import debugFactory from 'debug'; import {sync as glob} from 'glob'; import {readFile, writeFile} from 'mz/fs'; import {dirname, resolve} from 'path'; import {load} from './config'; import { findProjectRoot, isAlleRepo, read as readRootPackage, write as writeRootPackage, } from './project'; import {spawn} from './spawn'; import {sortObject} from './util'; import {select} from './version'; const debug = debugFactory('clark:lib:packages'); const pathsByPackage = new Map(); const packagesByPath = new Map(); let initialized = false; interface EnvObject { [key: string]: string; } /** * Executes the specified command against the specified package * @param cmd * @param packageName */ export async function exec(cmd: string, packageName: string): Promise { if (!await isPackage(packageName)) { throw new Error(`"${packageName}" does not appear to identify a package`); } debug(`running command "${cmd}" in directory for package "${packageName}"`); const bin = 'bash'; const args = ['-c', cmd]; const {PATH, ...env} = process.env; const clarkEnv = { CLARK_PACKAGE_ABS_PATH: resolve( await findProjectRoot(), await getPackagePath(packageName), ), CLARK_PACKAGE_NAME: packageName, CLARK_PACKAGE_REL_PATH: await getPackagePath(packageName), CLARK_ROOT_PATH: await findProjectRoot(), ...filterEnv(env), }; try { const result = await spawn(bin, args, { cwd: resolve(await findProjectRoot(), await getPackagePath(packageName)), env: { ...clarkEnv, PATH: `${PATH}:${resolve( await findProjectRoot(), 'node_modules', '.bin', )}`, }, }); debug(`ran command "${cmd}" in directory for package "${packageName}"`); return result; } catch (err) { debug(`command "${cmd}" failed for package "${packageName}"`); throw err; } } /** * Executes the specified npm script in the specified package. If the package * does not have a definition for the script and fallbackScript is provided, * then fallbackScript will be executed directly (i.e., run as a bash command, * not as an npm script). * @param scriptName * @param packageName * @param fallbackScript */ export async function execScript( scriptName: string, packageName: string, fallbackScript?: string, ): Promise { debug(`Running script "${scriptName}" in "${packageName}"`); if (await hasScript(packageName, scriptName)) { debug('Using override script'); return await exec(`npm run --silent ${scriptName}`, packageName); } if (!fallbackScript) { debug( `Neither override nor fallback script defined for script "${scriptName}"`, ); throw new Error(`${packageName} does not implement ${scriptName}`); } debug(`Falling back to run "${scriptName}" in "${packageName}"`); return await exec(fallbackScript, packageName); } /** * Removes any `CLARK_` prefixed variables from env before passing them to * `spawn()`. * @param env */ function filterEnv(env: object): object { return Object.entries(env).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => { if (!key.startsWith('CLARK_')) { acc[key] = value; } return acc; }, {}); } /** * Higher-level version of that "does the right thing" whether packageName is * provided or not. * @param options */ export async function gather(options: gather.Options): Promise { options = await infer(options); const {packageName} = options; if (packageName) { if (Array.isArray(packageName)) { debug(`User specified ${packageName.length} packages`); return packageName.sort(); } else { debug('User specified a single package'); return [packageName]; } } debug('User did not specify an packages; listing all packages'); return (await list()).sort(); } export namespace gather { /** * Options for gather() */ export interface Options { packageName?: string | string[]; } } /** * Returns the relative path from the monorepo root to the directory containing * the specified package's package.json. * @param packageName */ export async function getPackagePath(packageName: string): Promise { await init(); if (!await isPackage(packageName)) { throw new Error(`"${packageName}" does not appear to identify a package`); } return pathsByPackage.get(packageName); } /** * Indicates if the specified package has an implementation of the specified * npm script * @param packageName * @param scriptName */ export async function hasScript( packageName: string, scriptName: string, ): Promise { debug(`Checking if "${packageName}" has a "${scriptName}" script`); const pkg = await read(packageName); const has = !!(pkg.scripts && pkg.scripts[scriptName]); debug( `"${packageName}" ${ has ? ' has ' : ' does not have ' } a script named "${scriptName}"`, ); return has; } /** * Moves dependencies and dev dependencies from the specified package's * package.json to the dependencies section of the root package.json. Note that * dependencies and devDepenencies are combined because the distinction loses * meaning in a monorepo (arguably, they should all be devDependencies, but * that's not where `npm install` defaults). * @param packageName */ export async function hoist( packageName: string, options: hoist.Options = {risky: false}, ): Promise { debug(`Reading deps from "${packageName}"`); const pkg = await read(packageName); const rootPkg = await readRootPackage(); rootPkg.dependencies = rootPkg.dependencies || {}; const deps = { ...pkg.dependencies, ...pkg.devDependencies, }; for (const [depName, depVersion] of Object.entries(deps)) { const rootVersion = rootPkg.dependencies[depName]; if (!rootVersion) { debug( `Root package does not yet have a version of "${depName}", defaulting to "${packageName}"'s version of "${depVersion}"`, ); rootPkg.dependencies[depName] = depVersion; } else if (options.risky) { debug( `Checking if root "${depName}@${rootVersion}" is loosely compatible with "${depName}@${depVersion}"`, ); try { const toUseVersion = select(rootVersion, depVersion as string); rootPkg.dependencies[depName] = toUseVersion; debug( `"root ${depName}@${rootVersion}" is loosely compatible with "${packageName}" "${depName}@${depVersion}"`, ); } catch (err) { debug( `"root ${depName}@${rootVersion}" is not loosely compatible with "${packageName}" "${depName}@${depVersion}"`, ); throw new Error( `Cowardly refusing to overwrite "${depName}@${rootVersion}" for "${depName}@${depVersion}" from "${packageName}"`, ); } } else { debug( `Checking if root "${depName}@${rootVersion}" is strictly compatible with "${depName}@${depVersion}"`, ); if (rootVersion !== depVersion) { debug( `"root ${depName}@${rootVersion}" is not strictly compatible with "${packageName}" "${depName}@${depVersion}"`, ); throw new Error( `Cowardly refusing to overwrite "${depName}@${rootVersion}" for "${depName}@${depVersion}" from "${packageName}"`, ); } debug( `"root ${depName}@${rootVersion}" is strictly compatible with "${packageName}" "${depName}@${depVersion}"`, ); rootPkg.dependencies[depName] = depVersion; } } delete pkg.dependencies; delete pkg.devDependencies; if (!isAlleRepo(await listPaths())) { rootPkg.dependencies[packageName] = `file:./${await getPackagePath( packageName, )}`; } rootPkg.dependencies = sortObject(rootPkg.dependencies); await write(packageName, pkg); await writeRootPackage(rootPkg); } export namespace hoist { /** * Options for the hoist function */ export interface Options { risky?: boolean; } } /** * Attempts to infer the intended packageName from the current directory * @param options */ export async function infer( options: MaybeSpecifiesPackageName, ): Promise { debug('Inferring packageName if necessary'); if (options.packageName) { debug('packageName was specified, not inferring'); return options; } if (options.packageName === false) { debug('packageName inferrence has been disabled'); return options; } debug('packageName was not specified'); await init(); const relCwd = process .cwd() .replace(await findProjectRoot(), '') .replace(/^\//, ''); if (await isPackagePath(relCwd)) { debug('Inferred packageName'); options.packageName = packagesByPath.get(relCwd); } else { debug('Could not infer packageName'); } return options; } /** * Describes an Options object that might have a packageName property */ export interface MaybeSpecifiesPackageName { packageName?: string | string[] | false; } /** * Describes an Options object that has a packageName property */ export interface SpecifiesPackageName { packageName: string | string[]; } /** * Describes an Options object that does not have a packageName property */ export interface DoesNotSpecifyPackageName {} /** * Helper */ async function init(): Promise { if (!initialized) { initialized = true; debug('Globbing for packages'); const patterns = (await load()).include || []; for (const pattern of Array.isArray(patterns) ? patterns : [patterns]) { await listPackagesInGlob(pattern); } } } /** * Indicates if the given packageName identifies a package in the monorpeo * @param packageName */ export async function isPackage(packageName: string): Promise { await init(); return pathsByPackage.has(packageName); } /** * Indicates if the given directory contains a package * @param dir */ export async function isPackagePath(dir: string): Promise { await init(); return packagesByPath.has(dir); } /** * Returns the names of the packages defined in the project * * Note: This packages are the package.json names, not necessarily the directory * paths containing the packages. */ export async function list(): Promise { await init(); return [...pathsByPackage.keys()]; } /** * Loads all packages found in a particular glob pattern * * @param pattern */ async function listPackagesInGlob(pattern: string): Promise { debug(`Listing packages in "${pattern}"`); // I'm a little concerned just tacking package.json on the end could break // certain glob patterns, but I don't have any proof to back that up. const paths = glob(`${pattern}/package.json`, {cwd: await findProjectRoot()}); debug(`Found ${paths.length} directories in "${pattern}"`); for (const packagePath of paths) { debug(`Getting name of package at "${packagePath}" from package.json`); const dir = dirname(packagePath); const pkg = JSON.parse( await readFile(resolve(await findProjectRoot(), packagePath), 'utf-8'), ); debug(`Found "${}" in "${dir}"`); if (pathsByPackage.has( && pathsByPackage.get( !== dir) { throw new Error( `Package names must be unique. "${ } found in "${dir}" and "${pathsByPackage.get(}"`, ); } pathsByPackage.set(, dir); packagesByPath.set(dir,; } } /** * Returns the directory paths of each package.json */ export async function listPaths(): Promise { await init(); return [...packagesByPath.keys()]; } /** * Reads a package.json from the monorepo * @param packageName */ export async function read(packageName: string) { const packagePath = resolve( await findProjectRoot(), await getPackagePath(packageName), 'package.json', ); debug(`Reading package "${packageName}" at path "${packagePath}"`); return JSON.parse(await readFile(packagePath, 'utf-8')); } /** * Writes a new package.json to the appropriate package * @param packageName * @param pkg */ export async function write(packageName: string, pkg: object) { const packagePath = resolve( await findProjectRoot(), await getPackagePath(packageName), 'package.json', ); debug(`Writing package "${packageName}" at path "${packagePath}"`); return await writeFile(packagePath, `${JSON.stringify(pkg, null, 2)}\n`); }