'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); const unplugin$1 = require('unplugin'); const createDebug = require('debug'); const pc = require('picocolors'); const path = require('node:path'); const pathe = require('pathe'); const shared = require('@intlify/shared'); const bundleUtils = require('@intlify/bundle-utils'); const pluginutils = require('@rollup/pluginutils'); const fg = require('fast-glob'); const node_fs = require('node:fs'); const compilerSfc = require('vue/compiler-sfc'); const vueI18nExtensions = require('@intlify/vue-i18n-extensions'); const scopeManager = require('@typescript-eslint/scope-manager'); const typescriptEstree = require('@typescript-eslint/typescript-estree'); const eslintUitls = require('@eslint-community/eslint-utils'); function _interopDefaultCompat (e) { return e && typeof e === 'object' && 'default' in e ? e.default : e; } const createDebug__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultCompat(createDebug); const pc__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultCompat(pc); const path__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultCompat(path); const fg__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultCompat(fg); const eslintUitls__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultCompat(eslintUitls); const PKG_NAME = "unplugin-vue-i18n"; function warn(...args) { console.warn(pc__default.yellow(pc__default.bold(`[${PKG_NAME}] `)), ...args); } function error(...args) { console.error(pc__default.red(pc__default.bold(`[${PKG_NAME}] `)), ...args); } function raiseError(message) { throw new Error(`[${PKG_NAME}] ${message}`); } function resolveNamespace(name) { return `${PKG_NAME}:${name}`; } function getVitePlugin(config, name) { return config.plugins.find((p) => p.name === name); } function checkVuePlugin(vuePlugin) { if (vuePlugin == null || !vuePlugin.api) { error( "`@vitejs/plugin-vue` plugin is not found or invalid version. Please install `@vitejs/plugin-vue` v4.3.4 or later version." ); return false; } return true; } const isWindows = typeof process !== "undefined" && process.platform === "win32"; const windowsSlashRE = /\\/g; function slash(p) { return p.replace(windowsSlashRE, "/"); } function normalizePath(id) { return path__default.posix.normalize(isWindows ? slash(id) : id); } function resolveOptions(options) { const moduleType = options.module || "vue-i18n"; let onlyLocales = []; if (options.onlyLocales) { onlyLocales = shared.isArray(options.onlyLocales) ? options.onlyLocales : [options.onlyLocales]; } let include = options.include; let exclude = void 0; if (include) { if (shared.isArray(include)) { include = include.map((item) => pathe.normalize(item)); } else if (shared.isString(include)) { include = pathe.normalize(include); } } else { exclude = "**/**"; } const forceStringify = !!options.forceStringify; const defaultSFCLang = shared.isString(options.defaultSFCLang) ? options.defaultSFCLang : "json"; const globalSFCScope = !!options.globalSFCScope; const runtimeOnly = shared.isBoolean(options.runtimeOnly) ? options.runtimeOnly : true; const dropMessageCompiler = !!options.dropMessageCompiler; const compositionOnly = moduleType === "vue-i18n" ? shared.isBoolean(options.compositionOnly) ? options.compositionOnly : true : true; const fullInstall = moduleType === "vue-i18n" ? shared.isBoolean(options.fullInstall) ? options.fullInstall : true : false; const ssrBuild = !!options.ssr; const allowDynamic = !!options.allowDynamic; const strictMessage = shared.isBoolean(options.strictMessage) ? options.strictMessage : true; const escapeHtml = !!options.escapeHtml; const optimizeTranslationDirective = shared.isString(options.optimizeTranslationDirective) || shared.isArray(options.optimizeTranslationDirective) ? options.optimizeTranslationDirective : !!options.optimizeTranslationDirective; const translationIdentifiers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const transformI18nBlock = typeof options.transformI18nBlock === "function" ? options.transformI18nBlock : null; return { include, exclude, module: moduleType, onlyLocales, forceStringify, defaultSFCLang, globalSFCScope, runtimeOnly, dropMessageCompiler, compositionOnly, fullInstall, ssrBuild, allowDynamic, strictMessage, escapeHtml, optimizeTranslationDirective, translationIdentifiers, transformI18nBlock }; } function parseVueRequest(id) { const [filename, rawQuery] = id.split(`?`, 2); const params = new URLSearchParams(rawQuery); const ret = {}; const langPart = Object.keys(Object.fromEntries(params)).find( (key) => /lang\./i.test(key) ); ret.vue = params.has("vue"); ret.global = params.has("global"); ret.src = params.has("src"); ret.raw = params.has("raw"); if (params.has("type")) { ret.type = params.get("type"); } if (params.has("blockType")) { ret.blockType = params.get("blockType"); } if (params.has("index")) { ret.index = Number(params.get("index")); } if (params.has("locale")) { ret.locale = params.get("locale"); } if (langPart) { const [, lang] = langPart.split("."); ret.lang = lang; } else if (params.has("lang")) { ret.lang = params.get("lang"); } if (params.has("issuerPath")) { ret.issuerPath = params.get("issuerPath"); } return { filename, query: ret }; } function getVueCompiler(vuePlugin) { return vuePlugin?.api?.options.compiler; } function getVuePluginOptions(vuePlugin) { return { isProduction: vuePlugin?.api?.options.isProduction, root: vuePlugin?.api?.options.root, template: vuePlugin?.api?.options.template, compiler: vuePlugin?.api?.options.compiler }; } function createDescriptor(filename, source, { template, compiler }) { const { descriptor, errors } = compiler.parse(source, { filename, templateParseOptions: template?.compilerOptions }); return { descriptor, errors }; } function getDescriptor(filename, code, options) { const { descriptor, errors } = createDescriptor(filename, code, options); if (errors.length) { throw errors[0]; } return descriptor; } const INTLIFY_BUNDLE_IMPORT_ID = "@intlify/unplugin-vue-i18n/messages"; const VIRTUAL_PREFIX = "\0"; const debug$2 = createDebug__default(resolveNamespace("resource")); function resourcePlugin({ onlyLocales, include, exclude, module, forceStringify, defaultSFCLang, globalSFCScope, runtimeOnly, dropMessageCompiler, compositionOnly, fullInstall, ssrBuild, strictMessage, allowDynamic, escapeHtml, transformI18nBlock }, meta) { const filter = pluginutils.createFilter(include, exclude); const getVueI18nAliasPath = ({ ssr = false, runtimeOnly: runtimeOnly2 = false }) => { return `${module}/dist/${module}${runtimeOnly2 ? ".runtime" : ""}.${!ssr ? "esm-bundler.js" : "node.mjs"}`; }; let isProduction = false; let sourceMap = false; const vueI18nAliasName = module; debug$2(`vue-i18n alias name: ${vueI18nAliasName}`); let vuePlugin = null; const getSfcParser = () => { return vuePlugin ? getVueCompiler(vuePlugin).parse : compilerSfc.parse; }; return { name: resolveNamespace("resource"), /** * NOTE: * * For vite, If we have json (including SFC's custom block), * transform it first because it will be transformed into javascript code by `vite:json` plugin. * * For webpack, This plugin will handle with ‘post’, because vue-loader generate the request query. */ enforce: meta.framework === "vite" ? "pre" : "post", vite: { config() { const defineConfig = { define: { __VUE_I18N_LEGACY_API__: !compositionOnly, __VUE_I18N_FULL_INSTALL__: fullInstall, __INTLIFY_DROP_MESSAGE_COMPILER__: dropMessageCompiler, __VUE_I18N_PROD_DEVTOOLS__: false } }; debug$2("define Config:", defineConfig); const aliasConfig = { resolve: { alias: { [vueI18nAliasName]: getVueI18nAliasPath({ ssr: ssrBuild, runtimeOnly }) } } }; debug$2("alias Config:", aliasConfig); return shared.assign(defineConfig, aliasConfig); }, configResolved(config) { vuePlugin = getVitePlugin(config, "vite:vue"); if (!checkVuePlugin(vuePlugin)) { return; } isProduction = config.isProduction; sourceMap = config.command === "build" ? !!config.build.sourcemap : false; debug$2( `configResolved: isProduction = ${isProduction}, sourceMap = ${sourceMap}` ); const jsonPlugin = getVitePlugin(config, "vite:json"); if (jsonPlugin) { const orgTransform = jsonPlugin.transform; jsonPlugin.transform = async function(code, id) { if (!/\.json$/.test(id) || filter(id)) { return; } const { query } = parseVueRequest(id); if (query.vue) { return; } debug$2("org json plugin"); return orgTransform.apply(this, [code, id]); }; } const esbuildPlugin = getVitePlugin(config, "vite:esbuild"); if (esbuildPlugin) { const orgTransform = esbuildPlugin.transform; esbuildPlugin.transform = async function(code, id) { const result = await orgTransform.apply(this, [ code, id ]); if (result == null) { return result; } const { filename, query } = parseVueRequest(id); if (!query.vue && filter(id) && /\.[c|m]?ts$/.test(id)) { const [_code, inSourceMap] = shared.isString(result) ? [result, void 0] : [result.code, result.map]; let langInfo = defaultSFCLang; langInfo = pathe.parse(filename).ext; const generate = getGenerator(langInfo); const parseOptions = getOptions( filename, isProduction, query, sourceMap, { inSourceMap, isGlobal: globalSFCScope, allowDynamic, strictMessage, escapeHtml, jit: true, onlyLocales, forceStringify } ); debug$2("parseOptions", parseOptions); const { code: generatedCode, map } = generate(_code, parseOptions); debug$2("generated code", generatedCode); debug$2("sourcemap", map, sourceMap); if (_code === generatedCode) return; return { code: generatedCode, map: { mappings: "" } }; } else { return result; } }; } }, async handleHotUpdate({ file, server }) { if (/\.(json5?|ya?ml)$/.test(file)) { const module2 = server.moduleGraph.getModuleById( asVirtualId(INTLIFY_BUNDLE_IMPORT_ID, meta.framework) ); if (module2) { server.moduleGraph.invalidateModule(module2); return [module2]; } } } }, webpack(compiler) { isProduction = compiler.options.mode !== "development"; sourceMap = !!compiler.options.devtool; debug$2(`webpack: isProduction = ${isProduction}, sourceMap = ${sourceMap}`); compiler.options.resolve = normalizeConfigResolveAlias( compiler.options.resolve, meta.framework ); compiler.options.resolve.alias[vueI18nAliasName] = getVueI18nAliasPath({ ssr: ssrBuild, runtimeOnly }); debug$2( `set ${vueI18nAliasName}: ${getVueI18nAliasPath({ ssr: ssrBuild, runtimeOnly })}` ); loadWebpack().then((webpack) => { if (webpack) { compiler.options.plugins.push( new webpack.DefinePlugin({ __VUE_I18N_LEGACY_API__: JSON.stringify(compositionOnly), __VUE_I18N_FULL_INSTALL__: JSON.stringify(fullInstall), __INTLIFY_PROD_DEVTOOLS__: "false" }) ); debug$2(`set __VUE_I18N_LEGACY_API__ is '${compositionOnly}'`); debug$2(`set __VUE_I18N_FULL_INSTALL__ is '${fullInstall}'`); } else { debug$2("ignore vue-i18n feature flags with webpack.DefinePlugin"); } }); if (compiler.options.module) { compiler.options.module.rules.push({ test: /\.(json5?|ya?ml)$/, type: "javascript/auto", include(resource) { return filter(resource); } }); } }, resolveId(id, importer) { debug$2("resolveId", id, importer); if (id === INTLIFY_BUNDLE_IMPORT_ID) { return asVirtualId(id, meta.framework); } }, async load(id) { debug$2("load", id); if (INTLIFY_BUNDLE_IMPORT_ID === getVirtualId(id, meta.framework) && include) { let resourcePaths = []; const includePaths = shared.isArray(include) ? include : [include]; for (const inc of includePaths) { resourcePaths = [...resourcePaths, ...await fg__default(inc)]; } resourcePaths = resourcePaths.filter( (el, pos) => resourcePaths.indexOf(el) === pos ); const code = await generateBundleResources( resourcePaths, isProduction, { forceStringify, strictMessage, escapeHtml } ); return { code, map: { mappings: "" } }; } }, transformInclude(id) { debug$2("transformInclude", id); if (meta.framework === "vite") { return true; } else { const { filename } = parseVueRequest(id); return filename.endsWith("vue") || filename.endsWith(INTLIFY_BUNDLE_IMPORT_ID) || /\.(json5?|ya?ml)$/.test(filename) && filter(filename); } }, async transform(code, id) { const { filename, query } = parseVueRequest(id); debug$2("transform", id, JSON.stringify(query), filename); let langInfo = defaultSFCLang; let inSourceMap; if (!query.vue) { if (/\.(json5?|ya?ml|[c|m]?js)$/.test(id) && filter(id)) { langInfo = pathe.parse(filename).ext; const generate = getGenerator(langInfo); const parseOptions = getOptions( filename, isProduction, query, sourceMap, { inSourceMap, isGlobal: globalSFCScope, allowDynamic, strictMessage, escapeHtml, jit: true, onlyLocales, forceStringify } ); debug$2("parseOptions", parseOptions); const { code: generatedCode, map } = generate(code, parseOptions); debug$2("generated code", generatedCode); debug$2("sourcemap", map, sourceMap); if (code === generatedCode) return; return { code: generatedCode, // prettier-ignore map: { mappings: "" } }; } } else { if (isCustomBlock(query)) { if (shared.isString(query.lang)) { langInfo = query.src ? query.lang === "i18n" ? defaultSFCLang : query.lang : query.lang; } else if (defaultSFCLang) { langInfo = defaultSFCLang; } debug$2("langInfo", langInfo); const generate = /\.?json5?/.test(langInfo) ? bundleUtils.generateJSON : bundleUtils.generateYAML; const parseOptions = getOptions( filename, isProduction, query, sourceMap, { inSourceMap, isGlobal: globalSFCScope, jit: true, strictMessage, escapeHtml, onlyLocales, forceStringify } ); debug$2("parseOptions", parseOptions); let source = await getCode( code, filename, sourceMap, query, getSfcParser(), meta.framework ); if (typeof transformI18nBlock === "function") { const modifiedSource = transformI18nBlock(source); if (modifiedSource && typeof modifiedSource === "string") { source = modifiedSource; } else { warn("transformI18nBlock should return a string"); } } const { code: generatedCode, map } = generate(source, parseOptions); debug$2("generated code", generatedCode); debug$2("sourcemap", map, sourceMap); if (code === generatedCode) return; return { code: generatedCode, // prettier-ignore map: { mappings: "" } }; } } } }; } function getGenerator(ext, defaultGen = bundleUtils.generateJSON) { return /\.?json5?$/.test(ext) ? bundleUtils.generateJSON : /\.ya?ml$/.test(ext) ? bundleUtils.generateYAML : /\.([c|m]?js|[c|m]?ts)$/.test(ext) ? bundleUtils.generateJavaScript : defaultGen; } function normalizeConfigResolveAlias(resolve, framework) { if (resolve && resolve.alias) { return resolve; } if (!resolve) { if (framework === "vite") { return { alias: [] }; } else if (framework === "webpack") { return { alias: {} }; } } else if (!resolve.alias) { if (framework === "vite") { resolve.alias = []; return resolve; } else if (framework === "webpack") { resolve.alias = {}; return resolve; } } } async function loadWebpack() { let webpack = null; try { webpack = await import('webpack').then((m) => m.default || m); } catch (_e) { warn(`webpack not found, please install webpack.`); } return webpack; } async function generateBundleResources(resources, isProduction, { forceStringify = false, isGlobal = false, onlyLocales = [], strictMessage = true, escapeHtml = false, jit = true, transformI18nBlock = void 0 }) { const codes = []; for (const res of resources) { debug$2(`${res} bundle loading ...`); if (/\.(json5?|ya?ml)$/.test(res)) { const { ext, name } = pathe.parse(res); const source = await getRaw(res); const generate = /json5?/.test(ext) ? bundleUtils.generateJSON : bundleUtils.generateYAML; const parseOptions = getOptions(res, isProduction, {}, false, { isGlobal, jit, onlyLocales, strictMessage, escapeHtml, forceStringify, transformI18nBlock }); parseOptions.type = "bare"; const { code } = generate(source, parseOptions); debug$2("generated code", code); codes.push(`${JSON.stringify(name)}: ${code}`); } } return `const isObject = (item) => item && typeof item === 'object' && !Array.isArray(item); const mergeDeep = (target, ...sources) => { if (!sources.length) return target; const source = sources.shift(); if (isObject(target) && isObject(source)) { for (const key in source) { if (isObject(source[key])) { if (!target[key]) Object.assign(target, { [key]: {} }); mergeDeep(target[key], source[key]); } else { Object.assign(target, { [key]: source[key] }); } } } return mergeDeep(target, ...sources); } export default mergeDeep({}, ${codes.map((code) => `{${code}}`).join(",\n")} );`; } async function getCode(source, filename, sourceMap, query, parser, framework = "vite") { const { index, issuerPath } = query; if (!shared.isNumber(index)) { raiseError(`unexpected index: ${index}`); } if (framework === "webpack") { if (issuerPath) { debug$2(`getCode (webpack) ${index} via issuerPath`, issuerPath); return await getRaw(filename); } else { const result = parser(await getRaw(filename), { sourceMap, filename }); const block = result.descriptor.customBlocks[index]; if (block) { const code = block.src ? await getRaw(block.src) : block.content; debug$2(`getCode (webpack) ${index} from SFC`, code); return code; } else { return source; } } } else { return source; } } function isCustomBlock(query) { return !shared.isEmptyObject(query) && "vue" in query && (query["type"] === "custom" || // for vite (@vite-plugin-vue) query["type"] === "i18n" || // for webpack (vue-loader) query["blockType"] === "i18n"); } function getOptions(filename, isProduction, query, sourceMap, { inSourceMap = void 0, forceStringify = false, isGlobal = false, onlyLocales = [], allowDynamic = false, strictMessage = true, escapeHtml = false, jit = true, transformI18nBlock = null }) { const mode = isProduction ? "production" : "development"; const baseOptions = { filename, sourceMap, inSourceMap, forceStringify, allowDynamic, strictMessage, escapeHtml, jit, onlyLocales, env: mode, transformI18nBlock, onWarn: (msg) => { warn(`${filename} ${msg}`); }, onError: (msg, extra) => { const codeFrame = shared.generateCodeFrame( extra?.source || extra?.location?.source || "", extra?.location?.start.column, extra?.location?.end.column ); const errMssage = `${msg} (error code: ${extra?.code}) in ${filename} target message: ${extra?.source} target message path: ${extra?.path} ${codeFrame} `; error(errMssage); throw new Error(errMssage); } }; if (isCustomBlock(query)) { return shared.assign(baseOptions, { type: "sfc", locale: shared.isString(query.locale) ? query.locale : "", isGlobal: isGlobal || !!query.global }); } else { return shared.assign(baseOptions, { type: "plain", isGlobal: false }); } } function getVirtualId(id, framework = "vite") { return framework === "vite" ? id.startsWith(VIRTUAL_PREFIX) ? id.slice(VIRTUAL_PREFIX.length) : "" : id; } function asVirtualId(id, framework = "vite") { return framework === "vite" ? VIRTUAL_PREFIX + id : id; } async function getRaw(path) { return node_fs.promises.readFile(path, { encoding: "utf-8" }); } const debug$1 = createDebug__default(resolveNamespace("directive")); function directivePlugin({ optimizeTranslationDirective, translationIdentifiers }) { let vuePlugin = null; let vuePluginOptions = null; const excludeLangs = ["pug", "jsx", "tsx"]; return { name: resolveNamespace("directive"), enforce: "pre", vite: { config(config) { vuePlugin = getVitePlugin(config, "vite:vue"); if (!checkVuePlugin(vuePlugin)) { return; } if (optimizeTranslationDirective) { vuePlugin.api.options = resolveVueOptions( vuePlugin, optimizeTranslationDirective, translationIdentifiers ); debug$1(`vite:vue options['template']:`, vuePlugin.api.options); } }, configResolved(config) { vuePlugin = getVitePlugin(config, "vite:vue"); if (!checkVuePlugin(vuePlugin)) { return; } } }, async transform(code, id) { if (id.endsWith(".vue")) { const { filename, query } = parseVueRequest(id); if (!excludeLangs.includes(query.lang ?? "")) { if (vuePluginOptions == null) { vuePluginOptions = getVuePluginOptions(vuePlugin); } if (vuePluginOptions?.compiler) { analyzeIdentifiers( getDescriptor(filename, code, vuePluginOptions), vuePluginOptions, translationIdentifiers ); return { code, map: { version: 3, mappings: "", sources: [] } }; } } } } }; } function resolveVueOptions(vuePlugin, optimizeTranslationDirective, translationIdentifiers) { var _a, _b; const vueOptions = vuePlugin.api.options; vueOptions.template || (vueOptions.template = {}); (_a = vueOptions.template).compilerOptions || (_a.compilerOptions = {}); (_b = vueOptions.template.compilerOptions).directiveTransforms || (_b.directiveTransforms = {}); const translationSignatureResolver = (context, baseResolver) => { const { filename } = context; const vuePluginOptions = getVuePluginOptions(vuePlugin); const normalizedFilename = normalizePath( path__default.relative(vuePluginOptions.root, filename) ); const resolveIdentifier2 = translationIdentifiers.get(normalizedFilename); debug$1("resolved vue-i18n Identifier", resolveIdentifier2); if (resolveIdentifier2 == null) { return void 0; } if (resolveIdentifier2.type === "identifier") { return baseResolver(context, resolveIdentifier2.key); } else { const resolvedSignature = baseResolver(context, resolveIdentifier2.key); return resolveIdentifier2?.style === "script-setup" ? `${resolvedSignature}.t` : resolvedSignature; } }; vueOptions.template.compilerOptions.directiveTransforms.t = vueI18nExtensions.transformVTDirective({ translationSignatures: shared.isBoolean(optimizeTranslationDirective) ? translationSignatureResolver : optimizeTranslationDirective }); return vueOptions; } function analyzeIdentifiers(descriptor, { root }, translationIdentifiers) { const source = descriptor.scriptSetup?.content || descriptor.script?.content; debug$1("getDescriptor content", source); if (!source) { return; } const ast = typescriptEstree.parse(source, { range: true }); typescriptEstree.simpleTraverse(ast, { enter(node, parent) { if (parent) { node.parent = parent; } } }); const scopeManager$1 = scopeManager.analyze(ast, { sourceType: "module" }); const scope = getScope(scopeManager$1, ast); const importLocalName = getImportLocalName(scope, "vue-i18n", "useI18n"); if (importLocalName == null) { return; } debug$1("importLocalName", importLocalName); const resolvedIdentifier = getVueI18nIdentifier(scope, importLocalName); if (resolvedIdentifier) { const normalizedFilename = normalizePath( path__default.relative(root, descriptor.filename) ); debug$1("set vue-i18n resolved identifier: ", resolvedIdentifier); translationIdentifiers.set(normalizedFilename, resolvedIdentifier); } } function getScope(manager, node) { const scope = manager.acquire(node, true); if (scope) { if (scope.type === "function-expression-name") { return scope.childScopes[0]; } return scope; } return manager.scopes[0]; } function getImportLocalName(scope, source, imported) { const importDecl = getImportDeclaration(scope, source); if (importDecl) { const specifierNode = importDecl.specifiers.find( (specifierNode2) => isImportedIdentifierInImportClause(specifierNode2) && specifierNode2.imported.name === imported ); return specifierNode ? specifierNode.local.name : null; } return null; } function getImportDeclaration(scope, source) { const tracker = new eslintUitls__default.ReferenceTracker(scope); const traceMap = { [source]: { [eslintUitls__default.ReferenceTracker.ESM]: true, [eslintUitls__default.ReferenceTracker.READ]: true } }; const refs = Array.from(tracker.iterateEsmReferences(traceMap)); return refs.length ? refs[0].node : null; } function isImportedIdentifierInImportClause(node) { return "imported" in node; } function getVueI18nIdentifier(scope, local) { const { callExpression, returnStatement } = getCallExpressionAndReturnStatement(scope, local); if (callExpression == null) { return null; } const id = getVariableDeclarationIdFrom(callExpression); if (id == null) { return null; } const variableIdPairs = parseVariableId(id); debug$1("variableIdPairs:", variableIdPairs); const returnVariableIdPairs = parseReturnStatement(returnStatement); debug$1("returnVariableIdPairs:", returnVariableIdPairs); return resolveIdentifier(variableIdPairs, returnVariableIdPairs); } const EMPTY_NODE_RETURN = { callExpression: null, returnStatement: null }; function getCallExpressionAndReturnStatement(scope, local) { const variable = eslintUitls__default.findVariable(scope, local); if (variable == null) { return EMPTY_NODE_RETURN; } const callExpressionRef = variable.references.find((ref) => { return ref.identifier.parent?.type === typescriptEstree.AST_NODE_TYPES.CallExpression; }); if (callExpressionRef == null) { return EMPTY_NODE_RETURN; } let returnStatement = null; if (callExpressionRef.from.type === "function" && callExpressionRef.from.block.type === typescriptEstree.AST_NODE_TYPES.FunctionExpression && callExpressionRef.from.block.parent.type === typescriptEstree.AST_NODE_TYPES.Property && callExpressionRef.from.block.parent.key.type === typescriptEstree.AST_NODE_TYPES.Identifier && callExpressionRef.from.block.parent.key.name === "setup") { returnStatement = callExpressionRef.from.block.body.body.find( (statement) => { return statement.type === typescriptEstree.AST_NODE_TYPES.ReturnStatement; } ); } return { callExpression: callExpressionRef.identifier.parent, returnStatement }; } function getVariableDeclarationIdFrom(node) { if (node.parent?.type !== typescriptEstree.AST_NODE_TYPES.VariableDeclarator) { return null; } return node.parent.id; } function parseVariableId(node) { if (node.type === typescriptEstree.AST_NODE_TYPES.Identifier) { return [{ key: node.name, value: null }]; } else { const props = node.properties.filter( // ignore RestElement (prop) => prop.type === typescriptEstree.AST_NODE_TYPES.Property ); const pairs = []; for (const prop of props) { if (prop?.key.type === typescriptEstree.AST_NODE_TYPES.Identifier && prop?.value.type === typescriptEstree.AST_NODE_TYPES.Identifier) { pairs.push({ key: prop.key.name, value: prop.value.name }); } } return pairs; } } function parseReturnStatement(node) { const pairs = []; if (node == null || node.argument == null) { return pairs; } if (node.argument.type === typescriptEstree.AST_NODE_TYPES.ObjectExpression) { for (const prop of node.argument.properties) { if (prop.type === typescriptEstree.AST_NODE_TYPES.Property) { if (prop.key.type === typescriptEstree.AST_NODE_TYPES.Identifier && prop.value.type === typescriptEstree.AST_NODE_TYPES.Identifier) { pairs.push({ key: prop.key.name, value: prop.value.name }); } else if (prop.key.type === typescriptEstree.AST_NODE_TYPES.Identifier && prop.value.type === typescriptEstree.AST_NODE_TYPES.MemberExpression && prop.value.object.type === typescriptEstree.AST_NODE_TYPES.Identifier && prop.value.property.type === typescriptEstree.AST_NODE_TYPES.Identifier) { pairs.push({ key: prop.key.name, value: `${prop.value.object.name}.${prop.value.property.name}` }); } } } return pairs; } else if (node.argument.type === typescriptEstree.AST_NODE_TYPES.Identifier) { return pairs; } else { return pairs; } } function resolveIdentifier(localVariables, returnVariable) { if (returnVariable.length === 0) { const variable = localVariables.find((pair) => pair.key === "t"); if (variable && variable.value) { return { type: "identifier", key: variable.value }; } const identifierOnly = localVariables.find((pair) => pair.value === null); if (identifierOnly && identifierOnly.key) { return { type: "object", key: identifierOnly.key, style: "script-setup" }; } return null; } else { const variable = localVariables.find((pair) => pair.key === "t"); if (variable && variable.value) { const returnVar = returnVariable.find( (pair) => pair.value === variable.value ); if (returnVar && returnVar.key) { return { type: "identifier", key: returnVar.key }; } } const identifierOnly = localVariables.find((pair) => pair.value === null); if (identifierOnly && identifierOnly.key) { const targetKey = identifierOnly.key; const returnVar = returnVariable.find( (pair) => pair.value?.startsWith(targetKey) ); if (returnVar && returnVar.key) { return { type: "object", key: returnVar.key, style: "setup-hook" }; } } return null; } } const debug = createDebug__default(resolveNamespace("root")); const unpluginFactory = (options = {}, meta) => { debug("meta framework", meta.framework); if (!["vite", "webpack"].includes(meta.framework)) { raiseError(`This plugin is supported 'vite' and 'webpack' only`); } debug("plugin options (resolving):", options); const resolvedOptions = resolveOptions(options); debug("plugin options (resolved):", resolvedOptions); const plugins = [resourcePlugin(resolvedOptions, meta)]; if (resolvedOptions.optimizeTranslationDirective) { if (meta.framework === "webpack") { raiseError( `The 'optimizeTranslationDirective' option still is not supported for webpack. We are waiting for your Pull Request \u{1F642}.` ); } plugins.push(directivePlugin(resolvedOptions)); } return plugins; }; const unplugin = /* @__PURE__ */ unplugin$1.createUnplugin(unpluginFactory); exports.default = unplugin; exports.unplugin = unplugin; exports.unpluginFactory = unpluginFactory;