data: UpdateGraphQLRemoteSourceParams): void; /** * @param data.prefix - Unique prefix that will be prepended to all of the remote types. This value cannot be changed! * @param data.remoteTypeDefinitions - Remote type definitions that the remote source supports or input types that can be used by any remote field of this remote source */ createRESTRemoteSource(data: CreateRESTRemoteSourceParams): void; /** */ updateRESTRemoteSource(data: UpdateRESTRemoteSourceParams): void; /** */ deleteRemoteSource(data: DeleteRemoteSourceParams): void; /** Returns all migrations that would have been sent on submit */ dryRun(): Migrations[]; /** * Submits all scheduled migrations to the management server * @foreground Wait until the migrations are scheduled and executed. If false the migrations will be submitted, but the result won't be awaited. */ run(foreground?: boolean): Promise; } interface MigrationParams { name?: string; endpoint: string; authToken: string; } declare type Migrations = { operationName: string; params: CreateModelParams | UpdateModelParams | DeleteModelParams | CreateComponentParams | UpdateComponentParams | DeleteComponentParams | CreateSimpleFieldParams | UpdateSimpleFieldParams | CreateRemoteFieldParams | UpdateRemoteFieldParams | CreateRelationalFieldParams | UpdateRelationalFieldParams | CreateUnionFieldParams | UpdateUnionFieldParams | CreateComponentFieldParams | UpdateComponentFieldParams | CreateComponentUnionFieldParams | UpdateComponentUnionFieldParams | CreateEnumerableFieldParams | UpdateEnumerableFieldParams | DeleteFieldParams | CreateEnumerationParams | UpdateEnumerationParams | DeleteEnumerationParams | CreateStageParams | DeleteStageParams | UpdateStageParams | CreateLocaleParams | DeleteLocaleParams | UpdateLocaleParams | CreateGraphQLRemoteSourceParams | UpdateGraphQLRemoteSourceParams | CreateRESTRemoteSourceParams | UpdateRESTRemoteSourceParams | DeleteRemoteSourceParams; }; export {};