import { Component, ComponentType, ReactNode } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; /** --- category: utilities/react --- Abstract component identifier. Helpful for picking out a specific child. ```js class App extends Component { render () { const title = pick(Title, this.props.children) const content = pick(Content, this.props.children) return (
{title} {content}
) } } class Title extends ComponentIdentifier { static displayName = 'Title' } class Content extends ComponentIdentifier { static displayName = 'Content' } ReactDOM.render( <h2>Hello World!</h2>
This text gets decorated within `App`.
, document.getElementById('container') ) ``` @module ComponentIdentifier **/ declare class ComponentIdentifier

extends Component

{ static propTypes: { children: PropTypes.Requireable; }; static defaultProps: { children: null; }; static pick: (component: ComponentType, children: ReactNode) => undefined; render(): JSX.Element | null; } export default ComponentIdentifier; export { /** * * Pick a specific child component from a component's children * * @param {Component} component The component to look for * @param {Array} children The child components to look through * @return {Component} The matching component if found, otherwise undefined */ ComponentIdentifier }; //#