export declare class Logger { private start; private scope; constructor(scope: string); ready(color?: string, bold?: boolean): void; finish(color?: string, bold?: boolean): void; private completed(type, color, bold); fail(err: Error): Error; setStartTime(startTime: number): void; /** * Does not print out a time prefix or color any text. Only prefix * with whitespace so the message is lined up with timestamped logs. */ static log(...msg: any[]): void; /** * Prints out a dim colored timestamp prefix, with optional color * and bold message. */ static info(msg: string, color?: string, bold?: boolean): void; /** * Prints out a yellow colored timestamp prefix. */ static warn(...msg: any[]): void; /** * Prints out a error colored timestamp prefix. */ static error(...msg: any[]): void; static unformattedError(msg: string): void; static unformattedDebug(msg: string): void; /** * Prints out a blue colored DEBUG prefix. Only prints out when debug mode. */ static debug(...msg: any[]): void; static wordWrap(msg: any[]): string[]; static formatFileName(rootDir: string, fileName: string): string; static formatHeader(type: string, fileName: string, rootDir: string, startLineNumber?: number, endLineNumber?: number): string; static newLine(): void; static INDENT: string; static MAX_LEN: number; }